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KYC Package

KYC service configuration

IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently the size of the configuration file is limited to 1 Mb for reasons of common sense. Actually, this is the size way larger than required.

Command line options

The service supports the following command line options:

Name Description
help Prints info about supported command-line options and exits.
config Specifies the file to use for configuration.
port Specifies the port for the service to listen for incoming requests. The default port is 8080

WARNING! If the file specified in the config command line option doesn't exists it will be created. If you accidentally provide an important file as a config it will be overwritten on first configuration update. If parsing of the provided file failed the service will have empty config with very basic functionality such as supported providers list, alive check and configuration management. It will be used to save future configuration updates and will be overwritten. It is recommended to use default configuration file.

Configuration file options

All options must be placed under the Config section of the configuration file. The service supports the following options in the configuration file:

Name Description
Port Has the same meaning as the command-line port option
License License key for the KYC service

WARNING! If a command line option is specified its value overrides the configuration file value for that option.

KYC providers configuration options

Current implementation of the service allows configuration for the supported KYC providers through the configuration file kyc.cfg. We provide the sample file without credentials. It includes all providers supported by the service. Feel free to modify it to suit your needs.

Below are the options required for each provider.

Coinfirm configuration options

Name Description
Host Coinfirm API url without trailing slash
Email Email of the Coinfirm user
Password Password of the Coinfirm user
Company Name of the project registered in Coinfirm

ComplyAdvantage configuration options

Name Description
Host ComplyAdvantage API url without trailing slash
APIkey ComplyAdvantage API key which can be generated within ComplyAdvantage web platform
Fuzziness Determines how closely the returned results must match the supplied name. Float value in range [0.0 ... 1.0]

IdentityMind configuration options

Name Description
Host IdentityMind API url without trailing slash
Username IdentityMind API username that is supplied during registration in the service
Password IdentityMind API key that is supplied during registration in the service

IDology configuration options

Name Description
Host IDology API url without trailing slash
Username IDology API username supplied by the service
Password IDology API password supplied by the service
UseSummaryResult If Summary Results are enabled in the Enterprise Configuration, this must be set to true. Boolean value true or false

Jumio configuration options

Name Description
BaseURL Jumio API url without trailing slash
Token Jumio API token supplied by the service
Secret Jumio API secret supplied by the service. You can view and manage your API token and secret in the Customer Portal under Settings > API credentials

Shufti Pro configuration options

Name Description
Host Shufti Pro API url without trailing slash
ClientID Shufti Pro Client ID supplied by the service
SecretKey Shufti Pro Secret Key supplied by the service
RedirectURL The url to redirect your customer after the verification process completes. Currently, leave it intact

Sum&Substance configuration options

Name Description
Host Sum&Substance API url without trailing slash
APIKey Sum&Substance API key supplied by the service

SynapseFI configuration options

Name Description
Host Synapse FI API url with trailing slash
ClientID Synapse FI client id supplied by the service
ClientSecret Synapse FI client secret supplied by the service

Thomson Reuters configuration options

Name Description
Host Thomson Reuters World-Check One API (WC1 API) url with trailing slash
APIkey WC1 API key generated by WC1 and made available to WC1 administrators via the user administration interface
APIsecret WC1 API secret generated by WC1 and made available to WC1 administrators via the user administration interface

Trulioo configuration options

Name Description
Host Trulioo GlobalGateway Normalized API (NAPI) url without trailing slash
NAPILogin The NAPI username supplied by the service
NAPIPassword The NAPI password supplied by the service


The KYC service exposes REST API for interaction. The data payload of requests should be JSON encoded. The API responds with JSON-encoded payload as well.


Our API makes available the following Endpoints:

Method Route Description
GET / Answers with the welcome message in plain text format
GET /Ping Answers with the "Pong!" response in plain text format
GET /Provider Check whether a specified provider is implemented
POST /CheckCustomer Send KYC verification requests
POST /CheckStatus Send KYC verification current status check requests
GET /Config Returns the current configuration
POST /Config Configuration management

The models for requests and responses are provided.

Configuration and license management

The Configuration management API allows to manage KYC service configuration and KYC providers configuration without the burden of maintenance of the configuration file in the correct state due to manual editing.

As the integral part of the service, the Configuration management too uses JSON format for requests and responses.

To get the current configuration no parameters required. The format of returned configuration is similar to update requests with the difference it includes full actual configuration.

For configuration updates, what is important to note you aren't obliged to provide all available options for a provider or the service in each update request. Include only options you're intended to update. Nonetheless, for the initial request of provider configuration update when there is no configuration for that provider yet, provide all options of it. Otherwise, the provider will not be initialized and the error list will be returned in the response.

If it is required to add or update the license key for the KYC service it is managed using this interface too.

The example of the configuration update request for a KYC provider:

    "Coinfirm": {
        "Email": "",
        "Company": "Foobar"

You may provide the options for a few providers at once:

    "IdentityMind": {
        "Host": "",
        "Username": "johndoe",
        "Password": "c27c6fec117414d119022bacc0df35cb5466d6f8"
    "Jumio": {
        "BaseURL": "",
        "Token": "b4b6e792-5e0b-4aed-8189-617821a48951",
        "Secret": "SN5WkYRWscnBcazMNYx3vnwWYWMaEhEj"
    "Sum&Substance": {
        "Host": "",

The example of the configuration update request for the service:

    "Config": {
        "Port": "8088",
        "License": "license key data"

The example of the license update request for the service:

    "Config": {
        "License": "updated license key data"

WARNING! If the KYC service port was updated the service must be restarted for the option to take effect. Currently, the service doesn't support automatic service restart.

The configuration update response fields description

Name Type Description
Updated bool It will contain true if an update was applied to the configuration
Errors [ ]string List of errors happened during configuration update process. If no errors happened it will be empty, not null

The service is resilient to options mismatches in a request. It accepts all known settings provided in the request omitting all unknown, generating corresponding errors in the response. If all options provided in the request are valid the API will return the response with empty error list.

CheckCustomer request fields description

Name Type Description
Provider KYCProvider The identificator for the KYC provider name
UserData UserData A verification data of the customer

CheckStatus request fields description

Name Type Description
Provider KYCProvider The identificator for the KYC provider name
ReferenceID string The identificator of the verification submission. Its value is specific for a provider

API response fields description

Name Type Description
Result *Result A result of the KYC verification
Error string A text of an error message if the error has occured during the verification

If a KYC provider doesn't support the instant result response then check and use the Result.StatusCheck field for the info required for the KYC verification status check requests.

API Error response fields description

Name Type Description
Error string A text of an error

HTTP response codes

Code Description
200 A request has been successfully processed. The response should be inspected for possible KYC verification errors
400 It happens when something wrong with the request. If the request is somehow malformed or missed a required param
403 It happens when a valid license for the KYC service is missing
404 It happens when a KYC provider in the request is unknown for the API or it wasn't properly configured
405 It happens when a wrong HTTP method is used in requesting API
422 It happens when a KYC provider doesn't support requested method or it isn't implemented yet
500 It happens when something goes wrong in the server (serialization errors, KYC config's errors, etc...)

Checking if a KYC provider is implemented in the API

The service accepts only one param for this kind of check - name. Other params are ignored. If the request is valid then the JSON response will be returned showing whether the specified provider is implemented:

    "Implemented": true

This example represents the positive response.

If the request performed without params then the sorted list of implemented KYC providers will be returned in the response:



This part may be of interest mainly to developers.

Integration interface

All KYC providers implement common.KYCPlatform interface for the verification process:

type KYCPlatform interface {
    CheckCustomer(customer *UserData) (KYCResult, error)
    CheckStatus(referenceID string) (KYCResult, error)

KYC providers handle KYC process differently. Some return KYC result instantly in the response. Some require to poll the customer verification status to check if the process is completed. For this purpose the *common.KYCResponse.Result.StatusCheck field is provided. If a polling is required and no error has occured then this field will be non-nil.

The rest required for interaction with KYC providers is in the common package including request and response structures.

KYC request

For the verification request use a request of the common.UserData type.

UserData fields description

Name Type Description
FirstName string Required. First name (FN) of the customer, for ex. "John"
LastName string Required. Last name (LN) of the customer, for ex. "Doe"
MaternalLastName string Maternal (second) last name (MatN) of the customer
MiddleName string Middle name (MidN) of the customer, for ex. "Benedikt"
FullName string Full name as found on identification documents (if it isn't composed as FN+MidN+LN+MatN)
LegalName string Legal name of the customer, for ex. "Astrid Lindgren"
LatinISO1Name string Latin ISO1 name of the customer, for ex. russian "Иван Сидоров" be "IVAN SIDOROV"
AccountName string Account name for the customer, for ex. "john_doe"
Email string Email of the customer
IPaddress string Customer’s IP address
Gender Gender Gender of the customer
DateOfBirth Time Date of birth of the customer in RFC3339 format, for ex. "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
PlaceOfBirth string Place of birth of the customer
CountryOfBirthAlpha2 string Country of birth of the customer in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "US"
StateOfBirth string State of birth of the customer, for ex. "GA"
CountryAlpha2 string Country of the customer in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "DE"
Nationality string Citizenship of the customer. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "TH"
Phone string Primary phone of the customer. It isn't the mobile phone!
MobilePhone string Mobile phone of the customer
BankAccountNumber string Chinese bank account number
VehicleRegistrationPlate string New Zealand vehicle registration plate
CurrentAddress Address Current address of the customer
SupplementalAddresses []Address List of supplemental addresses of the customer
Location *Location Geopositional data of the customer
Business *Business The business which the customer is linked to or is one of the owners
Passport *Passport Passport of the customer
IDCard *IDCard National ID Number (Malaysia NRIC Number, Swedish PIN, etc...)
SNILS *SNILS SNILS (Russian insurance number of individual ledger account) of the customer
HealthID *HealthID National Health Service Identification
SocialServiceID *SocialServiceID National Social Service Identification (Social Security Number, Social Insurance Number, National Insurance Number)
TaxID *TaxID National Taxpayer Personal Identification Number
DriverLicense *DriverLicense Driver license of the customer
DriverLicenseTranslation *DriverLicenseTranslation Driver license translation of the customer (translation of the driving license required in the target country)
CreditCard *CreditCard Banking credit card of the customer
DebitCard *DebitCard Banking debit card of the customer
UtilityBill *UtilityBill Utility bill
ResidencePermit *ResidencePermit Residence permit of the customer
Agreement *Agreement Agreement of some sort, e.g. for processing personal info
EmploymentCertificate *EmploymentCertificate Employment certificate of the customer (a document from an employer, e.g. proof that a user works there)
Contract *Contract Some sort of contract
DocumentPhoto *DocumentPhoto Document photo of the customer (like a photo from the passport)
Selfie *Selfie Selfie image of the customer
Avatar *Avatar A profile image aka avatar of the customer
Other *Other Other document (should be used only when nothing else applies)
VideoAuth *VideoAuth Short authorization video of the customer (up to 5 seconds)
CompanyName string Company full name
Website string Company's website URL
CompanyBoard *CompanyBoard A certified document containing a list of members of company's board of directors (e.g. an extract from company register or an officially certified document)
CompanyRegistration *CompanyRegistration A certificate of company registration

Address fields description

Name Type Description
CountryAlpha2 string Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "FR"
County string County if applicable
State string Name of the state, for ex. "Alabama"
Town string City or town name
Suburb string Suburb if applicable
Street string Street name, for ex. "PeachTree Place", "7th street"
StreetType string Street type, for ex. "Avenue"
SubStreet string Substreet if applicable
BuildingName string Building or house name
BuildingNumber string Building or house number
FlatNumber string Apartment number
PostOfficeBox string Post office box
PostCode string Zip or postal code
StateProvinceCode string Abbreviated name of the state or province, for ex. "CA"
StartDate Time When the customer settled at this address, in RFC3339 format
EndDate Time When the customer moved out from this address, in RFC3339 format

Business fields description

Name Type Description
Name string Name of the Enterprise the customer relates to
RegistrationNumber string Registration number of the Enterprise
IncorporationDate Time Incorporation date of the Enterprise, in RFC3339 format
IncorporationJurisdiction string Incorporation jurisdiction of the Enterprise

Passport fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Passport number without whitespaces and dashes
Mrz1 string First line of the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of passport, 44 letters and digits, i.e. "P<CZESPECIMEN<<VZOR<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
Mrz2 string Second line of the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of passport, 44 letters and digits, i.e. "99003853<1CZE1101018M1207046110101111<<<<<94"
CountryAlpha2 string Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "SG"
State string Abbreviated name of the state or province, for ex. "TX"
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
ValidUntil Time Valid until date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the passport

IDCard fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Id card number without whitespaces and dashes
CountryAlpha2 string Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "CN"
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the card

SNILS fields description

Name Type Description
Number string SNILS number without whitespaces and dashes
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the SNILS

HealthID fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Number of the document
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the document

SocialServiceID fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Number of the document
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the document

TaxID fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Number of the document
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the document

DriverLicense fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Driver license number
Version string New Zealand driver license version number (this number changes each time a new card is issued)
CountryAlpha2 string Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "DE"
State string Abbreviated name of the state or province, for ex. "KY"
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
ValidUntil Time Valid until date, in RFC3339 format
FrontImage *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the front side of the driver license
BackImage *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the back side of the driver license

DriverLicenseTranslation fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Driver license translation number
CountryAlpha2 string Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "LV"
State string Abbreviated name of the state or province, for ex. "MT"
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
ValidUntil Time Valid until date, in RFC3339 format
FrontImage *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the front side of the driver license translation
BackImage *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the back side of the driver license translation

CreditCard fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Credit card number without whitespaces and dashes
ValidUntil Time Valid until date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the face side of the credit card

DebitCard fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Debit card number without whitespaces and dashes
ValidUntil Time Valid until date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the face side of the debit card

UtilityBill fields description

Name Type Description
CountryAlpha2 string Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "ID"
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the utility bill

ResidencePermit fields description

Name Type Description
CountryAlpha2 string Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "GB"
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
ValidUntil Time Valid until date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the residence permit

Agreement fields description

Name Type Description
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the agreement

EmploymentCertificate fields description

Name Type Description
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the employment certificate

Contract fields description

Name Type Description
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the contract

DocumentPhoto fields description

Name Type Description
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the photo from a document

Selfie fields description

Name Type Description
Image *DocumentFile Selfie image

Avatar fields description

Name Type Description
Image *DocumentFile Profile image aka avatar

Other fields description

Name Type Description
Number string Document number without whitespaces and dashes
CountryAlpha2 string Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for ex. "ES"
State string Abbreviated name of the state or province, for ex. "PA"
IssuedDate Time Issued date, in RFC3339 format
ValidUntil Time Valid until date, in RFC3339 format
Image *DocumentFile Scan or photo of the document

DocumentFile fields description

Name Type Description
Filename string File name of the document image, for ex. "passport_front.jpg"
ContentType string MIME type of the content, for ex. "image/jpeg"
Data []byte Raw content of the document image file

VideoAuth fields description

Name Type Description
Filename string Name of the video file, for ex. "auth_video.mp4"
ContentType string MIME type of the content, for ex. "video/mp4"
Data []byte Raw content of the video file

Location fields description

Name Type Description
Latitude string The location latitude, for ex. "55.678849"
Longitude string The location longitude, for ex. "52.327662"

KYC response

The verification response consist of two elements: a result and an error if occurred. The result is of the type common.Result.

Some KYC providers might require to poll the customer verification status to check if the process is completed. For this purpose the *StatusCheck field is provided. If a polling is required and no error has occured then this field will be non-nil.

common.Result fields description

Name Type Description
Status string Status of the verification
Details *Details Details of the verification if provided
ErrorCode string Error code returned by a KYC provider if the provider support error codes
StatusCheck *KYCStatusCheck Data required to do the customer verification status check requests if needed

Status possible values description

Value Description
Error Verification has failed. Probably, some error has occurred. Returned error value must be non-nil and common.Result.ErrorCode may contain error code value
Approved Successful verification with approved result. The details maybe non-nil and contain additional info about the verification
Denied Successful verification with rejected result. The details should be non-nil and contain additional info about the verification
Unclear Needs subsequent status polling or the verification completed with an indefinite result. That might mean that some additional info is required. The details should be non-nil and contain additional info. If status polling is required then common.Result.StatusCheck must be non-nil

Details fields description

Name Type Description
Finality string Rejection type of the result (if the negative answer is given)
Reasons []string List of additional response info describing result-related circumstances

Finality possible values description

Value Description
Final Final reject, e.g. when a person is a fraudster, or a client does not want to accept such kind of clients in his/her system
NonFinal A reject that can be fixed, e.g. by uploading an image of better quality
Unknown The provider doesn't support Finality feature

KYCStatusCheck fields description

Name Type Description
Provider KYCProvider An identificator for the KYC provider name
ReferenceID string An identificator that references to this verification submission. It mention in docs as applicantId/mtid/jumioIdScanReference/etc. Its value is specific for a provider
LastCheck time.Time Last time a verification status was checked, in RFC3339 format

Applicable fields grouped per provider

common.UserData provides a wide range of possible data that might require the verification. However, not every KYC provider will surely use all available fields of the model. Therefore, to ease the process of integration for administrators, here you'll find the grouping of applicable fields per provider.


Individual KYC onboarding

UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
FirstName string Yes
LastName string Yes
MiddleName string
Email string Yes
IPaddress string
DateOfBirth Time Yes
CountryAlpha2 string Yes
Nationality string Yes
Phone string
MobilePhone string
CurrentAddress Address Yes
Passport *Passport * (see comment) * Provide anyone of required documents
IDCard *IDCard * (see comment)
SNILS *SNILS * (see comment)
DriverLicense *DriverLicense * (see comment)
DriverLicenseTranslation *DriverLicenseTranslation * (see comment)
UtilityBill *UtilityBill

Address mandatory fields:

Name Type
Town string
Street string
PostCode string

DOCUMENTS NOTE: Supported extensions for document files: "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "bmp", "svg", "psd", "tif", "tiff", "webp", "pdf".

Company KYC onboarding

UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
Email string Yes
IPaddress string
CountryAlpha2 string Yes
CurrentAddress Address Yes As for Individual
Passport *Passport * (see comment) * Provide anyone of required documents
IDCard *IDCard * (see comment)
DriverLicense *DriverLicense * (see comment)
CompanyName string Yes
Website string
CompanyBoard *CompanyBoard ** (see comment) ** Provide anyone of required documents
CompanyRegistration *CompanyRegistration ** (see comment)

DOCUMENTS NOTE: Supported extensions for document files: "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "bmp", "svg", "psd", "tif", "tiff", "webp", "pdf".


UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
FirstName string (*) * Either provide first and last names or full name
LastName string (*)
MiddleName string
FullName string (*) * Either provide this or first and last names
DateOfBirth Time Recommend for better results


UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
FirstName string
LastName string
MiddleName string
AccountName string Yes
Email string
IPaddress string
Gender Gender
DateOfBirth Time
CountryAlpha2 string
Phone string
MobilePhone string
CurrentAddress Address
Location *Location
Passport *Passport
IDCard *IDCard
DriverLicense *DriverLicense
UtilityBill *UtilityBill
ResidencePermit *ResidencePermit
Selfie(*) *Selfie See comment(*) (*)Provide it if using Document Verification

DOCUMENTS NOTE: Include image file(s) for the document used for the verification.


UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
FirstName string Yes
LastName string Yes
Email string
DateOfBirth Time
Phone string It will be used if non-empty and has length of 10
MobilePhone string It will be used if has lenght of 10 and the Phone field is empty
CurrentAddress Address Yes
SupplementalAddresses []Address It might be a shipping address
IDCard *IDCard Yes

Address mandatory fields:

Name Type
Town string
StateProvinceCode string
PostCode string


UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
FirstName string
LastName string
DateOfBirth Time
Passport(*) *Passport See comment(*) (*)Anyone of documents marked with asterisk
IDCard(*) *IDCard (*)
DriverLicense(*) *DriverLicense (*)
Selfie *Selfie See comment(*) (*)Mandatory if Face match enabled

DOCUMENTS NOTE: Include image file(s) for the document used for the verification.

Shufti Pro

UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
FirstName string Yes
LastName string Yes
MiddleName string
Email string
DateOfBirth Time
CountryAlpha2 string Yes
CurrentAddress Address
Passport(*) *Passport See comment(*) (*)Anyone of documents marked with asterisk
IDCard(*) *IDCard (*)
DriverLicense(*) *DriverLicense (*)
CreditCard(*) *CreditCard (*)
DebitCard(*) *DebitCard
UtilityBill *UtilityBill Can be used in case of address verification
Selfie *Selfie Yes

DOCUMENTS NOTE: Include image file(s) for the document used for the verification.


According to the API Reference all fields of UserData are applicable except the following:

  • MaternalLastName
  • LatinISO1Name
  • AccountName
  • IPaddress
  • Location
  • Business

Sum&Substance requires at least one document to be present to start the verification process, so anyone of the following fields should present:

Name Type
Passport *Passport
IDCard *IDCard
DriverLicense *DriverLicense
DriverLicenseTranslation *DriverLicenseTranslation
CreditCard *CreditCard
DebitCard *DebitCard
UtilityBill *UtilityBill
ResidencePermit *ResidencePermit
Agreement *Agreement
EmploymentCertificate *EmploymentCertificate
Contract *Contract
DocumentPhoto *DocumentPhoto
Selfie *Selfie
Avatar *Avatar
Other *Other

All fields in the Reference are marked as optional but at least first name and last name should be provided in addition to a doc.


UserData applicable fields:

Name Type FileType Required Comment
FirstName string Yes
LastName string Yes
MiddleName string
Gender Gender
Email string Yes
DateOfBirth Time Yes Required for documents only
CountryAlpha2 string Yes
Phone string ()** (**)Anyone of documents marked with double asterisk
Mobile phone string ()**
CurrentAddress Address Yes Required for documents only
Passport(*) *Passport .png/.jpg/.jpeg (*) (*)Anyone of documents marked with asterisk
IDCard(*) *IDCard .png/.jpg/.jpeg (*)
DriverLicense(*) *DriverLicense .png/.jpg/.jpeg (*)
UtilityBill *UtilityBill .png/.jpg/.jpeg/.pdf
Selfie *Selfie .png/.jpg/.jpeg Yes Deprecated in favor of video authorization
VideoAuth *VideoAuth .mov/.mp4/.webm Yes 5 second authorization video of the customer. Requires document with customer photo (passport, etc.)

DOCUMENTS NOTE: Include image file(s) for the document used for the verification.

Thomson Reuters

UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
FirstName string * (see comment) * Either use first name and last name or full name
LastName string * (see comment) if the order of the names is different from western usual composition
MiddleName string or those names are difficult to represent separately
FullName string * (see comment)
Gender Gender
DateOfBirth Time
CountryOfBirthAlpha2 string
CountryAlpha2 string
Nationality string

NOTE: For better result, please, fill as much fields as possible.


UserData applicable fields:

Name Type Required Comment
FirstName string
MaternalLastName string
LastName string
MiddleName string
LatinISO1Name string
Email string
Gender Gender
DateOfBirth Time
CountryAlpha2 string Yes
Phone string
MobilePhone string
BankAccountNumber string
VehicleRegistrationPlate string
CurrentAddress Address
Business *Business
Passport *Passport
IDCard *IDCard
HealthID *HealthID
SocialServiceID *SocialServiceID
TaxID *TaxID
DriverLicense *DriverLicense
ResidencePermit *ResidencePermit
Selfie *Selfie

DOCUMENTS NOTE: Include image file(s) for a document used in the verification (some documents haven't physical form only a number, for ex. UK NI and NHS Numbers).

The countries supported by KYC providers and the fields variability

KYC providers may require various set of common.UserData fields depending on the customer country. Also, they may service to the limited number of countries and this number of countries might configurable in a web-interface of the provider.

Coinfirm covered countries

  • International
  • No fields variations found in the docs

ComplyAdvantage covered countries

  • International (no list of supported countries)
  • No fields variations found in the docs

IdentityMind covered countries

  • International
  • No fields variations found in the docs

IDology covered countries

  • USA and Canada
  • No fields variations found in the docs

Jumio covered countries

  • International
  • No fields variations found in the docs

Shufti Pro covered countries

Sum&Substance covered countries

  • International
  • No fields variations found in the docs

SynapseFI covered countries

  • International (no list of supported countries)
  • No fields variations found in the docs

Thomson Reuters covered countries

  • International
  • No fields variations found in the docs

Trulioo covered countries

These are the countries that supported since last check.

Country code Country Name
AE United Arab Emirates
AR Argentina
AT Austria
AU Australia
BE Belgium
BR Brazil
CA Canada
CH Switzerland
CL Chile
CN China
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
DE Germany
DK Denmark
EC Ecuador
EG Egypt
ES Spain
FR France
GB United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
HK Hong Kong
IE Ireland
IN India
IT Italy
JP Japan
KR Republic of Korea
KW Kuwait
LB Lebanon
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
NL Netherlands
NZ New Zealand
OM Oman
PE Peru
PT Portugal
RO Romania
RU Russian Federation
SA Saudi Arabia
SE Sweden
SG Singapore
SV El Salvador
TH Thailand
UA Ukraine
US United States of America
ZA South Africa
  • API provides the group of methods for retrieving the lists of:
    • Consents
    • Supported countries
    • Available fields dynamically based on a country
    • Document Types available for a country
    • Test Entities configured for a country
    • Datasource groups configured for a country

UserData applicable fields for all supported countries:

Name Type Required Countries for which the field is required
FirstName string AE, AR, AU, BR, CA, CL, CN, CO, CR, DE, DK, EC, EG, ES, FR, GB, HK, IE, IT, JP, KW, LB, MX, MY, NL, NZ, OM, PE, RU, SA, SE, SG, SV, TH, UA, US, ZA
LastName string AE, AR, AT, AU, BE, BR, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, DE, DK, EC, EG, ES, FR, GB, HK, IE, IN, IT, JP, KW, LB, MX, MY, NL, NZ, OM, PE, PE, PT, RO, RU, SA, SE, SG, SV, TH, UA, US, ZA
MaternalLastName string
MiddleName string RU
LatinISO1Name string
Email string
Gender Gender GB, MX, MY
DateOfBirth Time AE, AU, CR, DE, DK, EG, FR, GB, IT, KR, KW, LB, MX, MY, NL, NZ, OM, RU, SA, SE, SV, ZA
CountryAlpha2 string Yes
Phone string CR
MobilePhone string
Business *Business
Passport *Passport AE, AR, AT, AU, BE, BR, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, DE, DK, EC, EG, ES, FR, GB, HK, IE, IT, JP, KR, KW, LB, MX, MY, NL, NZ, OM, PE, PT, RU, SA, SE, SG, SV, TH, UA, US, ZA
IDCard *IDCard AE, AR, BR, CN, CO, CR, DK, EC, EG, FR, HK, KR, KW, LB, MX, MY, NL, OM, RO, SA, SE, SG, SV, TH, ZA
SocialServiceID *SocialServiceID CA, GB, IE, IT, UA
TaxID *TaxID
DriverLicense *DriverLicense GB, KR, NZ, US
ResidencePermit *ResidencePermit
Selfie *Selfie

UserData required fields for the specific countries:

Name Type Countries for which the field is required
MaternalLastName string CO, MX, PE
FullName string MY, SG
CountryOfBirthAlpha2 string MY
StateOfBirth string MX, MY
BankAccountNumber string CN
VehicleRegistrationPlate string NZ
HealthID *HealthID GB

Address required fields for the specific countries:

Name Type Countries for which the field is required
County string IE
Town string CA, CH, CR, DE, IE, JP, NZ, PT, SE, US, ZA
Suburb string JP, ZA
Street string AU, CA, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, IE, MX, NZ, PT, US
BuildingNumber string AU, CA, DE, ES, JP, MX, NL, US
PostCode string AR, AU, BE, CA, CH, DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, JP, MX, NL, NZ, PE, PT, US, ZA
StateProvinceCode string CA, CR, JP, US

Passport required fields for the specific countries:

Name Type Countries for which the field is required
Number string AU, RU
Mrz1 string AE, AR, AT, AU, BE, BR, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, DE, DK, EC, EG, ES, FR, GB, HK, IE, IT, JP, KR, KW, LB, MX, MY, NL, NZ, OM, PE, PT, SA, SE, SG, SV, TH, UA, US, ZA
Mrz2 string AE, AR, AT, AU, BE, BR, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, DE, DK, EC, EG, ES, FR, GB, HK, IE, IT, JP, KR, KW, LB, MX, MY, NL, NZ, OM, PE, PT, SA, SE, SG, SV, TH, UA, US, ZA
IssuedDate Time RU

IDCard required fields for the specific countries:

Name Type Countries for which the field is required
Number string AE, AR, BR, CA, CN, CO, CR, DK, EC, EG, FR, HK, IE, IT, KW, LB, MX, MY, NL, OM, RO, SA, SE, SG, SV, TH, UA, ZA

HealthID required fields for the specific countries:

Name Type Countries for which the field is required
Number string GB

SocialServiceID required fields for the specific countries:

Name Type Countries for which the field is required
Number string CA, GB, IE, IT, UA

DriverLicense required fields for the specific countries:

Name Type Countries for which the field is required
Number string GB, KR, NZ, US
Version string NZ
State string US


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