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File metadata and controls

74 lines (53 loc) · 2.28 KB

Setting up a Development Environment

If you would like to review the code and make some changes, follow these steps to setup the development environment.


VSG uses PyYAML to parse JSON and YAML files. Ensure at least version 5.1 is installed in your python site-packages directory.

Clone the repo

Clone the repo with the following command:

git clone

Setup alias

Set an alias to VSG as follows:

set alias vsg='python3 <path_to_clone_directory>/bin/vsg'

This allows you to execute VSG without installing it.

Running Unit Tests

To run the unit tests use the following command:

python -m unittest

After issuing the command the tests will be executed.

vhdl-style-guide$ python -m unittest discover
Ran 1170 tests in 6.424s