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JEP-217: Experimental Jenkins organization on DockerHub


This JEP documents the jenkins4eval organization on DockerHub. The main purpose of this organization is to provide a storage for experimental Jenkins Docker images so that maintainers can build and deploy untrusted images from


jenkins4eval is a proposed name which is under the discussion in the Platform SIG. This name is used in the prototype impmenetations, but it may change before the JEP gets accepted.


The most of the specification is defined in the Infrastructure Requirements section. This section contains only specific details about the process.

Requesting hosting

  1. Hosting requests should be submitted via JIRA issues (project=INFRA, component=dockerhub)

  2. The following details should be in the issues description:

    • Name of the image to be created

    • Reference to the GitHub repository which defines the Docker image. The repository should be located within one of the Jenkins GitHub organizations

    • Users which should have write access to the repository

    • Build flow to be configured:, manual, automatic builds

    • For automatic builds on DockerHub, full specification should be provided (branches/tags to build, triggers, locations of Dockerfiles)

  3. Once the request is submitted, it will be reviewed by the Jenkins infrastructure team

Implementation on

  1. Implementation on may be using CLI steps or Docker Pipeline plugin to build and deploy images on agents labeled with the docker label

  2. In the case of CLI steps, infra.withDockerCredentials {} wrapper should be used to setup credentials in the environment

    • DOCKERHUB_ORGANISATION environment variable will be set to reference the target DockerHub organization

    • DOCKER_CONFIG environment variable with proper credentials will be automatically set by the wrapper

  3. Jenkinsfile maintainers are responsible to ensure that the credentials are properly escaped in the build logs and not exposed in other ways


stage('Publish') {
    infra.withDockerCredentials {
        sh "make docker-publish -e tag ${env.DOCKERHUB_ORGANISATION}/myimage"


In Jenkins Platform SIG there are projects which target Jenkins Docker packaging: Java 11 support and multi-architecture Docker images. Both these projects need to update the release flow of the official jenkins/jenkins Docker image. Currently this flow is hosted on the Jenkins' Trusted CI instance which is not accessible to the SIG members. During the Java 11 support project we had 2 major issues with releases, because we were unable to debug the release flow or to troubleshoot the failures. In order to simplify development in the future, this JEP proposes to create a new DockerHub organization which would be accessible from the public instance. It would give Docker image maintainers a way to prototype and debug their `Jenkinsfile`s before running them on Trusted CI.

Such organization also gives some extra advantages:

  • Image maintainers can setup a CD process for their experimental images by using Jenkins. It allows working around many DockerHub automatic build limitations

  • It is also possible to create repositories with manual deployments and automatic builds on DockerHub


DockerHub vs. custom Docker registry

Usage of a custom Docker registry was proposed as an alternative to the experimental organization on DockerHub. This approach has the following disadvantages:

  • Users need to reconfigure their images to use another Docker registry

  • It is not possible to get automatic builds on DockerHub, which is essential to some experimental images before the Jenkins flow is deployed

  • Custom infrastructure is required

After the discussion it was decided to go forward with the DockerHub organization approach.

DockerHub organization naming

When the DockerHub org name was discussed at the Platform SIG meeting, the agreement was to have jenkins-experimental as a name of the organization. Unfortunately DockerHub does not support naming with dashes (Issue #373). An alternative name was selected to match the requirement.

Backwards Compatibility

There is no backward compatibility requirements in this JEP.


  • jenkins4eval is explicitly considered as untrusted DockerHub organization, because it will be possible to perform deployments to it from

  • Users of the jenkins4eval images run the images at their own risk

  • The security considerations will be explicitly documented in the organization description and images

  • DockerHub generic account will have no access to production DockerHub images

Infrastructure Requirements

New Dockerhub organization

A new DockerHub organization should be created.

DockerHub generic account for jenkins4eval

In order to enable deployments from, a new DockerHub generic account should be created.

  • The account has no WRITE access to any repository within jenkins and jenkinsci

  • The account may get write access to some repositories on jenkins4eval so that the automated builds can be established on

  • New credentials should be created for the generic account

  • Credentials ID should be the same as DockerHub credentials ID being used by Trusted CI to deploy official Docker images


Testing will be performed by several reference implementations on

Prototype Implementation