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Merge pull request #381 from jenius/v3#extension-api
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v3: Extension API
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Jeff Escalante committed Feb 6, 2014
2 parents 6c44f5f + c171af2 commit 1154194
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Roots Extension API

If there is more functionality you want to add to roots, you can probably do this with a plugin. There are a number of plugins that are officially maintained:

- [roots-dynamic-content](#)
- [roots-layouts](#)
- [roots-precompiled-templates](#)
- [roots-browserify](#)
- [roots-json-content](#)

There are also plenty of extensions that are not officially maintained and are still awesome. We will soon have a directory listing of these on the roots website for your sorting and browsing pleasure.

Documentation for building your own extensions can be found below.

### Building an Extension

Roots extensions are extremely powerful, and have the ability to transform roots into more or less anything you want. A lot of what are currently extensions used to be written directly to the core, integrated throughout it in multiple places. Therefore, the extensions API has hooks into many different places in roots' core compile pipeline, and to understand how to write an extension, it's important to understand at least in general how roots works.

Let's start at the beginning. When roots starts compiling your project, it scans the folder for all files, and sorts them into categories. By default, it will sort files into `compiled` or `static`, with the compiled files being ones that match file extensions of compilers that you have installed, and static being files that should simply be copied over. _This is the first place that your extension can jump in_.

Extensions are defined as objects, or preferably classes. Let's lay down the skeleton for a sample extension that finds any file with a filename in all caps and makes sure the contents are also all caps.

class YellExtension

constructor: (@opts = {}) ->

#### File Sorting

Ok, there's a start. Now, in order to get into the filesystem scanning portion, we want to define a category that we'll sort the targeted files into, as well as a function that we can use to detect whether this is a file we want to separate into our own category, which, for this extension, means that it's filename will be in all uppercase. We can do this by defining a `fs` method on the class which returns an object with `category` and `detect` properties.

path = require 'path'

class YellExtension

constructor: (@opts = {}) ->

fs: ->
category: 'upcased'
detect: (f) ->
path.basename(f) == path.basename(f).toUpperCase()

So category is just a string (we can use this later), and detect is a function which is fed a full file path for each file that's run through. Here, we just run a simple comparison to see if the basename is all uppercase. The `detect` function also can return a promise if you are running an async operation. Do note that speed is important in roots, so make sure you have considered the speed impacts of your extension. That means try not to for example read the full contents of a file synchronously, because that could take quite a while in a larger project.

There are a couple more options to consider here in the filesystem sorting section. First, it's possible that multiple extensions could be operating on the same project, and it's important to consider the order in which they run, and whether files are "caught" by one extension or passed through to others. You can handle this with the `extract` boolean, which can be set to `true` in order to stop the file from being potentially sorted into other categories after detection. In this case we do want that, since we want the file to be compiled _only_ as all uppercase, not also compiled normally after. This is the case for most extensions. Let's update our code:

path = require 'path'

class YellExtension

constructor: (@opts = {}) ->

fs: ->
category: 'upcased'
extract: true
detect: (f) ->
path.basename(f) == path.basename(f).toUpperCase()

Finally, it's possible that you actually need your category to be compiled **before** anything else compiles. For example, dynamic content is compiled before anything else, because it makes locals available to all other view templates. Since roots compiles all files as quickly as possible, compiling dynamic content alongside normal views would result in race conditions where only some dynamic content would be available in the rest of the views. For that reason, the extension must ensure that the entire "dynamic" category is finished compiling before the rest of the project begins. This of course has speed implications as well which should be considered, but if it's necessary, it's necessary.

For this extension, there's no need for the file to be compiled before others, so we can skip the `ordered` property, which defaults to `false`. And that will do it for the filesystem sorting portion, we now have a neat list of all files with upcased filenames and are ready to move on to the compile hooks, where we get a chance to modify the content.

### Compile Hooks

The next step for us is to modify the file's content. A good way to do this would be to snag a hook after the file is finished compiling, but before it is written, that upcases all the content. Luckily, we can easily do this as such:

path = require 'path'

class YellExtension

constructor: (@opts = {}) ->

fs: ->
category: 'upcased'
extract: true
detect: (f) ->
path.basename(f) == path.basename(f).toUpperCase()

compile_hooks: ->
after_file: (ctx) =>
if ctx.category == @fs.category
ctx.content = ctx.content.toUpperCase()

So let's talk about this. First, we have the `compile_hooks` method, which returns an object with 4 potential hooks, one that we've seen: `before_file`, `after_file`, `before_pass`, and `after_pass`. The "pass" hooks fire once for each compile pass taken on the file (files can have multiple extensions and be compiled multiple times), and the "file" hooks fire once per file, no matter how many extensions it has or how many times it is compiled. Each hook is passed a context object, which is an instance of a class. The file hooks get an instance of the [CompileFile class](, and the pass hooks get the [CompilePass class]( The information available in each class will be listed in the next section.

After this hook, the file goes on to be written, and all is well! Only one caveat, if you return false or a promise for false from the `after_file` hook, the file **will not be written**.

### Information Available to Compile Hooks

You can get at and/or change any piece of data that roots holds on to through the `ctx` objects passed to the compile hooks, making them very powerful. The object is arranged such that the information you probably need is easiest to get to. We'll go through the object level by level.

#### "File" Hooks

- roots: roots base class instance, holds on to all config info
- category: the name of the category that the file being compiled is in
- path: absolute path to the file
- adapters: array of all [accord]( adapters being used to compile the file
- options: options being passed to the compile adapter
- content: self-explanitory

#### "Pass" Hooks

- file: the entire object documented directly above this
- adapter: the [accord]( adapter being used to compile the current pass
- index: the number of the current pass
- content: self-explanitory

### Category Hooks

There is one more hook you can use that will fire only when all the files in a given category have completed processing. You can define one as such:


class FooBar

category_hooks: ->
after: (ctx, category) ->
console.log "finished up with #{category}!"


This is all pretty straightforward stuff. Example usage could be if you wanted to stop the write for all files in your category, then manually write them once the whole category is finished, maybe to just one file. the `ctx` object is slightly less interesting this time although it does still contain the `roots` object with access to all the settings you need.

### Write Hook

You can also hook into the method that writes files in roots and use it to write more than one file. Under `compile_hooks`, if you add a `write` method, it will allow you to jump in. The write hook expects a specific output and _if you do not provide this output, it will crash_, so take note. From the write hook, you must return either an object or an array of objects that have two keys:

- path: the absolute path to where the file should be written
- content: the content you want to write to the file if you want to write multiple files out of one input, you can just override the write hook, do your path and content figuring, and return an array, one object for each file you want to write. Note that you can also return a promise for your object or array of objects if you need to do async tasks here.

You have access to a full context object from the write hook, as with anything else. The context in this hook is an exact mirror of the context that you get in the after file hook. Finally, if you return false out of the write hook, nothing will be written, as is the case with the after hook.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion index.js
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module.exports = require('./lib')
33 changes: 22 additions & 11 deletions lib/api/
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W = require 'when'
nodefn = require 'when/node/function'
guard = require 'when/guard'
keys = require 'when/keys'
mkdirp = require 'mkdirp'
W = require 'when'
nodefn = require 'when/node/function'
guard = require 'when/guard'
keys = require 'when/keys'
sequence = require 'when/sequence'
mkdirp = require 'mkdirp'

FSParser = require '../fs_parser'
Compiler = require '../compiler'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,16 +47,26 @@ class Compile
create_folders = (ast) ->
mkdirp.sync(@roots.config.output_path()), guard(guard.n(1), nodefn.lift(mkdirp)))
.catch((err) -> console.error(err))

process_files = (ast) ->
ordered = []
parallel = []

compile_task = (category) =>[category] || [], @compiler.compile.bind(@compiler, category))
.then(=> sequence(@roots.extensions.hooks('category_hooks.after'), @, category))

for ext in @roots.extensions.all
extfs = if ext.fs then ext.fs() else {}
if extfs.ordered
ordered.push(((c) => compile_task.bind(@, c))(extfs.category))
parallel.push(, extfs.category))

compile:, @compiler.compile_dynamic.bind(@compiler))
.then(=>, @compiler.compile.bind(@compiler)))
copy:, @compiler.copy.bind(@compiler))
ordered: sequence(ordered)
parallel: W.all(parallel)

module.exports = Compile

Expand Down

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