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Introduction: NextDNS on Firewalla Gold Plus, Gold, or Purple

This is a script for installing NextDNS CLI container on Firewalla Gold Plus, Gold, or Purple. It is based on a script by Brian Curtis and has been tested on Firewalla 1.975 and above.


  • NextDNS CLI runs fine on Purple or Gold (I hve not tested anywhere else).

  • You can run NextDNS CLI and you can have Firewalla Unbound or DoH running, but any given client can only use one of these as they are mutually exclusive. By default, any device that is not in the Unbound or DoH group will use nextDNS CLI for any network segment that is set to use nextDNS and the WAN DNS will be ignored.

  • Pros:

    • Running NextDNS CLI as opposed to using Firewalla DoH > NextDNS, you can have DoH betwen FW and NextDNS and it shows individual client devices, not just your firewalla making all the requests. Less anonymous to be sure, but if you want to look at logs by device, that is handy. Note, it seems that is by IP (not mac address of course) so you may end up with the same device entered many times. :( I haven't found a solution to that yet. You can of course, always disable NextDNS logs if you like.
    • NextDNS CLI does not require disabling Firewalla DNS Booster... though I am still testing to see if there are any negative side effects. I'm worried that it may be side stepping Firewalla... stay tuned on that.
  • You cannot use Firewalla DoH and NextDNS CLI.


To install:

  1. SSH into your Firewalla (learn how if you don't know how already.)

  2. Copy the line below and paste into the Firewalla shell and then hit enter.

curl -s -L -C- | cat <(cat <(bash))
  1. Next, you must configure two things in /home/pi/.firewalla/config/post_main.d/

    • IP the IP of your Firealla LAN
    • id the nextDNS id
    vi /home/pi/.firewalla/config/post_main.d/

    Note you can set up different devices using different nextDNS configurations including VPN connections. For example, I have Apple TVs in a different nextDNS configration so I can tune them. Simply add a line like this:

    -config macaddress=nextdnsconfiguration ID \

  2. After editing, run the script

  1. If you want to get notifications when nextDNS is not running, edit /data/nextdnsdata.txt to include your IFTTT API key (optional)

    vi /data/nextdnsdata.txt


After completing the steps above, you can:

  1. Open 11662D0C-718C-4B7F-AC27-816FA02D4764

  2. Try

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 5679
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
;			IN	A


;; Query time: 20 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Sep 08 10:56:06 PDT 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 55

The SERVER line should match the Firewalla server you set if NextDNS CLI is working. OR

  1. You can try to see if it shows that NextDNS is working.

Great resource for all things NextDNS CLI.

Standard disclaimer: I can not be responsible for any issues that may result. Nothing in the script should in any way, affect firewalla as a router or comprimise security. Happy to answer questions though if I can. :)


You can use the following to run a test to make sure nextDNS is running and log to /data/logs/nextdns.log any errors.

If you want to run the monitor automatically, you can add the following line to /home/pi/.firewalla/config/user_crontab and restart Firealla. From then on, every 5 minutes the test will check to see if nextDNS is running on Fireawlla.

*/5 * * * *  timeout -s SIGKILL 4m /data/

Make sure the "4m" is < the amount of time between runs. So here we have run every 5 minutes and don't let the script run longer than 4 minutes.

You can also send a notification via IFTT. This requires IFTTT to send the notifiction. Edit /data/nextdnsdata.txt to include your IFTTT API Key.

Known issue

The monitoring script seems to confict with Firewalla and it will often restart nextdns unnecessarily. As a result, I suggest not using the the testing script for the time being until I can figure this out.


You can temporarily stop nextdns for testing etc. without uninstalltalling it. Simply run this file (or the commands in it).

To Resume nextdns CLI, simply re-run the install script. Don't worry anything in place will be skipped and everything will restart and should be good. Nothing will be lost.


You can run this by copying this line and run it on firewalla to uninstall.

curl -s -L -C- | cat <(cat <(bash))

This script will also be saved when you install and you can just run it locally:


There are lots of NextDNS communities on Reddit. If you have NextDNS CLI questions, please check there.


Install/uninstall NextDNS CLI on Firewalla







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