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Resource Validation Webhook

In order to provide advanced resource validation, cert-manager includes a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration which is deployed into the cluster as its own pod.

This feature requires Kubernetes 1.9 or greater. If you disable the webhook component, cert-manager will still perform the same resource validation however will not reject 'create' events when submitting resources to the API server.

The webhook component is disabled by default, and must be enabled when installing with the helm chart, or installed as an additional component if using the static manifests.

Enabling the webhook component

With Helm

To enable the component when using Helm, you must first ensure the namespace that you deploy cert-manager into has the label "true".

You can add this label like so:

$ kubectl label namespace cert-manager


New installations of cert-manager with Helm v2.10 and later will not require this additional step

You can then proceed to upgrade your Helm deployment as usual, adding one additional flag:

$ helm upgrade cert-manager stable/cert-manager \
      --reuse-values \
      --set webhook.enabled=true

With static manifests

When installing using the static manifests, the webhook component is installed as a separate set of manifests.

You can find the manifests for the webhook in the deploy directory.


TLS Configuration

The ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource requires that the webhook server uses TLS.

cert-manager uses a commbination of the SelfSigned and CA Issuer types to provision the resources required to do this.

In order to do this, when installing with the Helm chart or static deployment manifests, resource validation is disabled on the nammespace cert-manager is deployed into.


If you have manually created the namespace that cert-manager is deployed into, you must ensure your namespace has the "true" Label set on the Namespace resource. This is handled automatically when performing a helm install for the first time by use of an additional selector in the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration

1) First, a self-signed Issuer is created in order to issue self-signed certificates. You can see this named cm-cert-manager-selfsign in the output below.

2) Then, a Certificate resource referencing the self-signed Issuer is created. This certificate has spec.isCA: true set. It will be used as our root CA. You can see this named cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca in the output below.

3) Then another Issuer resource is created, this time a CA Issuer. This Issuer will issue certificates signed by the self-signed root CA created in (2). You can see this named cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca in the output below.

4) Finally, a second Certificate resource is created. This one will be used by the webhook to secure communication between the apiserver and the webhook! You can see this named cm-cert-manager-webhook-tls in the output below.

You can see the status of the certificates and issuers used for the webhook in your own cluster by running:

$ kubectl describe certificate --namespace cert-manager
Name:         cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca
Namespace:    cert-manager
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Certificate
  Cluster Name:
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-08-07T23:18:53Z
  Generation:          0
  Resource Version:    722
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 402722a2-9a98-11e8-bf3f-525400856e41
  Common Name:  ca.webhook.cert-manager
  Is CA:        true
  Issuer Ref:
    Name:       cm-cert-manager-selfsign
  Secret Name:  cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca
    Last Transition Time:  2018-08-07T23:18:57Z
    Message:               Certificate issued successfully
    Reason:                CertIssued
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
  Type    Reason      Age   From          Message
  ----    ------      ----  ----          -------
  Normal  IssueCert   9m    cert-manager  Issuing certificate...
  Normal  CertIssued  9m    cert-manager  Certificate issued successfully

Name:         cm-cert-manager-webhook-tls
Namespace:    cert-manager
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Certificate
  Cluster Name:
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-08-07T23:18:53Z
  Generation:          0
  Resource Version:    738
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 4021e81e-9a98-11e8-bf3f-525400856e41
  Dns Names:
  Is CA:  false
  Issuer Ref:
    Name:       cm-cert-manager-webhook
  Secret Name:  cm-cert-manager-webhook-tls
    Last Transition Time:  2018-08-07T23:19:01Z
    Message:               Certificate issued successfully
    Reason:                CertIssued
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
  Type     Reason          Age   From          Message
  ----     ------          ----  ----          -------
  Warning  IssuerNotReady  9m    cert-manager  Issuer cm-cert-manager-webhook not ready
  Normal   IssueCert       9m    cert-manager  Issuing certificate...
  Normal   CertIssued      9m    cert-manager  Certificate issued successfully

$ kubectl describe issuer --namespace cert-manager
Name:         cm-cert-manager-selfsign
Namespace:    cert-manager
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Issuer
  Cluster Name:
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-08-07T23:18:53Z
  Generation:          0
  Resource Version:    696
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 402a07c1-9a98-11e8-bf3f-525400856e41
  Self Signed:
    Last Transition Time:  2018-08-07T23:18:55Z
    Reason:                IsReady
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
Events:                    <none>

Name:         cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca
Namespace:    cert-manager
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Issuer
  Cluster Name:
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-08-07T23:18:53Z
  Generation:          0
  Resource Version:    726
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 402ea69e-9a98-11e8-bf3f-525400856e41
    Secret Name:  cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca
    Last Transition Time:  2018-08-07T23:18:58Z
    Message:               Signing CA verified
    Reason:                KeyPairVerified
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
  Type     Reason           Age              From          Message
  ----     ------           ----             ----          -------
  Warning  ErrGetKeyPair    9m               cert-manager  Error getting keypair for CA issuer: secret "cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca" not found
  Warning  ErrInitIssuer    9m               cert-manager  Error initializing issuer: secret "cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca" not found
  Warning  ErrGetKeyPair    9m (x6 over 9m)  cert-manager  Error getting keypair for CA issuer: secret "cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca" not found
  Warning  ErrInitIssuer    9m (x6 over 9m)  cert-manager  Error initializing issuer: secret "cm-cert-manager-webhook-ca" not found
  Normal   KeyPairVerified  9m (x2 over 9m)  cert-manager  Signing CA verified

Keeping Kubernetes PKI resources up to date

Once the root CA certificate has been provisioned, cert-manager also needs to update the Kubernetes API Server to give it a copy of the root CA in order to verify connections to the webhook component.

To do this, the spec.caBundle field on the APIService resource named must be set to the root CA generated above, and the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration named cert-manager-webhook must have its own caBundle fields set to that of your Kubernetes API Server.

The cert-manager deployment manifests do this automatically by installing a Kubernetes CronJob resource. This CronJob will run every 24 hours and ensures that these resources are up to date.

The code for this component can be found at munnerz/apiextensions-ca-helper