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70 lines (53 loc) · 1.91 KB


File metadata and controls

70 lines (53 loc) · 1.91 KB

Frequency Asked Questions

How do I allow my user defined type definitions to not be lower cased?

Rules type_004 and signal_011 enforce a lower case consistency for user defined types. Rule signal_010 enforces lower case signal types for VHDL base types. If you want to allow for any case in user defined types, then we need to:

  • Disable type_004
  • Disable signal_011
  • Enable signal_010

Use the following configuration and pass it to VSG when you analyze your code:


How do I align signal_003, constant_003, file_003, type_003, subtype_003, and file_003?

The default behavior of VSG is to minimize horizontal spacing whenever possible. This would result in the following code formatting:

signal wr_en : std_logic;
constant size : integer := 1;
type state_machine is (IDLE, WRITE, READ, DONE);
subtype read_size is range 0 to 9;
file defaultImage : load_file_type open read_mode is load_file_name;

If you would rather the code formatting as follows:

signal   wr_en : std_logic;
constant size : integer := 1;
type     state_machine is (IDLE, WRITE, READ, DONE);
subtype  read_size is range 0 to 9;
file     defaultImage : load_file_type open read_mode is load_file_name;

Then use the following YAML code in a configuration file:

    spaces: 3
    spaces: 5
    spaces: 2
    spaces: 5