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My own Django app for easily including Bootstrap and Bootswatch into a Django project..

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Version 3.3.4

My own Django app for easily including Bootstrap, JQuery and Bootswatch into a Django project.

This is a drop in app that includes Bootstrap, JQuery and Bootswatch sources and minimized sources. This app provides context variables for templates that make is easy to use Bootstrap in your Django project. There is also CDN support that is enabled by default and will use a CDN when DEBUG is not enabled.

Also included is Bootswatch and a theme swicther drop down so you can easily try out different styles and the click of a button.


I highly recommend the use of virtualenv

The easiest and probably best way to install is with pip. Simply issue the command:

pip install usethis-django-bootstrap


Configure the app in your Simply add usethis_bootstrap to your INSTALLED_APPS and set some variables.

At a minimum you must add 'usethis_bootstrap.context_processor.bootstrap_urls' to your context processors. An example:

from django.conf import global_settings


Add the usethis-django-bootstrap package urls to yours:

import usethis_bootstrap.urls

urlpatterns += [
        url(r'', include(usethis_bootstrap.urls)),

You can change settings with the BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS dictionary in your project file.

For example, to enable CDN usage when DEBUG is off and to set the default theme/style to 'readable':

Here are the settings show with defaults.

    # enable theme selection
    'enable_themes': True,

    # Use a CDN when DEBUG is disabled
    'use_cdn': True,

    # Default theme name
    'theme': 'bootstrap',

    # CDN URL format for Boostrap CSS
    'css_cdn': '//{bsver}/css/bootstrap.min.css',

    # CDN URL format for Boostrap JS
    'js_cdn': '//{bsver}/js/bootstrap.min.js',

    # CDN URL format for Boostswatch CSS
    'bootswatch_cdn': '//{bsver}/{theme}/bootstrap.min.css'

Context Variables

The context variables made available:

  • BOOTSTRAP_CSS The style tag for including bootstrap css
  • BOOTSTRAP_JQ_JS The style tag for including JQuery javascript
  • BOOTSTRAP_JS The style tag for including bootstrap javascript
  • BOOTSTRAP_THEMES A list of all available themes
  • BOOTSTRAP_CUR_THEME The currently selected theme.

An example base template may look like the following template. You'll need to run the the variables through the |safe filter for them to work.

At the end of the body is where the BOOTSTRAP_JS is used. Be sure to put your Jquery JS tag ahead of the BOOTSTRAP_JS tag.

There is an example of including the theme chooser, {% include "usethis_bootstrap_theme_dropdown.html" %}, in the nav bar.

    {% block page_head %}
        <title>{% block page_title %}Usethis Django Bootstrap{% endblock %}</title>

        {% block page_style_links %}
            {{ BOOTSTRAP_CSS|safe }}
            {{ BOOTSTRAP_THEME_CSS|safe }}

        {% endblock %}{# page_style_links #}

    {% endblock %}{# page_head #}
        {% block page_body %}
        {% block page_body_navbar %}
        <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">
            <div class="navbar-inner">
                <div class="container">

                <a class="brand" href="/">Usethis Django Bootstrap</a>

                <div class="nav-collapse collapse">
                    <ul class="nav">
                    {% block page_body_navbar_items %}
                    {% if not user.is_anonymous %}

                    <li{% if request.path == "/" %} class="active"{% endif %}
                    ><a href="/">Home</a></li>

                    <li{% if request.path == "/account/user/" %} class="active"{% endif %}
                    ><a href="/account/user/">Account</a></li>
                    {% endif %}

                    {% if user.is_superuser %}
                        <li><a href="/admin">Site Admin</a></li>
                    {% endif %}

                    {% if user.is_anonymous %}
                        <li><a href="/account/login">Login</a></li>
                    {% else %}
                        <li><a href="/account/logout">Logout</a></li>
                    {% endif %}

                    {% endblock %}{# page_body_navbar_items #}

                    {# Include the theme chooser, pulled to the right side of the nav bar #}
                    <div style="display: inline-block;" class="pull-right">
                        <ul class="nav pull-right">
                        {% include "usethis_bootstrap_theme_dropdown.html" %}
                </div><!--/.nav-collapse -->
        {% endblock %} {# page_body_navbar #}

        {% block page_body_container %}
        <div class="container">
            {% block page_body_container_inner %}
            {% endblock %}{# page_body_container_inner #}

            <div class="row">
                <div class="span12">
                <hr />
                {% block page_footer %}
                        &copy; Usethis Django Bootstrap 2013
                {% endblock %} {# page_footer #}
        </div> <!-- /container -->

        {% endblock %}{# page_body_container #}
        {% endblock %} {# page_body #}

        {% block page_bottom_js_links %}
            {# Include you jquery here, before bootstrap #}
            {{ BOOTSTRAP_JQ_JS|safe }}
            {{ BOOTSTRAP_JS|safe }}

        {% endblock %}{# page_bottom_js_links #}
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        {% block page_bottom_js %}
        {% endblock %}{# page_bottom_js #}

Using the Style Chooser

Included a simple template to help make adding a style chooser easy.


My own Django app for easily including Bootstrap and Bootswatch into a Django project..






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