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A workload specifies the semantics of a distributed system: what operations are performed, how clients submit requests to the system, what those requests mean, what kind of responses are expected, which errors can occur, and how to check the resulting history for safety.

For instance, the broadcast workload says that clients submit broadcast messages to arbitrary servers, and can send a read request to obtain the set of all broadcasted messages. Clients mix reads and broadcast operations throughout the history, and at the end of the test, perform a final read after allowing a brief period for convergence. To check broadcast histories, Maelstrom looks to see how long it took for messages to be broadcast, and whether any were lost.

This is a reference document, automatically generated from Maelstrom's source code by running lein run doc. For each workload, it describes the general semantics of that workload, what errors are allowed, and the structure of RPC messages that you'll need to handle.

Table of Contents

Workload: Broadcast

A broadcast system. Essentially a test of eventually-consistent set addition, but also provides an initial topology message to the cluster with a set of neighbors for each node to use.

RPC: Topology!

A topology message is sent at the start of the test, after initialization, and informs the node of an optional network topology to use for broadcast. The topology consists of a map of node IDs to lists of neighbor node IDs.


{:type (eq "topology"),
 :topology {java.lang.String [java.lang.String]},
 :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "topology_ok"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Broadcast!

Sends a single message into the broadcast system, and requests that it be broadcast to everyone. Nodes respond with a simple acknowledgement message.


{:type (eq "broadcast"), :message Any, :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "broadcast_ok"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Read

Requests all messages present on a node.


{:type (eq "read"), :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "read_ok"),
 :messages [Any],
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: Echo

A simple echo workload: sends a message, and expects to get that same message back.

RPC: Echo!

Clients send echo messages to servers with an echo field containing an arbitrary payload they'd like to have sent back. Servers should respond with echo_ok messages containing that same payload.


{:type (eq "echo"), :echo Any, :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "echo_ok"),
 :echo Any,
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: G-counter

An eventually-consistent grow-only counter, which supports increments. Validates that the final read on each node has a value which is the sum of all known (or possible) increments.

See also: pn-counter, which is identical, but allows decrements.

RPC: Add!

Adds a non-negative integer, called delta, to the counter. Servers should respond with an add_ok message.


{:type (eq "add"), :delta Int, :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "add_ok"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Read

Reads the current value of the counter. Servers respond with a read_ok message containing a value, which should be the sum of all (known) added deltas.


{:type (eq "read"), :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "read_ok"),
 :value Int,
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: G-set

A grow-only set workload: clients add elements to a set, and read the current value of the set.

RPC: Add!

Requests that a server add a single element to the set. Acknowledged by an add_ok message.


{:type (eq "add"), :element Any, :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "add_ok"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Read

Requests the current set of all elements. Servers respond with a message containing an elements key, whose value is a JSON array of added elements.


{:type (eq "read"), :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "read_ok"),
 :value [Any],
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: Kafka

A simplified version of a Kafka-style stream processing system. Servers provide a set of append-only logs identified by string keys. Each integer offset in a log has one message. Offsets may be sparse: not every offset must contain a message.

A client appends a message to a log by making a send RPC request with the key and value they want to append; the server responds with the offset it assigned for that particular message.

To read a log, a client issues a poll RPC request with a map of keys to the offsets it wishes to read beginning at. The server returns a poll_ok response containing a map of keys to vectors of [offset, message] pairs, beginning at the requested offset for that key.

Servers should maintain a committed offset for each key. Clients can request that this offset be advanced by making a commit_offsets RPC request, with a map of keys to the highest offsets which that client has processed. Clients can also fetch known-committed offsets for a given set of keys through a fetch_committed_offsets request.

The checker for this workload detects a number of anomalies.

If a client observes (e.g.) offset 10 of key k1, but not offset 5, and we know that offset 5 exists, we call that a lost write. If we know offset 11 exists, but it is never observed in a poll, we call that write unobserved. There is no recency requirement: servers are free to acknowledge a sent message, but not return it in any polls for an arbitrarily long time.

Ideally, we expect client offsets from both sends and polls to be strictly monotonically increasing, and to observe every message. If offsets go backwards--e.g. if a client observes offset 4 then 2, or 2 then 2--we call that nonomonotonic. It's an internal nonmonotonic error if offsets fail to increase in the course of a single transaction, or single poll. It's an external nonmonotonic error if offsets fail to increase between two transactions.

If we skip over an offset that we know exists, we call that a skip. Like nonmonotonic errors, a skip error can be internal (in a single transaction or poll) or external (between two transactions). For example, here is a poll-skip anomaly:

{:key "56",
:delta 3,
:skipped (7 8),
:ops [#jepsen.history.Op{:index 3820,
:time 4650651388,
:type :ok,
:process 0,
:f :poll,
:value [[:poll {"56" [[4 5] [5 6]]}]]}
#jepsen.history.Op{:index 3848,
:time 4691738701,
:type :ok,
:process 0,
:f :poll,
:value [[:poll {"56" [[8 9]]}]]}]}

Here a single client (process 0) performed two polls in succession, both of which observed key "56". The first poll observed offsets 4 and 5 (with messages 5 and 6). The second poll observed offset 8, with message 9. The client unexpectedly jumped three offsets ahead, skipping messages 7 and 8.

The Jepsen client performs :assign operations, which is analogous to the Kafka client's assign: it picks a new set of keys and offsets for successive poll operations. On assign, the client fetches committed offsets from the server and begins polling from those positions. Since we expect the offset to change on assign, external nonmonotonic and skip errors are not tracked across assign operations.

RPC: Send!

Sends a single message to a specific key. The server should assign a unique offset in the key for this message, and return a send_ok response with that offest.


{:type (eq "send"),
 :key (named Str "key"),
 :msg (named Any "msg"),
 :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "send_ok"),
 :offset (named Int "offset"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Poll

Requests messages from specific keys. The client provides a map offsets, whose keys are the keys of distinct queues, and whose values are the corresponding offsets the server should send back first (if available). For instance, a client might request

{"type": "poll",
"offsets": {"a": 2}}

This means that the client would like to see messages from key "a" beginning with offset 2. The server is free to respond with any number of contiguous messages from queue "a" so long as the first message's offset is 2. Those messages are returned as a map of keys to arrays of [offset message] pairs. For example:

{"type": "poll_ok",
"msgs": {"a": [[2 9] [3 5] [4 15]]}}

In queue "a", offset 2 has message 9, offset 3 has message 5, and offset 4 has message 15. If no messages are available for a key, the server can omit that key from the response map altogether.


{:type (eq "poll"),
 :offsets {(named Str "key") (named Int "offset")},
 :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "poll_ok"),
 {(named Str "key")
  [[#schema.core.One{:schema (named Int "offset"),
                     :optional? false,
                     :name "offset"}
    #schema.core.One{:schema (named Any "msg"),
                     :optional? false,
                     :name "msg"}]]},
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Commit_offsets!

Informs the server that the client has successfully processed messages up to and including the given offset. For instance, if a client sends:

{:type    "commit_offsets"
:offsets {"k1" 2}}

This means that on key k1 offsets 0, 1, and 2 (if they exist; offsets may be sparse) have been processed, but offsets 3 and higher have not. To avoid lost writes, the servers should ensure that any fresh assign of key k1 starts at offset 3 (or lower).


{:type (eq "commit_offsets"),
 :offsets {(named Str "key") (named Int "offset")},
 :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "commit_offsets_ok"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: List_committed_offsets

Requests the latest committed offsets for the given array of keys. The server should respond with a map of keys to offsets. If a key does not exist, it can be omitted from the response map. Clients use this to figure out where to start consuming from a given key.


{:type (eq "list_committed_offsets"),
 :keys [(named Str "key")],
 :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "list_committed_offsets_ok"),
 :offsets {(named Str "key") (named Int "offset")},
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: Lin-kv

A workload for a linearizable key-value store.

RPC: Read

Reads the current value of a single key. Clients send a read request with the key they'd like to observe, and expect a response with the current value of that key.


{:type (eq "read"), :key Any, :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "read_ok"),
 :value Any,
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Write!

Blindly overwrites the value of a key. Creates keys if they do not presently exist. Servers should respond with a read_ok response once the write is complete.


{:type (eq "write"), :key Any, :value Any, :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "write_ok"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Cas!

Atomically compare-and-sets a single key: if the value of key is currently from, sets it to to. Returns error 20 if the key doesn't exist, and 22 if the from value doesn't match.


{:type (eq "cas"), :key Any, :from Any, :to Any, :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "cas_ok"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: Pn-counter

An eventually-consistent counter which supports increments and decrements. Validates that the final read on each node has a value which is the sum of all known (or possible) increments and decrements.

See also: g-counter, which is identical, but does not allow decrements.

RPC: Add!

Adds a (potentially negative) integer, called delta, to the counter. Servers should respond with an add_ok message.


{:type (eq "add"), :delta Int, :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "add_ok"),
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

RPC: Read

Reads the current value of the counter. Servers respond with a read_ok message containing a value, which should be the sum of all (known) added deltas.


{:type (eq "read"), :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "read_ok"),
 :value Int,
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: Txn-list-append

A transactional workload over a map of keys to lists of elements. Clients submit a single transaction via a txn request, and expect a completed version of that transaction in a txn_ok response.

A transaction is an array of micro-operations, which should be executed in order:

[op1, op2, ...]

Each micro-op is a 3-element array comprising a function, key, and value:

[f, k, v]

There are two functions. A read observes the current value of a specific key. ["r", 5, [1, 2]] denotes that a read of key 5 observed the list [1, 2]. When clients submit reads, they leave their values null: ["r", 5, null]. The server processing the transaction should replace that value with whatever the observed value is for that key: ["r", 5, [1, 2]].

An append adds an element to the end of the key's current value. For instance, ["append", 5, 3] means "add 3 to the end of the list for key 5." If key 5 were currently [1, 2], the resulting value would become [1, 2, 3]. Appends have values provided by the client, and are returned unchanged.

For example, assume the current state of the database is {1 [8]}, and you receive a request body like:

{"type": "txn",
"msg_id": 1,
"txn": [["r", 1, null], ["append", 1, 6], ["append", 2, 9]]}

You might return a response like:

{"type": "txn_ok",
"in_reply_to": 1,
"txn": [["r", 1, [8]], ["append", 1, 6], ["append", 2, 9]]}

First you read the current value of key 1, returning the list [8]. Then you append 6 to key 1. Then you append 9 to key 2, implicitly creating it. The resulting state of the database would be {1 [8, 6], 2 [9]}.

Appends in this workload are always integers, and are unique per key. Key x will only ever see at most one append of 0, at most one append of 1, and so on.

Unlike lin-kv, nonexistent keys should be returned as null. Lists are implicitly created on first append.

This workload can check many kinds of consistency models. See the --consistency-models CLI option for details.

RPC: Txn!

Requests that the node execute a single transaction. Servers respond with a txn_ok message, and a completed version of the requested transaction; e.g. with read values filled in. Keys and list elements may be of any type.


{:type (eq "txn"),
   [(one (eq "r") "f") (one Any "k") (one (eq nil) "v")]
   [(one (eq "append") "f") (one Any "k") (one Any "v")])],
 :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "txn_ok"),
   [(one (eq "r") "f") (one Any "k") (one [Any] "v")]
   [(one (eq "append") "f") (one Any "k") (one Any "v")])],
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: Txn-rw-register

A transactional workload over a map of keys to values. Clients submit a single transaction via a txn request, and expect a completed version of that transaction in a txn_ok response.

A transaction is an array of micro-operations, which should be executed in order:

[op1, op2, ...]

Each micro-op is a 3-element array comprising a function, key, and value:

[f, k, v]

There are two functions. A read observes the current value of a specific key. ["r", 5, [1, 2]] denotes that a read of key 5 observed the list [1, 2]. When clients submit reads, they leave their values null: ["r", 5, null]. The server processing the transaction should replace that value with whatever the observed value is for that key: ["r", 5, [1, 2]].

A write replaces the value for a key. For instance, ["w", 5, 3] means "set key 5's value to 3". Write values are provided by the client, and are returned unchanged.

For example, assume the current state of the database is {1 8}, and you receive a request body like:

{"type": "txn",
"msg_id": 1,
"txn": [["r", 1, null], ["w", 1, 6], ["w", 2, 9]]}

You might return a response like:

{"type": "txn_ok",
"in_reply_to": 1,
"txn": [["r", 1, 8], ["w", 1, 6], ["w", 2, 9]]}

First you read the current value of key 1, returning the value 8. Then you set key 1 to 6. Then you set key 2 to 9, implicitly creating it. The resulting state of the database would be {1 6, 2 9}.

Writes in this workload are always integers, and are unique per key. Key x will only ever see at most one write of 0, at most one write of 1, and so on.

Unlike lin-kv, nonexistent keys should be returned as null. Keys are implicitly created on first write.

This workload can check many kinds of consistency models. See the --consistency-models CLI option for details. Right now it only uses writes-follow-reads within individual transactions to infer version orders--this severely limits the transaction dependencies it can infer. We can make this configurable later.

RPC: Txn!

Requests that the node execute a single transaction. Servers respond with a txn_ok message, and a completed version of the requested transaction--e.g. with read values filled in. Keys and values may be of any type, but if you need types for your language, it's probably safe to assume both are integers.


{:type (eq "txn"),
   [(one (eq "r") "f") (one Any "k") (one (eq nil) "v")]
   [(one (eq "w") "f") (one Any "k") (one Any "v")])],
 :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "txn_ok"),
   [(one (eq "r") "f") (one Any "k") (one Any "v")]
   [(one (eq "w") "f") (one Any "k") (one Any "v")])],
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}

Workload: Unique-ids

A simple workload for ID generation systems. Clients ask servers to generate an ID, and the server should respond with an ID. The test verifies that those IDs are globally unique.

Your node will receive a request body like:

{"type": "generate",
"msg_id": 2}

And should respond with something like:

{"type": "generate_ok",
"in_reply_to": 2,
"id": 123}

IDs may be of any type--strings, booleans, integers, floats, compound JSON values, etc.

RPC: Generate!

Asks a node to generate a new ID. Servers respond with a generate_ok message containing an id field, which should be a globally unique value. IDs may be of any type.


{:type (eq "generate"), :msg_id Int}


{:type (eq "generate_ok"),
 :id Any,
 #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :msg_id} Int,
 :in_reply_to Int}