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Developing NEST with IDEs

Integrated development environments can make coding more efficient and fun. Here are some recipes based on practical experience on how to use IDEs in NEST development. The information is not meant to be complete, cross-checked or up-to-date but is provided on a best-effort basis to get you started. Kindly contribute your experiences.

Since we generally recommend out-of-source builds, only such are discussed here.

We currently have recipes for the following IDEs


This recipe describes how to set up Eclipse for editing, building and running NEST. The description here was tested on macOS 11 and Ubuntu 16.

Requirements and limitations

  • Focus on single build configuration
  • Assumes all dependencies (OpenMPI, GSL, etc) installed in a Conda environment
  • Does not support debugging on macOS (because Eclipse does not support lldb)
  • Does not read the NEST .clang-format file, so code formatting may be incorrect
  • Does not use the cmake4eclipse plug-in, because we haven't figured out how to use it with our complex setup. The instructions below rely on running cmake manually in the build directory.
  • Tested with Eclipse 2020-12


  1. Install Eclipse from Eclipse Installer. Using the Installer ensures that a suitable Java is installed. The instructions below are based on choosing the Eclipse IDE for Scientific Computing.
  2. From the Eclipse Marketplace, install PyDev and LiClipse Text extensions.
  3. In Eclipse preferences, under General > Security > Secure Storage – [Tab] Advanced, you should replace the default password encryption scheme to a more secure level than default, e.g. to PBE...SHA512...AES_256.

Setting up the project

  1. Clone NEST <development_workflow> onto your computer
  2. Build NEST manually
    1. Create a build directory
    2. Run cmake with suitable options
    3. Run make all and make install
  3. In Eclipse
    1. choose New > Makefile project with existing code
    2. select the directory containing the NEST source code or enter the path
    3. choose, e.g., the Cross GCC Toolchain
  4. Right click the project and choose Properties from the context menu

    1. Under C/C++ Build/Build Variables, define BUILD_DIR and CONDA_ENV, both of type Path. The first should contain the full path to the build directory you created above, the second the full path to your conda environment, usually something like .../miniconda3/envs/nest-dev.

    #. Under C/C++ Build – [Tab] Builder Settings,

    1. uncheck Use default build command
    2. set Build Command to make -k -j4 all install (adjust
    number of processes to your situation)
    1. set Build Directory to ${BUILD_DIR}
    1. Under C/C++ Build > Environment, prepend ${CONDA_ENV}/bin to PATH
    2. Under C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols – [Tab] Includes, add the following two direcories
      • ${BUILD_DIR}/libnestutil (contains config.h)
      • ${CONDA_ENV}/include (all headers from packages provided in conda environment)
    3. Under PyDev - Interpreter/Grammar, choose the interpreter from your Conda environment (you may need to add it by following the Click here to configure an interpreter not listed link and then Browse for python/pypy exe (this temporarily takes you to the global Eclipse preferences in a separate window).
    4. If you do not install PyNEST into a default Python package installation location, then under PyDev - PYTHONPATH [Tab] External Libraries click Add source folder and select the lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages directory in the NEST installation directory.
    5. Under Run/Debug Settings, add a New ... launch configuration, entering in C/C++ Application the full path to the installed nest executable.


  • Eclipse should now find all includes.
  • It should intepret switches such as HAVE_GSL and HAVE_MPI correctly, i.e., shade the code for the option that is not given. If this does not seem to work, try to rebuild the C/C++ index by opening C++ source file and chosing Project > C/C++ Index > Rebuild.
  • Clicking the hammer icon should compile and install NEST. Errors will be shown in the console and summarized in the warnings tab and you can jump directly to corresponding code locations.
  • Run should run NEST in a console inside Eclipse. Under Linux, Debug should also start a debugging session. To get most out of debugging, run cmake in the build directory with -Dwith-debug=ON.

Visual Studio Code

The following section will guide you through setting up Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for editing, building, running, and debugging NEST. Tested with Ubuntu 20.04. Steps for macOS should be equivalent, but with instead of ctrl in keyboard shortcuts.

Requirements and limitations

  • Assumes a suitable compiler (GCC/Clang/etc.) is installed.
  • Assumes CMake version 3.15 or newer is installed.
  • C++ debugging assumes GDB is installed if on Linux, and Xcode and LLDB is installed if on macOS.
  • Debugging C++ from VS Code is only possible with a SLI script. It is probably possible to launch the Python debugger, then attach a C++ debugging instance to that process, but that is left as an exercise for the reader.
  • Tested with VS Code 1.53.2.


  1. Install VS Code. See the VS Code setup documentation for instructions.
  2. In VS Code, open the extensions menu by choosing it in the sidebar, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+X. Install the following extensions (all published by Microsoft):
    • C/C++ Extension Pack
    • Python
    • PyLance

Setting up the project

  1. Clone NEST onto your computer. It is recommended to clone it into a project directory, where you also can put the build and install directories. This guide will assume that NEST is cloned into a directory named source in a project directory.
  2. In VS Code, choose File > Open Folder and open the NEST source directory you just cloned.
  3. Choose File > Preferences > Settings, switch from User to Workspace, and set the following:
    1. Cmake: Build Directory to ${workspaceFolder}/../build
    2. Cmake: Install Prefix to ${workspaceFolder}/../build/install
    3. Cpp Standard to c++11
  4. In the source directory, open .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json, and add

    "compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/../build/compile_commands.json",

    to the configuration.

After running CMake: Configure in the next section, which generates the compile commands, VS Code should find all includes and know about included classes, functions, and variables. Additionally, it should know about switches such as HAVE_GSL and HAVE_MPI, and mark relevant inactive regions. When compiling, NEST will be compiled into a build directory build next to the cloned source directory, and installed in a subdirectory install of the build directory.

Building NEST

  1. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and run CMake: Select a Kit. Select the compiler you want to use.
  2. Open the Command Palette and run CMake: Select variant. Select the variant you want to use (for example, select Debug for quick compilation and debug information).
  3. Open the Command Palette and run CMake: Configure. This will configure the project in the build directory. You only need to do this before the first time you build. A panel should open and show the output from the CMake command. Verify in the configuration summary that NEST has found the right libraries, and the right Python installation.
  4. Open the Command Palette and run CMake: Build or select Build from the Status bar. A panel will now show the build progress. You can click on the lock symbol in the top right corner of the panel to toggle autoscrolling.
  5. Once the build is finished, open the Command Palette and run CMake: Install to install NEST into the Install Prefix directory specified in the previous section.

Running and debugging

Running a NEST Python script

The steps below give a rough guide to how you can run a NEST Python script. For more detailed documentation on working with Python in VS Code, see the VS Code Python tutorial.

  1. Select a Python interpreter by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and running Python: Select Interpreter. Select the Python installation found by NEST in the configuration step.
  2. Open File > Preferences > Settings, go to Terminal>integrated>Env:<your OS>, and click on Edit in settings.json. VS Code will open settings.json and create a JSON object (JSON objects are similar to dictionaries in Python). In that object, add

    "PYTHONPATH": "${workspaceFolder}/../build/install/lib/<YOUR PYTHON VERSION>/site-packages:${env:PYTHONPATH}"

    replacing <YOUR PYTHON VERSION> with your Python version, e.g. python3.8. You can check the build/install/lib/ directory to get the correct name.

  3. Open or create a Python script.
  4. When you open a Python file for the first time, VS Code will ask if you want to install a linter. It is recommended to install a linter, for example Flake8, to keep the code clean and readable.
  5. Run the script by clicking the triangle (▷) at the top right corner, or right-clicking in the editor and choosing Run Python file in Terminal. A panel should open with a terminal showing the output.

Running a NEST Python script with a Python debugger

The steps below give a rough guide to how you can run a NEST Python script with the built-in debugger. For more detailed documentation on Python debugging in VS Code, see the VS Code Python debugging documentation.

  1. Set up the interpreter and script as described above.
  2. In the Side Bar, open the Run pane, or press Ctrl+Shift+D.
  3. Create a Python debug config by either
    • selecting Add configuration... from the dropdown menu, or
    • clicking the Create a launch.json file link, if the launch.json doesn't exist
  4. The debug configuration defaults to the current open Python file. Go back to the Python script and start the debugger by selecting the debug configuration from the dropdown in the Run pane (you can also use the hotkey F5).
  5. A panel with output will open, and the program will run until it finishes, or encounters an error or a breakpoint.

Running a SLI script with a debugger

The steps below give a rough guide to how you can run NEST with GDB in VS Code. For more detailed documentation on C++ debugging in VS Code, see the VS Code C++ debugging documentation.

  1. In the Side Bar, open the Run pane, or press Ctrl+Shift+D.
  2. Add a debug config by either
    • selecting Add configuration... from the dropdown menu, or
    • clicking the Create a launch.json file link, if the launch.json doesn't exist
  3. Choose the template for C/C++ (gdb) launch (or C/C++ (lldb) launch if on macOS) and
    • change the entry for program to "${workspaceFolder}/../build/install/bin/nest"
    • add "${file}" to the args list
  4. Open your SLI script and start debugging by selecting the debug configuration from the dropdown in the Run pane.
  5. A panel with output will open, and the program will run until it finishes, or encounters an error or a breakpoint.

Xcode Workflow

This section contains instructions on how to develop NEST on a Mac (OSX 10.10.3 as of this writing) using Xcode (Version 6.3.2). As the shipped gcc, aka clang (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn), does not support OpenMP and there is no MPI shipped by default, this also explains how to get a proper gcc (with OpenMP and MPI enabled) installed on Mac.

Setup Infrastructure

We need several packages installed, before we can become productive with NEST:

  • gcc
  • openmpi 1.6 (or later)
  • gsl
  • cmake
  • libtool
  • ipython, python, cython, ... The best way to install all the python requirements is to use Anaconda.

We present two ways to install the rest: MacPorts and Homebrew. For both versions you need to have Xcode and Xcode command line tools installed:

  1. Install Xcode from the AppStore.
  2. Install the Xcode command line tools by executing the following line in the Terminal and following the instructions in the windows that will pop up

    xcode-select --install
  1. Follow the install instructions for Homebrew (short) or long)
  2. Open up the Terminal and execute the following lines:

    brew install gcc gsl cmake open-mpi libtool

(We recommend using the Homebrew workflow, since there you can use a more current OpenMPI version for NEST, but we leave the MacPorts instructions for legacy purposes.)

  1. Follow the install instructions for MacPorts.
  2. Open up the Terminal and execute the following lines:

    sudo port install gcc48
    sudo port select gcc mp-gcc48 # make gcc-48 the default compiler
    sudo port install gsl +gcc48
    sudo port install cmake       # build tools
  3. NEST on Mac requires OpenMPI 1.6 from MacPorts to work properly, so we have to get this older version for MacPort. Download the portsfile Portfile-openmpi-1.6.4.txt and save it under the name Portfile in an arbitraty directory.
  4. In Terminal, move to the directory containing Portfile and run

    sudo port install +gcc48 +threads configure.compiler=macports-gcc-4.8

Install NEST

  1. Get NEST from Github. You should follow the Fork / Pull Request process and clone from your fork:

    cd <somebase>
    mkdir NEST
    cd NEST
    mkdir src build install
    git clone src

    Afterwards you should have a directory structure like:

    - src/
    - build/
    - install/
  2. Build NEST

    cd src
    cd ../build
    # with Homebrew infrastructure run:
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/../install -Dwith-debug=ON -Dwith-mpi=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-5 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-5 $PWD/../src
    # with MacPorts infrastructure run:
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/../install -Dwith-debug=ON -Dwith-mpi=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-mp-4.8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-mp-4.8 $PWD/../src
    make -j8    # run make with 8 processes
    make install
    make installcheck


It is important, that the cmake command is not executed with relative paths, in order for Xcode to find source files mentioned in the build logs.


If you want to debug your code with Xcode later, it has to be compiled with debug-options enabled.


Always supply a concrete CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER for the configure: e.g. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-5 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-5 (for Homebrew) or -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-mp-4.8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-mp-4.8 (for MacPorts). Otherwise Xcode will prefer to use the gcc/clang version.


Even if you want to build with MPI enabled, do not set the wrapper compilers for CMAKE_*_COMPILER, as cmake will figure out the correct compiler options on its own.


With cmake it is also possible, to generate the XCode project files with -G Xcode, but this will require you to build with gcc/clang. The following instructions assume, that you do not use this option.

Get Xcode working with NEST

  1. Create a new project, which we will call NEST-fork in this article. In the menu select File -> New -> Project... . Then select OS X -> Other -> External Build System (with build tool /usr/bin/make)
  2. Add the NEST sources to the project. There is a + in the left-bottom corner (see image). Click Add Files to "NEST-fork".... Then select the <somebase>/NEST/src/ folder (do not copy items and use groups).

    Also add the generated files:

  3. On the left panel select the newly created project NEST-fork, then select the created target:

    Here you set set Directory to <somebase>/NEST/build. This will be the directory, in which the make command is executed. Also check Pass build settings in environment.

  4. Next select the Build Settings panel.

Here you Add User-Defined Setting and name it PATH. In the NEST-fork column (the second) you copy the content of your PATH variable (do echo $PATH in the Terminal).

  1. The build system (CMD+B) should work from now on.

Running NEST from Xcode

We have to edit the Targets Scheme:

  1. In the menu select: Product -> Scheme -> Manage Schemes...
  2. Select the NEST-fork target and hit Edit...
  3. Select the Run option on the left and then on the right select Info.
  4. As Executable select <somebase>/NEST/install/bin/nest.
  5. You can specify arguments in the Arguments panel.


The executable <somebase>/NEST/install/bin/nest will only be updated, if you execute make install in the terminal.

Code Completion in Xcode

We have to create a new target and configure it appropriately:

  1. In the menu select: File -> New -> Target....
  2. Make the target a OS X -> Command Line Tool (Next), of type C++ in your project (preselected). We call it completion
  3. Remove all files and folders that are created with the new target.
  4. In the tab "Build Phase" of the new target, under "Compile Sources" add all *.h, *.hpp, *.c, *.cc, *.cpp files from the list (you can use CMD+a).

  5. Now Xcode generates its index and after that code completion should work.