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Javalin MVC

Build Javalin route handlers at compile time using controllers and action methods.


This MVC library utilizes Javalin. It is a very lightweight Java REST API framework that avoids the overhead and complexity of more full-blown web frameworks. That makes it more appropriate for small services that run exclusively behind a reverse proxy (e.g., NGinX). It can also be built with Maven, so can exist nicely with other Java projects.

Controllers are awesome!

While Javalin is pretty straight-forward, it does lack some niceties that improve developer productivity. For one, you don't want to have to manually extract values from URL parameters, query strings, headers and the request body (e.g., JSON). You also don't want to deal with different responses. You don't want to have a 1,000 line block of code at the top of your app registering all of the routes. You don't want to have to deal with dependency injection, request filtering, error handling, logging, etc. That's why this project exists.

Basically, it's a compile-time tool (via Java's annotation processing) that converts decorated classes into Javalin route handlers. The annotation processing tool is implemented in the javalin-mvc-core project. The javalin-mvc-api project provides only interfaces and annotations (and classes implemented in terms of those interfaces). The javalin-mvc-core project takes care of implementing those interfaces and including them in the generated code.


This project has not yet been published to Maven Central, so you will need to clone the project locally and install to your local maven repository (or simply include the folders in your project). The following dependencies are needed in your web project:

<!-- Javalin, of course -->
<!-- Dependency Injection -->
<!-- Needed for configuring JSON in Javalin and MVC model binding -->
<!-- The rest of these dependencies are for OpenAPI support. Optional!!! -->

Javalin MVC uses annotation processing (more on this later) so must be setup in your web project's pom.xml in order to be run at compile time:


Defining a controller

A controller is a class decorated with the @Controller annotation. Any methods associated with a route will cause a Javalin route configuration to be generated which creates an instance of the controller, then calls the method. Simple!

So this:

public final class HomeController {
    public ActionResult index() {
        return JsonResult(new IndexModel());

is essentially converted to this:

Javalin app = Javalin.create();
app.get("/", ctx -> {
    HomeController controller = new HomeController();
    ActionResult result = controller.index();

Controller Actions

If a controller method is found that's decorated with @HttpGet, @HttpPost, etc., the processor will add a Javalin route that instantiates the controller and calls the method automatically. The route handler generation happens at compile time, so there's almost no runtime overhead. It's as if you wrote it all by hand.

Action method parameters can be bound to values coming from your request headers, route parameters, query strings, form fields (url encoded) or the request body (JSON, etc.). By default, the method parameter and the request parameter are matched by name, but the @Named annotation can used to override this behavior. Furthermore, you can say explicitly where to bind a parameter from using the @FromForm, @FromHeader, @FromPath or @FromQuery annotations.

Consider this example:

public ActionResult getGreeting(String name, Integer age) { 
    return new ContentResult("Hello " + name + "! You are " + age + " years old!");

In the example above, the first route parameter, query string parameter, etc. matching the name name or age will be passed to the getGreeting method. In the case of age, the value with be automatically converted from a String to an Integer.

You can also inject the HttpContext, the HttpRequest and/or the HttpResponse objects into action methods, as well. This is useful for grabbing other information about the request or manually specifying the response.

Your action methods should return instances of ActionResult. An ActionResult exists for each type of response (JSON, plain text, status codes, redirects, etc.). You can also return void, in which case you must provide a response via HttpResponse.

Pending Features

Here is a list of supported and/or desired features. An x means it is already supported. Feel free to submit an issue for feature requests!!!

  • Specify controllers via @Controller
  • Specify routes via @HttpGet, @HttpPost, etc.
  • Bind parameters from headers, cookies, URL parameters, query strings, and form data by name.
    • Strings
    • Integer (reference type only)
    • Boolean (reference type only)
    • Long (reference type only)
    • Short (reference type only)
    • Byte (reference type only)
    • Double (reference type only)
    • Float (reference type only)
    • BigInteger
    • BigDecimal
    • Dates
      • Date
      • Instant
      • OffsetDateTime
      • ZonedDateTime
      • LocalDateTime
      • LocalDate
    • UUID
    • Arrays
    • File uploads
  • Bind Java object from request body (JSON)
  • Bind Java object from other sources
    • Support Named annotation on fields and setter methods
    • Support setting int, short, byte, char, String, Date, etc.
    • Support setting arrays of int, short, byte, char, String, Date, etc.
    • Support binding values from headers, cookies, URL parameters, query strings, and form data
    • Support overriding binding source using From* annotations on a specific member.
  • Override where parameters are bound from.
  • Support returning ActionResult implementations
    • ContentResult - return plain strings
    • JsonResult - return Object as JSON
    • StatusCodeResult - return HTTP status code (no body)
    • RedirectResult - indicate client to redirect
    • FileStreamResult - send file contents
  • Support returning non-ActionResult values
    • void
    • Primitives, Strings, Dates, UUIDs, etc.
    • Objects using JsonResult
  • Support parameter naming flexibility
  • Support custom/alternative parameter name bindings
  • Support pre-execution interceptor
  • Support post-execution interceptor
  • Support async operations
  • Support dependency injection
    • Inject controller dependencies
    • Inject injector (self-injection)
    • Inject context/request/response objects
  • Open API/Swagger Annotations
    • Now uses built-in Javalin OpenAPI annotations


Dependency injection is at the core of modern software projects. It supports switching between implementations at runtime and promotes testability. Historically, dependency injection has utilized runtime reflection to instantiate objects and inject them. However, waiting to perform injection until runtime comes with the risk of missing bindings that will lead to system failure. There's also the overhead of constructing objects using reflection. However, the Dagger project uses annotation processing to provide compile-time dependency injection. This provides all the benefits of using an inversion of control (IoC) container without the risk of missing bindings causing runtime failures. There's also minimal overhead because there's no reflection involved.

Dagger is integrated into javalin-mvc-core, somewhat dictating the use of Dagger. Dagger, being a compile-time DI library, has a somewhat different API than other DI libraries. Instead of having a global injector.get(Class<?> clz) method that can be used to retrieve every type of object, there are specific methods for each dependency. Ideally, a generic DI interface could be provided so javalin-mvc-core could work against any DI library, but this dramatic difference in API makes that infeasible. It was a tough decision, but I ended up choosing Dagger. Technically, you can wire in your own choice of DI library on top of Dagger.

The javalin-mvc-core project needs to know how to instantiate objects with Dagger. The JavalinControllerModule is provided to wire up types defined in the javalin-mvc-api project. There is also a ControllerContainer interface that the main Dagger container interface must extend. Your Dagger container will, minimally, look like this:

@Component(modules = { JavalinControllerModule.class })
public interface WebContainer extends ControllerContainer {

This allows Javalin MVC to instantiate objects as needed. If any of this is missing, Javalin MVC will assume your controllers have default constructors.

An example main

An example main method might look like this:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Javalin app = Javalin.create(config -> {
        // Remove the following line to disable Open API annotation processing
        config.registerPlugin(new OpenApiPlugin(getOpenApiOptions()));
        // This example is using the new SPA feature
        config.addStaticFiles("./public", Location.EXTERNAL);
        config.addSinglePageRoot("/", "./public/index.html", Location.EXTERNAL);

    // Provide method of constructing a new DI container
    // Dagger prepends "Dagger" automatically at compile time
    Function<Context, WebContainer> scopeFactory = (ctx) ->
            .javalinControllerModule(new JavalinControllerModule(ctx))
    // Javalin MVC generates "com.truncon.javalin.mvc.ControllerRegistry" automatically at compile time
    ControllerRegistry registry = new ControllerRegistry(scopeFactory);

    // Prevent unhandled exceptions from taking down the web server
    app.exception(Exception.class, (e, ctx) -> {
        logger.error("Encountered an unhandled exception.", e);


private static OpenApiOptions getOpenApiOptions() {
    return new OpenApiOptions(new Info()
            .description("My API"))
        .swagger(new SwaggerOptions("/swagger-ui")
            .title("My API Documentation"));

If you have access to the generated sources, you can inspect the generated file. If you do, you will see most of the file is comprised of calls to app.get(...),, etc.

Before and After Handlers

One or more @Before annotations can be put on an action method. You pass it a Class<?> to specify which class will be used. The class must implement the BeforeActionHandler interface, overriding a method with the following signature:

boolean executeBefore(HttpContext context, String[] arguments);

If false is returned, the request is cancelled. If you cancel a request, you should set the response. The HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects are retrieved from the HttpContext argument. The String[] argument contains any contextual information you want to provide to the processor.

One or more @After annotations can be put on an action method. You pass it a Class<?> to specify which class will be used. The class must implement the AfterActionHandler interface, overriding a method with the following signature:

Exception executeAfter(HttpContext context, String[] arguments, Exception exception);

If executing a controller action results in an Exception being thrown, it will be passed as the last argument. The method can indicate that the exception has been handled by returning null. Otherwise, returning an exception indicates that the error should continue on to the next @After handler. Throwing an exception within an @After handler immediately jumps out of the request processing logic. Again, the String[] argument contains any contextual information you want to provide to the processor.

Here's an example Log handler that logs before and after an action fires:

public final class Log implements BeforeActionHandler, AfterActionHandler {
    public boolean executeBefore(HttpContext context, String[] arguments) {
        System.out.println("Before: " + String.join(",", arguments));
        return true; // Continue processing the request.

    public Exception executeAfter(HttpContext context, String[] arguments, Exception exception) {
        System.out.println("After: " + String.join(", ", arguments));
        if (exception != null) {
        return exception; // Allow further exception processing, if needed.

You might use Log like this:

@Before(handler = Log.class, arguments = { "CustomerController.update" }))
@After(handler = Log.class, arguments = { "CustomerController.update" }))
public ActionResult update(Customer customer) {
    // ...

You can have as many @Before and @After annotations on a single action method as you need. They will be executed in the order they appear (top-down).

OpenAPI/Swagger Support

You can directly use Javalin OpenAPI annotations on controller methods and they will appear in swagger/Swagger-UI. You must first configure Javalin to use swagger (see the example main above). Below is an absurd example demonstrating the majority of the annotations you can use.

    requestBody = @OpenApiRequestBody(
        content = @OpenApiContent(from = byte[].class),
        description = "Get all the pickles",
        required = true
    description = "Get all the pickles",
    summary = "Get all the pickles",
    responses = {
            status = "200",
            description = "Successfully retrieved all the pickles",
            content = @OpenApiContent(from = PickleModel[].class)
    tags = { "pickles", "all" },
    fileUploads = {
        @OpenApiFileUpload(name = "file", required = true, description = "A file to upload")
    queryParams = {
        @OpenApiParam(name = "q", deprecated = true, description = "The search parameter"),
        @OpenApiParam(name = "e", description = "Search exclusions")
    headers = {
        @OpenApiParam(name = "Content-Type", description = "What sort of data is passed.")
    cookies = {
        @OpenApiParam(name = "Num num, me eat", required = true, description = "A cookie")
public ActionResult index() {
    // ... crazy API implementation

One caveat is that you must ensure method names in your controllers are unique; otherwise, which documentation goes to which controller action becomes ambiguous. This is a good practice anyway.