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File metadata and controls

259 lines (185 loc) · 8.21 KB


A smart way to work with scientific friendly csv data in python.


Install globally

  $ pip3 install ismartcsv

Try with virtualenv

  $ virtualenv -p python3 venv #create a new python environment
  $ source ./venv/bin/activate #activate the environment
  (venv)$ pip install ismartcsv

See examples/ folder to get better understanding of package works. assets/ folder has supporting configuration and data files


Just declare all the meta, field and plot configurations required to analyse data in a seperate yaml config file with self explaining fields. Pass this configuration filename and data filename to ismartcsv code base through prebuilt adapter function that returns custom ismartcsv class instances. The configuration file thou created will work perfectly with all the datafiles obeying the schema declared in config file( a sample template config file given below ). ismartcsv will consume and take care of all the redundant bootstrap code and makes it easy behind the scenes.

Declarative style of working approach is best suitable in making analysis more lively and easily maintainable code. Same code base can do the job for different configuration files.

when we have other python libraries serving the similar purpose, Why use ismartcsv ?

True, Python community is vast and has multitude of libraries which works like charm to handle csv data. But the libraries available in the pypi index are huge and most probably you may finally endup having to learn much more things just to handle csv file. As a result, your learning curve never saturates. This learning curve can be minimised with ismartcsv, as you only need to learn how to generate configuration file specifying the schema of datafile.

What makes ismartcsv so special, let's talk about features and capabilities !!

isomorphic method calls for different modes :

ismartcsv offers two modes of creating ismartcsv class instances, one is by reading a file(read_file) and other is by reading a folder containing files(read_folder). Even though objects creating modes are different, the method calls to operate on data are maintained similar.

interpolation :

ismartcsv offers inbuild linear interpolation feature, which is useful for creating data at intermediate dependent value. ismartcsv used interpolation configuration just to standardise multiple datafiles while reading folder. So interpolation section is required in order to read a folder.

Basic plotting :

ismartcsv offers prebuilt plotting layouts to view a single file instance(datafile) or set of datafile instances(datafolder). As of now, ismartcsv offers only line and contour plots.

facility to export data to multiple standard data formats :

As we know ismartcsv offers adapters/functions to create object instance by reading file from local filesystem. We can also export ismartcsv object to any standard output format( .csv, .mat, .nc)

what should I know before using ismartcsv module ?

This is a python module, especially meant for working with scientific instrument generated csv data. We expect you to have basic knowledge of writing python scripts, better understanding of import system in python, using numpy and plotting.

Using the module.

Disclaimer while working with datafile


Disclaimer while working with datafolder


Important sections of configuration file

The fields declared in the config file convey a special information essential for the code-engine to understand about the skeleton and behaviour of input datafile.

detailed explanation of the different config field names and their effect on execution is provided below

let's consider, I have a csv data with filename uvwD20251009T220158.csv with the given headers and sample data


lemme dissect the above csv data and write the ismartcsv configuration file. we need to take point out few important things before proceeding further.

  • the delimiter( values seperating character ) is comma (,)
  • lines after which the data starts( i.e., including header )
  • Number of fields inclusive for reading (you dont have to include all fields for reading)
  • python datetime formatting specifiers represented for filename.
  • the field names you want i

Important sections of configuration file

fields config section declares ismartcsv module to read the numbered columns and store that parsed data into a variable of provided field name.

interpolate config section is used by ismartcsv to pivot a particular input field for interpolation. the values of field name specified as pivot, should be either monotonically increasing or decreasing.

output config section is used by ismartcsv while creating a output file from the processed data.

plot config section specifies how and what to plot when plotting action invoked.

delimiter: "comma" # delimiter can have values ['comma', 'tab', 'space']
skip_lines: 1
field_count: 7
filename_format: "uvwD%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.csv"
datetime_format: null
# timestamp_in_filename: true    # this attribute is removed further versions > 1.0.5

# ftype can be 'int', 'float', 'datetime'

    - name: "height"
      colno: 1
      ftype: float
      factor: 1
      ifnull: null
      nullval: null
      label: 'Height'
      units: 'km'

    - name: "u"
      colno: 2
      ftype: float
      factor: 1
      ifnull: null
      nullval: null
      label: 'Zonal Wind'
      units: 'm/s'

    - name: "v"
      colno: 3
      ftype: float
      factor: 1
      ifnull: null
      nullval: null
      label: 'Meridional Wind'
      units: 'm/s'

    - name: "w"
      colno: 4
      ftype: float
      factor: 1
      ifnull: null
      nullval: null
      label: 'Vertical Wind'
      units: 'm/s'

    - name: "wd"
      colno: 5
      ftype: float
      factor: 1
      ifnull: null
      nullval: null
      label: 'Wind Direction'
      units: 'deg'

    - name: "zsnr"
      colno: 6
      ftype: float
      factor: 1
      ifnull: null
      nullval: null
      label: 'Zenith SNR'
      units: 'dB'

    - name: "zdop"
      colno: 7
      ftype: float
      factor: 1
      ifnull: null
      nullval: null
      label: 'Zenith'
      units: 'TBD'

  pivot: "height"
  ## meta data need to folder reading
  start: 2
  stop: 20
  step: 0.15

  fields: ["height", "u", "v", "w"]

    - type: line
      xaxis: null
      yaxis: 'height'
      title: 'file sample'
      fields: ["u", "v", "w", "wd", "zsnr", "zdop"]

    - type: line
      xaxis: 'height'
      yaxis: null
      title: 'another file sample'
      fields: ['u', 'v', 'w', 'wd', 'zsnr', 'zdop']

    - type: 'line'
      xaxis: null
      yaxis: height
      title: 'Line Plot'
      fields: ["u", "v", "w"]

    - type: 'contour'
      xaxis: 'filestamp'
      yaxis: 'height'
      title: 'contour plot'
      fields: ["u", "v", "w", "wd"]

    - type: 'contour'
      xaxis: 'filestamp'
      yaxis: 'height'
      title: 'sample contour plot'
      fields: ['u', 'v']




  1. Implement multiple format saving functionality( to .mat, .csv, .nc ) files

    • dfile.to_csv()
    • dfile.to_mat()
    • dfile.to_netcdf()
  2. Ability to add new fields programatically during runtime

    • dfile.add_fielddata(data, new_field_specs)
    • dfile.config.add_output(new_field)
  3. Implement utility function to apply statistics on data(interface design TBD)


  • Row should not be ignored if any field is parsed as None

Tool and libraries used

see the content of requirements.txt file for libraries and modules used