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You will need a twilio key to create accounts because the current twilio key is bound to my phone number.

  1. cd Couponer
  2. npm install
  3. cd client
  4. npm install
  5. cd ..
  6. npm run dev npm run dev will run the client and server at the same time.

Make sure you install the node packages for the server AND the client.

The mongodb connection string is public and should allow you to connect to it. The connection string is only for testing purposes, it holds no useful data.

You will need a redis server running locally for the server to compile. I plan on removing this for now and readding redis for caching later as redis was adding a lot of unneded complexity and cacheing will be much easier to accomplish with a more complete product.

[ ] === Not complete [/] === Partial [X] === Done

[X] Search Functionality
[ ] Docker Containers
[X] Stateless Server
[ ] Load Balancer
[X] Redis Caching Support
[X] MongoDB Connection
[X] Signup Support
[X] Login Support
[X] Account details Encryption
[X] Autoload Sponsered Coupons
[/] Stripe payment support
[ ] Paid membership support
[X] Display Coupons
[X] Create Coupons
[/] Login Security/Validation
[/] React Native App (Waiting till webapp is Fully Complete to Resume)
[ ] Refactoring of CSS
[ ] Global CSS Classes to Reduce Css Bloat
[/] Refactoring of JS Components
[X] Router Support
[X] SPA design
[ ] Webpack Lazy Loading
[X] Recaptcha Support
[ ] Image Optimizations for Performance
[/] General Serverside Validation of data
[/] Stripe payment handling (May move to amazon or other payment processor)
[/] CDN Setup of Assets
[X] Address Validation
[X] GeoLocation AutoSearch
[/] Strip Unused dependacies
[/] Mongoose Models
[ ] Production MongoDB Setup
[ ] Production Redis Setup
[ ] Enviromnet of MongoDB String Setup
[ ] Production Payment Setup
[ ] Deployed on (Probably) Heroku


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