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File metadata and controls

484 lines (399 loc) · 14.9 KB

Shared State

We want to be able to share our key-value state between multiple servers. Unlike in our CRDT example, where we could exchange state asynchronously, we need our shared state to be strict serializable. One option would be for us to build a replicated state machine using a consensus protocol like Raft--indeed, we'll do that in a later chapter! But getting Raft right is tricky. Instead, we're going to build on top of existing primitives.

If we were building a transactional system in real life, we might take advantage of an existing linearizable storage system like Zookeeper or Etcd. Maelstrom comes with one of these built in: it's a network service called lin-kv. Just like a real etcd, we can make read, write, and compare-and-set requests to the lin-kv node on the network, and it guarantees those requests will be linearizable. So, when it comes time to read or write something in our State class, instead of acting on an in-memory state, we could issue requests to lin-kv.

Keys in lin-kv

We have an RPC mechanism in our Node class already: rpc!. However, that method is asynchronous: it registers a callback which gets invoked once the promise completes. We'd have to do some awkward state-machine juggling to use it in a loop like transact!. So let's write a synchronous variant of that method.

class Node
  # Sends a synchronous RPC request, blocking this thread and returning the
  # response message.
  def sync_rpc!(dest, body)
    p =
    rpc! dest, body do |response|
      p.deliver! response

That promise type is a mutable container for data. The await method should block until a value is deliver!ed. We'll use a Mutex and a ConditionVariable to effect that thread handoff.

class Promise

  def initialize
    @lock =
    @cvar =
    @value = WAITING

  # Blocks this thread until a value is delivered, then returns it.
  def await
    if @value != WAITING
      return @value

    # Not ready yet; block
    @lock.synchronize do
      @cvar.wait @lock, TIMEOUT

    if @value != WAITING
      return @value
      raise "promise timed out"

  def deliver!(value)
    @value = value
    @lock.synchronize do

Note in particular that we have a hardcoded TIMEOUT here. We don't want our nodes blocking forever when they can't get a response to an RPC request.

Now, let's return to our State class. We'll get rid of the internal @state map, and give it a reference to our Node, so it can issue RPC requests to the lin-kv service.

class State
  def initialize(node)
    @node = node

class Transactor
  attr_reader :node

  def initialize
    @node =
    @lock =
    @state = @node


Now, what do we do about the transact! method?

  def transact!(txn)
    txn2 = []
    txn.each do |op|
      f, k, v = op
      case f
      when 'r'
        # ???

The value of key k will be stored in lin-kv, so we should issue a read request:

      when 'r'
        list = @node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
          type: 'read',
          key: k

        txn2 << [f, k, list]

What about writes? lin-kv doesn't have an append operation natively... but we could read the current value, modify it, and write it back using a compare-and-set! That'd give us atomic list append!

Note create_if_not_exists is supported by the service lin-kv, which is different than the workload. Reference the service documentation for using built-in services.

      when 'append'
        txn2 << op

        # Get current value of k
        list1 = @node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
          type: 'read',
          key: k

        # Create a copy with our appended v
        list2 = (list1.clone or [])
        list2 << v

        # And write it back iff it hasn't changed
        res = @node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
          type: 'cas',
          key: k,
          from: list1,
          to: list2,
          create_if_not_exists: true
        unless res[:body][:type] == 'cas_ok'
          raise "CAS of #{k} failed!"

Let's give that a shot:

$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2
2021-02-26 11:42:48,806{GMT}	INFO	[jepsen worker 1] jepsen.util: 1	:invoke	:txn	[[:r 1 nil] [:append 9 11]]
2021-02-26 11:42:48,813{GMT}	INFO	[jepsen worker 1] jepsen.util: 1	:ok	:txn	[[:r 1 nil] [:append 9 11]]
2021-02-26 11:42:48,914{GMT}	INFO	[jepsen worker 0] jepsen.util: 0	:invoke	:txn	[[:r 2 nil] [:r 6 nil] [:r 9 nil]]
2021-02-26 11:42:48,921{GMT}	INFO	[jepsen worker 0] jepsen.util: 0	:ok	:txn	[[:r 2 nil] [:r 6 [1 2]] [:r 9 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]]]
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

Look at that! We've got two different workers, talking to two distinct nodes, which are able to share the state of keys! Worker 1 appends 11 to key 9, and worker 0 reads that append of key 11. The history as a whole is strict serializable!

Let's take a look at timeline.html, to get a picture of how concurrent these histories are:

Time flows top to bottom; each process's operations are shown in a single vertical track. No two transactions are concurrent.

Ah, so... we never actually executed two transactions at the same time. Let's turn up the request rate and see what happens:

$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100

            :anomaly-types (:G-single :G1b :internal),
            :not #{:read-atomic :read-committed},
            :also-not #{:ROLA
 :valid? false}

Analysis invalid! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

Well... that's something of an improvement. We don't have incompatible orders any more: the linearizable KV store is guaranteeing that all our updates to a single key are well-ordered. However, we're still seeing internal consistency violations. Why?

  :internal ({:op {:type :ok,
                   :f :txn,
                   :value [[:r 51 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]]
                           [:r 51 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16]]],
                   :time 6082174210,
                   :process 2,
                   :index 1256},

Ah, so that's a problem. This transaction executed two consecutive reads, and the value changed between those two reads--despite the transaction not actually writing anything. Some other transaction must have snuck in and modified the value of key 51 while this one was executing. And indeed, in messages.svg, we can see both transactors (middle) interacting with lin-kv (far right) concurrently:

A Lamport diagram showing transactors mixing requests to lin-kv

Database As Value

The fundamental problem here is that we're updating multiple keys in-place. What if we stored the entire database under a single key? Then we wouldn't have to worry about coordinating updates to distinct keys. Let's create an immutable Map class which can store our entire database state as a single, JSON-serializable value.

class Map
  def initialize(map = {})
    @map = map

  # To re-inflate a Map from a JSON representation, we construct a Hashmap of
  # pairs.
  def self.from_json(json)
    if json Hash[json]
    else {}

  # Turns this Map into a JSON object. We serialize ourselves as a list of
  # pairs, so that our keys can be any type of object, not just strings.
  def to_json

  # Get the value of key k
  def [](k)

  # Return a copy of this Map with k = v
  def assoc(k, v) @map.merge({k => v})

Instead of mutating Maps in place, we'll have a pure version of the transact! method, which takes one Map to another by applying a transaction:

  # Applies txn to this Map, returning a tuple of the resulting Map and the
  # completed transaction.
  def transact(txn)
    txn2 = []
    map2 = txn.reduce(self) do |m, op|
      f, k, v = op
      case f
      when "r"
        txn2 << [f, k, m[k]]
      when "append"
        txn2 << op
        list = (m[k].clone or [])
        list << v
        m.assoc k, list

    [map2, txn2]

Moving this logic into the Map class frees up State to worry only about loading and saving the Map from lin-kv. We'll define a single key, "root", to store the current value of the database.

class State
  # Where do we store the DB state in lin-kv?
  KEY = 'root'

  def initialize(node)
    @node = node

  def transact!(txn)
    # Load the current value from lin-kv
    map1 = Map.from_json(
      @node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
        type: 'read',
        key: KEY

    # Apply txn
    map2, txn2 = map1.transact txn

    # Save resulting state iff it hasn't changed
    res = @node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
      type: 'cas',
      key:  KEY,
      from: map1.to_json,
      to:   map2.to_json,
      create_if_not_exists: true
    unless res[:body][:type] == 'cas_ok'
      raise "CAS failed!"


Let's give that a try:

./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

This actually works! Storing the entire database as a single value, inside of a linearizable KV store, gives us strict serializability. Indeed, strict serializability is linearizability, where the linearizable "object" is a transactional database. And that's exactly what we've done!

Error Handling

You may have noticed that not all of our transactions succeeded: some crashed with type :info.

 :stats {:valid? true,
         :count 1013,
         :ok-count 1011,
         :fail-count 0,
         :info-count 2,

What happened to those transactions?

$ grep :info store/latest/history.edn
{:type :info, :f :txn, :value [[:append 9 11] [:append 6 3]], :time 5246977350, :process 0, :error :net-timeout, :index 1043}
{:type :info, :f :txn, :value [[:r 40 nil] [:append 40 13]], :time 10293060397, :process 1, :error :net-timeout, :index 2025}

Aha! They had a network timeout. Why didn't the server send back a response? Let's check the node logs and see if anything is out of the ordinary.

$ less store/latest/node-logs/n0.log
Exception handling {:dest=>"n0", :body=>{:txn=>[["append", 9, 11], ["append", 6, 3]], :type=>"txn", :msg_id=>9}, :src=>"c5", :id=>121}:
/home/aphyr/maelstrom/datomic.rb:87:in `transact!': CAS failed! (RuntimeError)
        from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/datomic.rb:106:in `block (2 levels) in initialize'
        from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/datomic.rb:105:in `synchronize'
        from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/datomic.rb:105:in `block in initialize'
        from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:139:in `block in main!'
Received {:dest=>"n0", :body=>{:txn=>[["append", 37, 9], ["r", 43, nil]], :type=>"txn", :msg_id=>10}, :src=>"c5", :id=>3135}

Aha! When our compare-and-set fails, we throw an exception. The Node mainloop logs that exception, but doesn't tell the client anything about it. It'd be nice if we sent back a proper error message. The protocol error docs gives a variety of error types that look helpful.

In node.rb, let's add an RPCError class.

class RPCError < StandardError
  class << self
    def timeout(msg);           new 0,  msg; end
    def not_supported(msg);     new 10, msg; end
    def temporarily_unavailable(msg); new 11, msg; end
    def malformed_request(msg); new 12, msg; end
    def crash(msg);             new 13, msg; end
    def abort(msg);             new 14, msg; end
    def key_does_not_exist(msg) new 20, msg; end
    def precondition_failed(msg) new 22, msg; end
    def txn_conflict(msg);      new 30, msg; end

  attr_reader :code

  def initialize(code, text)
    @code = code
    @text = text

  # Constructs a JSON error response
  def to_json
    {type: "error",
     code: @code,
     text: @text}

Now we can throw a variety of errors with friendly names, and have the mainloop serialize them to JSON responses. In Node#mainloop!, we'll replace our message handler logic with one that sends back replies.

      # Actually handle message, msg) do |handler, msg|
        rescue RPCError => e
          reply! msg, e.to_json
        rescue => e
          log "Exception handling #{msg}:\n#{e.full_message}"
          reply! msg, RPCError.crash(e.full_message).to_json

Now, any exception in a message handler returns a nice crash message (and a stacktrace!) to Maelstrom--and shows up in the history!

$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100
INFO [2021-02-26 13:13:46,251] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 145	:info	:txn	[[:append 82 11] [:r 82 nil] [:append 79 16]]	[:crash "/home/aphyr/maelstrom/datomic.rb:87:in `transact!': CAS failed! (RuntimeError)\n\tfrom /home/aphyr/maelstrom/datomic.rb:106:in `block (2 levels) in initialize'\n\tfrom /home/aphyr/maelstrom/datomic.rb:105:in `synchronize'\n\tfrom /home/aphyr/maelstrom/datomic.rb:105:in `block in initialize'\n\tfrom /home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:165:in `block in main!'\n"]

We can also be more specific when a CAS fails by returning a txn-conflict error. In State#transact!, we'll say:

    unless res[:body][:type] == 'cas_ok'
      raise RPCError.txn_conflict "CAS failed!"

Begone, stacktraces!

$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100
INFO [2021-02-26 13:18:17,751] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0	:fail	:txn	[[:append 79 3] [:append 79 4] [:r 78 nil]]	[:txn-conflict "CAS failed!"]

Right! With that housekeeping taken care of, it's onwards, to Persistent Trees!