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Advanced password generator and hasher made in Python.


From PyPI(any OS)

python3 -m pip install pyopensesame

Directly from GitHub(Linux only)

git clone "" opensesame_build
cd opensesame_build
cd ..
rm -rf opensesame_build

You can also use sudo python3 install, but allows local installation.


opensesame CLI supports two commands:
1.generate for generating passwords(default)

Usage: python -m opensesame generate [OPTIONS]

  -t, --type [chars|characters|c|word|w|pronounceable|p]
                                  generation method to use
  --min INTEGER                   Minimal number of characters in password
                                  (has no effect if type is word)
  --max INTEGER                   Maximal number of characters in password
                                  (has no effect if type is word)
  -l, --length INTEGER            Precise number of characters in password.
                                  Overrides --min and --max (has no effect if
                                  type is word)
  -s, --number-suffix INTEGER     Length of number suffix
  -c, --copy                      Use this to copy the generated password to
                                  the clipboard
  -h, --hash                      Print also the password hash
  -a, --algorithm [sha3_384|sha512|blake2b|sha1|sha224|sha3_512|sha256|shake_256|md5|sha384|shake_128|sha3_256|sha3_224|blake2s]
                                  Hashing algorithm to use with -h. Default
                                  MD5. (If -h is not set, has no effect)
  -L, --lowercase                 If type is chars, adds lowercase ASCII to
                                  the generation set. This flag is
                                  automatically set if none of -U,-D,-S,-A,-C
                                  is set.
  -U, --uppercase                 If type is chars, adds uppercase ASCII to
                                  the generation set
  -D, --digits                    If type is chars, adds decimal digits to the
                                  generation set
  -S, --symbols                   If type is chars, adds ASCII symbols to the
                                  generation set
  -A, --all                       If type is chars, adds all groups to the
                                  generation set
  -C, --copy-hash                 Use this to copy the generated hash to
                                  clipboard. Has no effect if -h is not set.
  -n, --number INTEGER            Number of passwords to generate
  -i, --infinite                  Constantly generates passwords. Overrides
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

2.hash for hashing passwords.

Usage: python -m opensesame hash [OPTIONS]

  -i, --input FILENAME            Input to read from. Default is stdin
  -o, --output FILENAME           Output to write to. Default is stdout
  -a, --algorithm [sha224|blake2b|sha3_384|sha384|blake2s|sha1|shake_128|sha3_224|sha512|sha3_256|sha3_512|sha256|md5|shake_256]
                                  Hashing algorithm to use. Default MD5
  -b, --bytes-digest              Output normal digest instead of hexdigest.
  -r, --repr                      If -b is set, outputs Python internal string
                                  representation of bytes output
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Python lib

Generation methods


This generates a password of a given length randomly selecting from the given character sets. Character sets are:

  • lowercase -> lower case ascii chars
  • uppercase -> UPPER CASE ASCII CHARS
  • digits -> 0123456789
  • symbols -> !"#$%&'()+,*-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
  • all -> everything above Character sets are added by setting kwarg <CHARSET_NAME> to True. If no character sets are specified, only lowercase is used.

You can specify length using length,min and max atributtes, where length overrides the boundaries(min and max). Default length is picked between 6 and 20.

⚠️ Be careful! Don't select only one boundary, as it might cause IndexError.

You can also generate a pronounciable password by setting pronounciable to True. Character sets don't apply to pronounciable passwords.


This just selects a random word from the wordlist. No attributes from chars apply to this.


With passgen,you can select a method and call the method with given **kwargs.
It's just a wrapper.
The methods are selected by setting the first arg of passgen to chars,word or pronounciable. You can also set it to the first char of their name.


chars,word and passgen all have the argument number_suffix. It specifies how many digits are supposed to be added to the end of the password.

Password object

Generation methods return this.
It's a string wrapped in hashing. Hashing is done with Password.hash(algorithm). Password.hash returns Hash object with attributes hexdigest(hexadecimal representation of the digest) and bytesdigest(actual digest)


Advanced password generator and hasher.






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