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Installs and configures HAproxy



Tested on 0.10.8 but newer and older version should work just fine.


The following platforms have been tested with this cookbook, meaning that the recipes run on these platforms without error:

  • ubuntu
  • debian


There are no external cookbook dependencies.


Just place the haproxy2 directory in your chef cookbook directory and upload it to your Chef server.


Simply include recipe[haproxy2] in your run_list.

This cookbook does not have a template to create the haproxy.cfg file, this file is generated dinamically depending of the pairs of keys and values of the attributes.

The global and the defaults sections, the listens, the frontends and the backends follow the same rules regarding how the cookbook will generate the configuration file. The idea is generate the config file setting attributes in the node, or trhough roles avoiding the templates.

The global and defaults sections are hashes with which their pair of keys and values are the settings that will applied on them.

The listens, frontends and the backends are an array of hashes, where each pair of keys and values of each hash are the settings that will be applied for them. They have three special attributes (name, role_app and member_options) that will not be considered settings of the listen, frontend or the backend but they are used for:

  • name: defines the name of the listen, frontend or backend
  • role_app: defines the role with which the nodes will be searched in order to use their info to set the servers options.
  • member_options: It is a hash that could contain the keys port (it is the port that will be used in the server option) and extra (you can set the extra options for the server option).

Regarding the values of the attributes, if you need to set a parameter without values, you need to set this value to true, but if you need to set a value you need to set a string. If it is false, the parameter will be not set. If it is an array, the parameter will be set with the elements of the array individually.

There is three special keywords (IPADDRESS, HOSTNAME, FQDN) that will be replaced by the corresponding attribute of the node.

For example, the following settings:

"haproxy" => {
  "global" => {
    "log" => "/dev/log local0 notice",
    "maxconn" => 4096,
    "debug" => false,
    "quiet" => true,
    "user" => "haproxy",
    "group" => "haproxy"
  "defaults" => {
    "log" => "global",
    "mode" => "http",
    "option" => [ "httplog", "dontlognull", "redispatch" ],
    "retries" =>  3,
    "maxconn" => 2000,
    "contimeout" => 5000,
    "clitimeout" => 50000,
    "srvtimeout" => 50000
  "listen" => [
      "name" => "load_balancer",
      "role_app" => lb_nodes",
      "member_options" => {
        "port" => "1060",
        "extra" => "check"
      "bind" => "IPADDRESS:80",
      "maxconn" => "500000",
      "balance" => "url_param jid",
      "option" => ["httpclose", "redispatch", "forwardfor"]
      "name" => "health_check",
      "bind" => "",
      "mode" => "health"
      "name" => "stats",
      "bind" => "",
      "maxconn" => "10",
      "mode" => "http",
      "stats" => [
        "realm Haproxy",
        "uri /proxy?stats",
        "auth status:pass123"
      "name" => "admin",
      "bind" => "",
      "mode" => "http",
      "stats" => "uri /"

Will generate the following configuration file (the ip address of the node will be

       group haproxy
       log /dev/log local0 notice
       maxconn 4096
       user haproxy

       clitimeout 50000
       contimeout 5000
       log global
       maxconn 2000
       mode http
       option httplog
       option dontlognull
       option redispatch
       retries 3
       srvtimeout 50000

listen load_balancer
       balance url_param jid
       maxconn 500000
       option httpclose
       option redispatch
       option forwardfor
       server node00 check
       server node01 check
       server node02 check
       server node03 check

listen health_check
       mode health

listen stats
       maxconn 10
       mode http
       stats enable
       stats hide-version
       stats realm Haproxy
       stats uri /proxy?stats
       stats auth status:pass123

listen admin
       mode http
       stats uri /

(The servers option of the load_balancer listen were added automatically. The cookbook search the nodes that have the role lb_nodes in their runlist and added them to the listen settings)



This recipe installs, configures and starts the haproxy service.



If it true, set ENABLE=1 in the /etc/default/haproxy file.


It set the extra options which will be started the haproxy daemon.


Hash that contains the options and the values of the global section.


Hash that contains the options and the values of the defaults section.


Array of the hashes. Each hash contain the options and the values of a frontend definition.


Array of the hashes. Each hash contain the options and the values of a backend definition.


Array of the hashes. Each hash contain the options and the values of a listen definition.

Resources and Providers

There are none defined.


There are none defined.


Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make.

License and Author

Author:: Claudio Cesar Sanchez Tejeda

Copyright:: 2012, Claudio Cesar Sanchez Tejeda

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.