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Web Fonts Loading / Performance

The virue of maps, they show what can be done with limimte space, they foresee that evertyhing can happen therein.

Many people in the design process simply don't know a lot about performance consequences of their design decisions.

  • Brad Frost

There is no difference to a user between a site being down and a site being inaccessible due to loading issues. [...]

  • ?

Font formats


EOT is only for oldIE (<9)

For just IE9+, you can do: woff2 woff otf

Loading Fonts

Network requests go like:

HTML   [--------]
CSS         [--------]
Font 1                [------]
Font 2                [------]

Ie; Can't start downloading fonts until after DOM & CSSOM are fully generated.


  • FOIT (Flash of invisible text): No content visible until font downloads.
  • FOUT (Flash of unstyled text): show content in fallback font until font downloads.

Solution: prioritise content over presentation Display content right away, swap fonts later:

  • First visit show content
  • Async load fonts during rendering
  • Cache wrb fonts
  • Apply web fonts right away (or on later visits to avoid FOUT)
  • Apply web fonts only if cached on subsequent visits

Case study: The Guardian

  1. Forked mobile experience.
  2. Improved accessibility, etc.
  3. Made mobile the tablet experience & monitored how long / hard it took them.
  4. Then tablet to desktop, desktop to tv, etc.
  • Priority lists for content and styles to define "core":
    • Core content doesn't rely on JavaScript,
    • Only one main feature image considered "core",
    • No ajax support for rating, comments and live scores,
    • "Cutting the mustard" to "buckle" browsres,
    • web fonts aren't loaded by default (to prevent OUT).
  • Module loading, 3 types of content:
    1. Core content
    • Essential HTML, CSS, non-JS enhanced experience
    1. Enhancement
    • JS, Geolocation, touch, enhanced CSS, web fonts, etc
    1. Leftover
    • analytics, advertising, third-party content
  • Load core content first, then Enhancement on DOMContentLoaded, then leftovers on Load.


Modular loading:

  • Load JS into a browser async. While JS is being downloaded, browsre still can parse the docment and show content.
  • HTML/JS (for modern browsers):
    @if(isModernBrowser) {
      <script src="enhance.js" async defer></script>


  • server-side: UA string detection (DeviceAtlas, WURFL).
  • client-side feature detection:
    if (
      'querySelector' in document
      && 'localStorage' in window
      && 'addEventListener' in window)
      // HTML5 browser
    if ('visibilityState' in document) {
      // HTML5 browsre

Loading web fonts:


  • Cut the mustart?
  • Support Woff?
  • Font cached?
    • Then, you can have the font

Guardian usres need to successfully copmlete ONE HTTP request to read content. 0.798 seconds to load (300ms Round trip time).

Case study: Smashing Magazine

Minor optimization based on a simple principle: optimise content, defer the rest:

  • Load critical CSS inline and full CSS on load,
  • Avoid Javascript libraries (jQuery -> Javascript)
  • Store Web fonts in localStorage + cookies
  • Defer advertising, tracking and all non-critical CSS/JS.
    • Did Ad impressions / conversions go down?
      • Yes, when in "leftovers".
      • Yes, but not as much as in "leftovers", but clicks increased (because they're already engaged with the content)
  • Replaced respond.js with IE8 stylesheets (fixed-width)
  • Optimize the critical rendering path for content delivery.

See article: Improving smashing magazine's [...]

Loading critical CSS

Automate it with criticalcss / grunt-criticalcss - "A full-configured head setup for EnahanceJS or (localhost cache)

or (HTTP cache only)

Pro tips

Keep speed index below 1000.

Make sure first 14kb contains as much CSS / HTML as possible to render the page. Do this by inlining the first 1200 pixels.

Why 14kb? 1024 bytes per TCP packet. TPC can do 10 packages at a time, so approximately 14kb.

Use localStorage over http cache for web fonts. Why?:

Caches dont stay populated for very long. There is a 42% change that any request will have a cache that is, at most, 47 hours old

  • facebook http cache exercise

The way Gmail speeds up their loading:

  • Idea: Let browsers download all of the JS right away, but evaluate it "on demand", i.e. when users need a particular feature.
  • Most of the downloaded JS is ommented out, and when needed uncommented and eval-ed
  • 200KB of JS went from 2600ms -> 240ms

For social shares & video playing, use a simple image/ button. Then load the JS once the user actually clicks it.