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NanoK Development

Installing the build dependencies

NanoK requires python3 (probably at least 3.4, but this was not tested so earlier python3 versions may work). It relies on the hjson and jinja2 packages. Assuming that pip3 is your pip program for python3, run the following to install the python dependencies for the current user:

pip3 install --user -r env/requirements.txt

Then, you need to install the following programs:

  • ninja: the fast incremental and parallel build-system;
  • gcc: the GNU Compiler Collection with C11 support;
  • diff: to compare files.

You can install the right packages using this one-liner, depending on your GNU/Linux distribution. It must be run from the top-source directory of NanoK:

Distribution Command
Debian/Ubuntu cat env/debian_packages.txt | xargs sudo apt install

If you plan to develop for the STM32f4 platform, you will need to install the following tools:

  • the arm-none-eabi- GCC toolchain. You may find it here;
  • the st-link utility, to flash and debug your applications on the hardware target.

See :file:`scripts/` to have an idea of the build and installation procedure of these tools.

Building the Core Unit Tests

The core services provided by NanoK are written in a platform-agnostic module. This allows them to be tested on a Linux-hosted platform, so the underlying logic of NanoK can be unit-tested without the burden of maintaining hardware tests. As such, NanoK is first developed on a Linux-hosted platform, and then implemented on a physical platform.

You should first make sure you are able to compile and run the core test suite on a Linux platform. First generate the appropriate build system, then use the generated to perform the tasks. Assuming a POSIX shell, run the following:

sh ./scripts/
ninja check

To better understand what the tests do, and how to maintain them, please refer to the :doc:`unit` page.

Developping on the STM32f4

As previously mentioned, you will need the install the st-link utility. Run the following:

git clone
make -C stlink release
sudo make -C stlink/build/Release install

Note that this will install st-link on your system. This is required because udev rules are distributed.

Then, run the following to compile, flash and start to run the test application:

ninja gdb-test-run

This will compile the application and uploaded through a GDB server interface. You can now drive the application:


Development Workflow

NanoK is hosted on GitHub, and git is the source control management software used for its development.

The branch master is the stable development branch. All work shall be done in branches. When a feature, bugfix or any other kind of modification to the sources of NanoK is ready, a pull request shall be initiated with the master branch as being the destination. The commits will be rebased onto master and submitted to the continuous integration server. Once all the tests pass, the pull request containing your changes will be rebased onto master.

Coding Guidelines

NanoK is written in C11 with GNU extensions.