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File metadata and controls

354 lines (316 loc) · 12.1 KB



Pretty-print tables into ASCII/Unicode strings.

  • Add Rows one-by-one or as a group
  • Add Header(s) and Footer(s)
  • Auto Index Rows (1, 2, 3 ...) and Columns (A, B, C, ...)
  • Limit the length of the Rows; limit the length of individual Columns
  • Page results by a specified number of Lines
  • Alignment - Horizontal & Vertical
    • Auto (horizontal) Align (numeric columns are aligned Right)
    • Custom (horizontal) Align per column
    • Custom (vertical) VAlign per column (and multi-line column support)
  • Mirror output to an io.Writer object (like os.StdOut)
  • Sort by any of the Columns (by Column Name or Number)
  • Transformers to customize individual cell rendering
  • Completely customizable styles
    • Many ready-to-use styles: style.go
    • Colorize Headers/Body/Footers using ../text/color.go
    • Custom text-case for Headers/Body/Footers
    • Enable separators between each row
    • Render table without a Border
  • Render as:
    • (ASCII/Unicode) Table
    • CSV
    • HTML Table (with custom CSS Class)
    • Markdown Table
| Game of Thrones                                                     +
|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
|   1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |                             |
|  20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
| 300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |                             |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |

A demonstration of all the capabilities can be found here: ../cmd/demo-table

If you want very specific examples, read ahead.


All the examples below are going to start with the following block, although nothing except a single Row is mandatory for the Render() function to render something:

package main

import (


func main() {
    t := table.NewWriter()
    t.AppendHeader(table.Row{"#", "First Name", "Last Name", "Salary"})
        {1, "Arya", "Stark", 3000},
        {20, "Jon", "Snow", 2000, "You know nothing, Jon Snow!"},
    t.AppendRow([]interface{}{300, "Tyrion", "Lannister", 5000})
    t.AppendFooter(table.Row{"", "", "Total", 10000})

Running the above will result in:

|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
|   1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |                             |
|  20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
| 300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |                             |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |


You can customize almost every single thing about the table above. The previous example just defaulted to StyleDefault during Render(). You can use a ready-to-use style (as in style.go) or customize it as you want.

Ready-to-use Styles

Table comes with a bunch of ready-to-use Styles that make the table look really good. Set or Change the style using:


to get:

│   # │ FIRST NAME │ LAST NAME │ SALARY │                             │
│   1 │ Arya       │ Stark     │   3000 │                             │
│  20 │ Jon        │ Snow      │   2000 │ You know nothing, Jon Snow! │
│ 300 │ Tyrion     │ Lannister │   5000 │                             │
│     │            │ TOTAL     │  10000 │                             │

Or if you want to use a full-color mode, and don't care for boxes, use:


to get:

Roll your own Style

You can also roll your own style:

        Name: "myNewStyle",
        Box: table.BoxStyle{
            BottomLeft:       "\\",
            BottomRight:      "/",
            BottomSeparator:  "v",
            Left:             "[",
            LeftSeparator:    "{",
            MiddleHorizontal: "-",
            MiddleSeparator:  "+",
            MiddleVertical:   "|",
            PaddingLeft:      "<",
            PaddingRight:     ">",
            Right:            "]",
            RightSeparator:   "}",
            TopLeft:          "(",
            TopRight:         ")",
            TopSeparator:     "^",
            UnfinishedRow:    " ~~~",
        Color: table.ColorOptions{
            AutoIndexColumn: nil,
            FirstColumn:     nil,
            Footer:          text.Colors{text.BgCyan, text.FgBlack},
            Header:          text.Colors{text.BgHiCyan, text.FgBlack},
            Row:             text.Colors{text.BgHiWhite, text.FgBlack},
            RowAlternate:    text.Colors{text.BgWhite, text.FgBlack},
        Format: table.FormatOptions{
            Footer: text.FormatUpper,
            Header: text.FormatUpper,
            Row:    text.FormatDefault,
        Options: table.Options{
            DrawBorder:      true,
            SeparateColumns: true,
            SeparateFooter:  true,
            SeparateHeader:  true,
            SeparateRows:    false,

Or you can use one of the ready-to-use Styles, and just make a few tweaks:

    t.Style().Color.Header = text.Colors{text.BgHiCyan, text.FgBlack}
    t.Style().Format.Footer = text.FormatLower
    t.Style().Options.DrawBorder = false


You can limit then number of lines rendered in a single "Page". This logic can handle rows with multiple lines too. Here is a simple example:


to get:

|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
|   1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |                             |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |

|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
|  20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |

|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
| 300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |                             |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |

Wrapping (or) Row/Column Width restrictions

You can restrict the maximum (text) width for a Row:


to get:

+-----+------------+-----------+--------+------- ~
|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |        ~
+-----+------------+-----------+--------+------- ~
|   1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |        ~
|  20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You kn ~
| 300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |        ~
+-----+------------+-----------+--------+------- ~
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |        ~
+-----+------------+-----------+--------+------- ~

Column Control - Alignment, Colors, Width and more

You can control a lot of things about individual cells/columns which overrides global properties/styles using the SetColumnConfig() interface:

  • Alignment (horizontal & vertical)
  • Colorization
  • Transform individual cells based on the content
  • Width (minimum & maximum)
    nameTransformer := text.Transformer(func(val interface{}) string {
    	return text.Bold.Sprint(val)

            Name:              "First Name",
            Align:             text.AlignLeft,
            AlignFooter:       text.AlignLeft,
            AlignHeader:       text.AlignLeft,
            Colors:            text.Colors{text.BgBlack, text.FgRed},
            ColorsHeader:      text.Colors{text.BgRed, text.FgBlack, text.Bold},
            ColorsFooter:      text.Colors{text.BgRed, text.FgBlack},
            Transformer:       nameTransformer,
            TransformerFooter: nameTransformer,
            TransformerHeader: nameTransformer,
            VAlign:            text.VAlignMiddle,
            VAlignFooter:      text.VAlignTop,
            VAlignHeader:      text.VAlignBottom,
            WidthMin:          6,
            WidthMax:          64,

Render As ...

Tables can be rendered in other common formats such as:

... CSV


to get:

,First Name,Last Name,Salary,
20,Jon,Snow,2000,"You know nothing\, Jon Snow!"

... HTML Table


to get:

<table class="go-pretty-table">
    <th align="right">#</th>
    <th>First Name</th>
    <th>Last Name</th>
    <th align="right">Salary</th>
    <td align="right">1</td>
    <td align="right">3000</td>
    <td align="right">20</td>
    <td align="right">2000</td>
    <td>You know nothing, Jon Snow!</td>
    <td align="right">300</td>
    <td align="right">5000</td>
    <td align="right">&nbsp;</td>
    <td align="right">10000</td>

... Markdown Table


to get:

| # | First Name | Last Name | Salary |  |
| ---:| --- | --- | ---:| --- |
| 1 | Arya | Stark | 3000 |  |
| 20 | Jon | Snow | 2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
| 300 | Tyrion | Lannister | 5000 |  |
|  |  | Total | 10000 |  |