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The purpose of the module is simulating the basic arithmetical operations as executed by a human equipped with nothing more than a few sheets of paper and a pencil.


During the 1960's (extending into the 1970's), I learned the four basic operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Example page from my exercise book

In 1976, I learned square root computation, with a method very similar to the standard "gallows" method for the division.

100      |-----
 0400    |24
  11900  | 4
         |  1
         |   4
         |    2

In 1979, my father was given a copy of an arithmetics exercise book, used in 1822. This exercise book contained divisions much unlike what my father and I knew. I did some reverse engineering and I think I found the method that was used. Yet, this is nothing more than guesswork.

Example page from the exercise book

The first two divisions is the page above are 2469600 divided by 25882 gives 954, remainder 13170 and 34048000 divided by 25882 gives 1315, remainder 13170. These divisions are part of the rules of three (7000 × 3528) / 25882 and (7000 × 4864) / 25882. By the way, you may recognise the corresponding multiplications in the page, next to the divisions. The divisions are reproduced below, but without the fact that the remainders 4572 and 13170 are underlined with an slant line.

   04                   13
  1085                 1421
 140217               040157
24696202             08166480
24696000{0954        34048000{1315
--------             --------
25882222             25882222
 258888               258888
  2588                 2588
   25                   25

If the stricken digits are unreadable, here are the same divisions without striking the digits.

   04                 13
  1085               1421
 140217             040157
24696202           08166480
24696000{0954      34048000{1315
--------           --------
25882222           25882222
 258888             258888
  2588               2588
   25                 25

In 1982, for a science history project, I borrowed Number Words and Number Symbols, A Cultural History of Numbers, from Karl Menninger, I read it and I gave it back to the library.

In 1996, I bought and I read Histoire d'Algorithmes, du caillou à la puce.

In 2000 or 2001, I wrote a Perl programme to compute a square root with the "gallows" method. There are no back-ups of this programme, which is a good thing.

In 2005, during the French Perl Workshop in Marseille I gave a lightning talk about square root computation. The demo used a marker (instead of a pencil) and a rhodoid sheet (instead of paper), but no computer and no programme. The future programme was announced for "some time in the future". Here is the rhodoid sheet from this lightning talk.

square root computation

255    |-----
 3049  |45
  01300| 5
       |  6
       |   0

In 2009, I bought a copy of Number Words and Number Symbols, A Cultural History of Numbers and I could read it and consult it without bothering about library late fees.

In 2023, I began working on the programme I had promised in 2005, although this will not be a Perl programme, but a Raku module.


A computation is a two-tier process. Let us consider a multiplication. The first tier is mental computation, in which the child is able to multiply two single-digit numbers and get a 1- or 2-digit number. And the second tier is paper-and-pencil computing, in which the child writes in an organised way the partial results of the mental computations, to execute a full multiplication of a n-digit number by a n'-digit number.

The module has two main classes. The first one is the number class, which simulates mental computation and in which operations have very strict limits. For example, multiplication in allowed only if both factors are single-digits numbers.

The second main class simulates a sheet of paper (or a few sheets). The main attribute of this class is a list of actions, to simulate the child reading some already written digits, doing a mental computation, and writing the result on the sheet , while saying the proper formulas such as:

  6 fois 8, 48
  je pose 8 et je retiens 4

(sorry, I only know the french version).

The class includes several methods for the various arithmetical operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root. These methods feed the "list of actions" attribute. Another method reads this list of actions and renders them as HTML. Depending on the method parameters, the HTML text can contain only the written part of the operation, or it can include in addition the formulas said by the simulated human.

Future versions of the module may include other rendering formats such as plain text or LATEX + Metapost. But this is deep in the to-do stack.

What the module will not do

When I was 10, I knew a few things that will not appear in the module. For example, I learned (and I still know) how to compute with numbers with a fractional part. The module will deal only with integers. Dealing with the decimal point would need many additional programme lines for a limited benefit. So, my 2005 demo will not be possible with the module. Either the computation stops after dealing with the units digits, or the module user bypasses the limitation by asking the square root of 6554900 and by manually inserting the decimal point. Likewise, if you want to compute π with 6 fractional digits using the well-known fraction 355/113, you will have actually to compute 355_000_000 / 113 and insert a decimal point just after the leftmost digit.

Another point. When dividing two numbers, finding each successive digits for the quotient is a trial-and-error process. Let us suppose we want to divide 654000 by 1852. For the mental division, we focus on the first digit of both dividend and divisor, in this case, 6 and 1. So the first candidate digit of the quotient is 6. Then I would try to compute the partial remainder and I would find that 6 is too big. So I would try a second time with 5 and it would still be too big. Then 4, then 3, which would eventually succeed. This was basic training, when I was maybe 8. Then, when I turned 10, I learned that I should get a look at the second digit of the divisor. If this digit is a 9 or even a 8, you can compute the first candidate by dividing the first digit of the dividend by the first digit of the divisor plus 1, In the case of 65400 and 1852, you would divide 6 by 2 and obtain directly 3. My module does not do this. Yet, there is a "cheat" mode in which the module hides the attempts with 6, 5 and 4 and shows only the attempt with 3. This gives the following:

  En 6, combien de fois 1, il y va 6 fois.
  Mais je triche et j'essaie directement 3. (tr: but I cheat and I immediately try 3)

Actually, it is nearly the same, except that my module executes all the computations, even if they are discarded. Another difference, as shown with the division of 74500 by 1852 is that the first candidate is 7/2 = 3, which is too small, the first digit of the quotient is 4. The module tries 7, 6, 5 and then 4, without considering 3 which is too low. Thus, the module only checks "too-bigness", never "too-smallness".

Do we require a plus sign (or several) on the left side of an addition? A minus sign on the left side of a subtraction? A times sign on the left side of a multiplication? This is what I learned at the very beginning of my arithmetic lessons, but soon it was discarded. From time to time, I would write a times sign, but usually my multiplications would have no signs. The module will not print these signs. An exception: the radix-to-radix conversions stack multiplications on top of additions and additions on top of multiplications. To improve readability, the module will print plus and times signs when appropriate.

The module uses only indo-arabo-latin numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, etc). There is no plan to use indo-arab numerals (٠ for 0, ١ for 1, ٢ for 2, ٣ for 3, ٤ for 4, etc) nor chinese numerals nor other positional number systems. Even more, the additional systems (egyptian, roman) are not dealt with.

A sufficiently experienced human (my younger self at 10 year old, for example, but not 8 year old) understands that under some circumstances, some shortcuts are possible, such as when a multiplier or a multiplicand has many zeroes. My module will not detect these conditions. It will apply the rules in a dumb way, even if the dumbness mutates into silliness.

My module can be considered as an alternative solution for a bigint module. This is true as long as we do not consider performances. An actual bigint module give efficient computation with extended precision. My module aims at extended precision computation with traceable steps.

Not only the module lacks efficiency, but it also lacks ergonomy. suppose we want to compute √(b² - 4ac). We would need to write a programme in this fashion:

my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $a;
my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $b;
my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $c;
# initialisation of a, b and c, to be completed
# end of initialisation, beginning of computation
my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $four .= new(value => '4');
my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $result;

my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil $sheet .= new;
$result = $sheet.squareroot($sheet.subtraction($sheet.multiplication($b, $b), $sheet.multiplication($four, $sheet.multiplication($a, $c))))

And the example above is much simplified. The parameters for the methods are shown as positional parameters, yet the methods actually require keyword parameters.

A last point in which my module agrees with my training is carries. When I was taught arithmetics, I learned to keep carries in my mind and not write them. My module will do the same, it will not print the carries.

What the module will do

When I was 10 years old, I did not know how to compute square roots, I did not know the 1822 (or "boat") variant of the division, I did not know the others variants of multiplication and division. The module will provide all these.

Most human beings can compute in radix 10 only. Some have limited skill to compute in octal or hexadecimal. My module will do computations in any radix from 2 to 36. Thus, the mental computation class will be able to compute Z × Z = Y1 in radix 36 (in radix 10: 35 × 35 = 1225 = 36 × 34 + 1).

When I learned number bases, I learned to convert numbers from radix 10 to radix b with cascading divisions and to convert numbers from radix b to radix 10 by computing a polynomial with Horner's scheme (I did not know Horner's scheme, I even did not know what a polynomial was, but nevertheless, I knew how to do this kind of computation). But I did not learn how to convert a number directly from radix b to radix b'. Later, I discovered the special cases of converting from radix 2 to radix 4, 8 or 16 or the inverse conversions, which are in fact very simple. But I still cannot convert a number directly from radix b to radix b' in the general case. The module will be able to do such a conversion for any couple of bases from 2 to 36.

The numbers processed by the module have no limits. Or rather, the limits come from the Raku interpreter and from the host computer. So, you can reproduce Frank Nelson Cole's multiplication, when he showed in 1903 the prime factors for the 67th Mersenne number.. When I was 10 years old, I theoretically could compute Cole's multiplication, but actually I would have made errors or I would have given up before it was complete.

When I learned multiplications and divisions, I learned the French-speaking formulas which support these operations, e.g. "En 6, combien de fois 1, il y va 6 fois." I do not know the equivalent in foreign languages. Yet, the module includes a multi-lingual mechanism. So, if I get help from a native English speaker, from a native German speaker, and so on, the module will be able to write the formulas in English, or in German, or in some other language.

Some confusing matter

The numbers manipulated by the module belong to two different species. The first species contains the numbers targetted by the computations: multiplicands, multipliers, partial products, and so on, as well as pieces of these numbers: unit digits, carries, etc. These numbers are instances of the Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number class. And there are auxiliary numbers: counting the elements in an array or the chars in a string, or the numeric radices, line numbers, column numbers, which are used to help construct the full operations. The numbers are plain Raku Int values and they are immune from the limits of mental computations, such as preventing the multiplication of two numbers if one of them is a multi-digit number.



No variants, no special cases. Nothing to say.


The subtraction is a "reverse" addition, so there is no variants, no special cases and nothing to say? On the contrary. We must consider separately the stand-alone subtraction and the embedded subtraction (computing the partial remainder in a division). Also, while there is no variants for the addition, there is one for subtraction, the variant using the b-complement, as we learn when we study assembly programming (2-complement or 16-complement).

Stand-alone subtraction

A subtraction needs a single phase. Yet, if the substracted numbers are very different, we can distinguish up to three subphases. Let us consider this subtraction.

-       8867700

The first subphase is processing each digit from the low number. This is what we think about when talking about a subtraction.

-       8867700

There is no more digits in the low number, but there is still a carry. The second subphase is the processing of this carry.

-       8867700

Now, there is neither a carry nor a digit from the low number. The third subphase is just copying the remaining digits from the high number to the result.

-       8867700

In some cases, the second subphase and the third subphase can be missing. This is the case with subtractions embedded in a division or a square root extraction to compute a partial remainder. The second subphase will involve at most one digit from the high number and the third subphase will be totally absent.

Embedded subtraction

Let us use the following division as an example.


When the pupil computes the intermediate remainder, he starts by computing "6 time 9 is 54", then he compares this value with single-digit 1. The pupil then says "from 61, it remains 7" (or some sentence with the same meaning, I am not a native English speaker) and then "write 7, carry 6".

What happens? The input data to the subtraction are:

  • a high number, with a single digit (1 in this example), or maybe you would interpret it as a partially known number, "?1",

  • a low number, with one or two digits (54 in this example).

The output data are:

  • the adjusted high number, with usually two digits (61 in this example),

  • the subtraction result, a single-digit number (7 in this example).

This process is a mental process, without writing. So it is coded in the Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number class. It is used in the division, but also in the stand-alone subtraction (where we know that the carry can never be more than 1).

A side remark. When I learned in my early years, I was taught to say (very roughly translated) "6 times 9, 54, plus 7, 61", while in other schools other children would say "6 times 9, 54, from 61, remain 7". I did not understand why this addition-like sentence in my school was better than the subtraction-like sentence in other schools and after all these years I still do not understand. Yet my brain is wired in this way, so this is the way the spoken sentences are implemented in French. In other languages, I will trust whoever helps me.

b complement subtraction

This variant is used for the fractional part (or mantissa) of logarithms and for subtraction in radix 2 and radix 16. Yet, it can be used with integers in any radix and I will give an example in decimal with the 10-complement. Let us use the same example as above.

-       8867700

To compute the difference, we must first compute the 10-complement of the low number (10-complement because of radix 10). Actually, there are several possible 10-complements for the same number, because we did not specify the required length. If you compute logarithms using a 5-digit log table, or if you write assembly programmes on a 16-bit computer, the length of the 10-complement or of the 2-complement is implied, so the question is not necessary. Here, since the high number has 15 digits, we need the 15-long 10-complement of 8866700. There are two ways to compute this number.

First way: we adjust the length of the low number by adding zeroes to the left, to reach the required length (15 in this example).


We scan the digits right-to-left. While these digits are zero, we leave them unchanged.


The next digit, and only this next digit, is replaced by its 10-complement. In the example, 7 turns to 3.


Lastly, all other digits are replaced with their 9-complements, including the zeroes that would still be there. In the example, 7 turns to 2, 6 turns to 3, 8 turns to 1 and 0 turns to 9.


Second way to compute the 10-complement: we adjust the length of the low number by adding zeroes to the left, to reach the required length.


We replace all digits by their 9-complements.


We add 1.


Once we have the 10-complement of the low number, with either the first or second method, we add it to the high number.


There is always a new digit (a sixteenth digit in this example) and this additional digit is always 1. We discard this digit and we obtain the result of the subtraction, 1123449991144645.

Of course, when using binary we talk about 1-complement and 2-complement. In hexadecimal, we may talk about 15-complement (or F-complement) and 16-complement. But since radix 16 is, in a way, a "higher-level view" of radix 2, many people still mention 1-complements and 2-complements.



The standard multiplication is well-known:


Is there something to add? Yes. This standard variant has two sub-variants. The first variant is the "with short-cuts" variant. Let us consider the multiplication of 628 by 333. The vanilla sub-variant executes the same computation three times:

3 fois 8, 24, je pose 4 et je retiens 2
3 fois 2, 6, et 2, 8, je pose 8 et je ne retiens rien
3 fois 6, 18, je pose 18


3 fois 8, 24, je pose 4 et je retiens 2
3 fois 2, 6, et 2, 8, je pose 8 et je ne retiens rien
3 fois 6, 18, je pose 18


3 fois 8, 24, je pose 4 et je retiens 2
3 fois 2, 6, et 2, 8, je pose 8 et je ne retiens rien
3 fois 6, 18, je pose 18


The "with shortcuts" variant executes the computation only once. The second and third partial products are just copies of the first one:

3 fois 8, 24, je pose 4 et je retiens 2
3 fois 2, 6, et 2, 8, je pose 8 et je ne retiens rien
3 fois 6, 18, je pose 18


Je recopie la ligne 1884 (= "copying line 1884")


Je recopie la ligne 1884 (= "copying line 1884")


The other sub-variant is an hypothetical one. Or rather, I never heard about it. It is an extension to multiplication of the "prepared" sub-variant of the division. On a first sheet of paper, the pupil lists the multiples of the multiplicand. For the prepared division, the list goes up to "9 × 628", but for the prepared multiplication, we can stop at "4 × 628", because the multiplier has no digit higher than 4. Then, the second sheet of paper has no mental multiplications, only copies of existing lines:

1 times 628,  628
2 times 628, 1256
3 times 628, 1884
4 times 628, 2512
Next Page


Copying line 2512


Copying line 1884


Copying line 1256


Actually, the prepared variant is less efficient than the shortcut variant. If the multiplier is, for example, 747, the shortcut variant will only compute 4 × 328 and 7 × 628, while the prepared variant will compute all partial products from 2 × 628 until 7 × 628.

The last phase, adding the partial products, is not shown, because it is the same for the three sub-variants.

"Jalousie" variant

Let us go back to multiplying 628 by 234, which gives 146 952. In the picture below, the multiplicand is on a blue background, the multiplier is on a green background and the final product is on a pink background. These colours play no role in the multiplication, their purpose is only to streamline the explanations in this chapter.

Long before reading Histoire d'algorithmes (HAL) and Number Words and Number Symbols (NWNS), I had heard about a rectangular variant for multiplications. It was shaped like the A1 example below.

Various examples for the jalousie multiplication

In NWNS page 442, the author gives an example of multiplication using indo-arabo-latin digits (0, 1, 2, etc) following format A2 and the same example with indo-arab digits (٠ for 0, ١ for 1, ٢ for 2, ٣ for 3, etc) following format B3, obviously attempting to cram the whole product on the bottom line. The name of this variant comes from Italian, multiplicare per gelosia, which Menninger translates as "in the manner of a jalousie" (venitian store).

In HAL, the examples begin on page 26, with a multiplication in which the multiplier has only one digit. This multiplication uses pattern A1. It comes from Līlāvatī from Ganesa. HAL gives several French-speaking names for this technique: par tableau, par grillage, par filets and par jalousie (in an array, in the manner of a mesh fence, in the manner of a fishing net and in the manner of a jalousie). I kept this last one, which exists also in English and is the translation of the Italian name.

Then, in page 28 of HAL, you find a multiplication from Miftāh al-hisāb written by Al-Kāshī'. In this multiplication, the rectangle sides form an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal or with the vertical. Moreover, the number are written right-to-left in radix 60 (seconds, then minutes, then degrees, if you read left-to-right) and. On page 30, you find a multiplication with chinese digits and following pattern A2. It comes from a 1450 manuscript, Jiunzhang suanfa bilei daquan. On page 32, there are a A2 multiplication and a B1 multiplication from an anonymous treatise published in Trevise in 1478, and a B2 multiplication and an A2 multiplication from a treatise written by Luca Pacioli in 1494.

Multiplication A1 is cumbersome, but this is a minor problem. Multiplication B1 is confusing, with the multiplier stuck to the last part of the product. Lastly, multiplication B3 is barely legible, it does not help understand the mechanism of multiplication (you cannot easily guess how to compute the units and the tens of the product) and it is incompatible with Int typed line numbers and column numbers. So the module provides only the A2 and B2 variants, renamed jalousie-A and jalousie-B, and the A1 variant, named jalousie-A but with an additional parameter :product<straight>. This parameter can also be applied to the jalousie-B type. In addition, the module does not draw inner vertical and horizontal lines. These various possibilities look like:

   6 2 8               6 2 8             6 2 8          6 2 8
  --------            --------         --------       --------
 1|1/0/1/|            |1/0/1/|         |\4\8\2|       |\4\8\2|
  |/2/4/6|2           |/2/4/6|2       4|2\0\3\|2     4|2\0\3\|
 4|1/0/2/|           /|1/0/2/|         |\8\6\4|       |\8\6\4|
  |/8/6/4|3         / |/8/6/4|3       3|1\0\2\|5     3|1\0\2\|\
 6|2/0/3/|         / /|2/0/3/|         |\2\4\6|       |\2\4\6| \
  |/4/8/2|4       / / |/4/8/2|4       2|1\0\1\|9     2|1\0\1\|\ \
  --------       / /  --------         --------       -------- \ \
   9 5 2        1 4 6  9 5 2             1 4 6          1 4 6  9 5 2

A minor difference with the final result: in this Markdown document, horizontal lines appear as strings of dashes. In the HTML version, the horizontal lines will be generated by <u> tags to display underlined spaces or underlined digits. On the other hand, vertical and slant lines are drawn with pipes / slashes / backslashes as shown.

"Boat" variant

This variant is described in NWNS on page 440. It is similar to the "boat" variant of the division, which is the reason why I gave them the same name.

Karl Menninger begins with describing the idea, regardless of the way the digits are placed on the paper sheet. Let us use again the multiplication 234 × 628. The first step in the computation of 234 × 6. this gives:


The second step is 234 × 2, with the multiplier written a second time, aligned with digit "2" of the multiplicand:


The third step is 234 × 8, with the multiplier aligned with digit "8":


Lastly, the partial products are added together:


This is the theoretical side. Actually, the multiplication is executed by writing each partial product digit in the first available spot in the proper column. And leading zeroes are not written. Here is side-by-side the theoretical view with leading zeroes removed and the actual view.

 18         12
12         1284
------     ------
   628        628
------     ------
 234        234

Second step.

  24         4
 18         126
12         12848
------     ------
   628        628
------     ------
 234        2344
  234        23

Third step.

------       12
  24         463
 18         1264
12         128482
------     ------
   628        628
------     ------
 234        23444
  234        233
   234        2

And the addition of the partial products.

    4          69
  ------       125
    24        4463
   18        112642
  12         128482
  ------     ------
     628        628
  ------     ------
   234        23444
    234        233
     234        2

Actually, NWNS shows a multiplication in which the elementary products are computed right-to-left for each multiplicand digit while in the example above I have computed these elementary products left-to-right. See the difference below. The first line uses the RTL order, the second line uses the LTR order.

               8         28
    24        124       1124
  ------     ------     ------
     628        628        628
  ------     ------     ------
   234        234        234

              1          12
  12         128        1284
  ------     ------     ------
     628        628        628
  ------     ------     ------
   234        234        234

On page 441, NWNS shows the middle-age variant of this operation. In this variant, each elementary product is immediately added to the previous ones, instead of waiting for the end of the global operation. There again, for each multiplicand digit, the elementary products are computed RTL. The intermediate computations are: 4 × 6 = 24, 30 × 6 + 24 = 204 and 200 × 6 + 204 = 1404, and then 4 × 2 + 14040 = 14048, 30 × 2 + 14048 = 14108 and 200 × 2 + 14108 = 14508. The last products, with digit 8, are left as an exercise to the reader.

                                                1          1
               0         40         40         400        400
    24        224       1224       12248      12248      12248
  ------     ------     ------     ------     ------     ------
     628        628        628        628        628        628
  ------     ------     ------     ------     ------     ------
   234        234        234        2344       2344       2344
                                     23         23         23

There again, we may prefer computing the elementary products LTR. Actually, this is how the multiplication was computed on the abacus. So we have 2 × 6 = 12, 3 × 6 + 120 = 138 and 4 × 6 + 1380 = 1404, and then 2 × 2 × 10 + 1404 = 1444, 3 × 2 + 1444 = 1450 and 4 × 2 + 14500 = 14508.

                                               5         5
                         4          44        44        44
              3          30         30        300       300
  12         128        1284       1284      1284      12848
  ------     ------     ------     ------    ------    ------
     628        628        628        628       628       628
  ------     ------     ------     ------    ------    ------
   234        234        234        2344      2344      2344
                                     23        23        23

Egyptian or Russian Multiplication

Long ago, some school friends showed me the Egyptian multiplication. Years later, I found other sources which showed me that this was the Russian multiplication, or "Russian peasant multiplication". The actual Egyptian multiplication uses a different set-up. Suppose we need to multiply 628 by 234. The two numbers are set up side by side (with a sufficiently wide gap). Then we divide the left number by 2 and we multiply the right number by 2 until we reach number 1.

234     628
117    1256
 58    2512
 29    5024
 14   10048
  7   20096
  3   40192
  1   80384

On each line in which the left number is even, we cross the right number out.

234     628
117    1256
 58    2512
 29    5024
 14   10048
  7   20096
  3   40192
  1   80384

Then we add the uncrossed numbers.

234     628
117    1256
 58    2512
 29    5024
 14   10048
  7   20096
  3   40192
  1   80384

We can consider that the multiplications by 2 and the divisions by 2 are simple enough, so we need not write them fully as:

234|2        628     117|2      1256
03 |---        2      17|--        2   etc
 14|117     ----       1|58     ----
  0|        1256                2512

Even with this simplification, the Russian multiplication is long. This means resolving a binary multiplication even if you work in decimal or hexadecimal. So I nearly discarded this variant. But in the end, I included it into the module.

Another difficulty. The method is based on classifying numbers into even numbers and odd numbers. In decimal, it is easy, just look at the unit digit. If the digit is even, the number is even. If the digit is odd, the number is odd. This criterion applies to any even radix, but it is wrong for odd radices. We must find something else.

In radix 10, the divisibility by 3 or 9 is checked by summing the digits of the number. If the total is itself a multi-digit number, we iterate the process until we have a single-digit number. Then we have the conclusion. If the last result is 3, 6 or 9, the number is a multiple of 3. If it is 9, the number is a multiple of 9. The same method applies in radix 9 to divisibility by 2, 4 and 8. It applies in radix 11 to divisibility by 2, 5 and A and in radix 13, it applies to divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 6 and C.

Consider for example number 45269 in radix 11. The sum of its five digits is 26 in decimal, that is, 24 in radix 11. A second iteration gives the sum 2+4 = 6, which is an even number. So 45269 is an even number. This is fortunate, because in decimal, this is 65536. So 45269 is even, but it is not a multiple of 5 or 10.

Likewise, for 45268, the sum of digits is 25 in radix 10 or 23 in radix 11 in the first iteration and 5 in radix 11 in the second iteration. So 45268 (or 65535 in radix 10) is an odd number and a multiple of 5.

More generally, if radix b is odd, 2 is a divisor of b-1. So, for any odd radix, the "sum of digits" method works to determine if a number is even or odd.

For divisibility by 2, the criterion can be simplified. In the original number, we count the odd digits, without bothering with the even digits. And we need only count them, we need not add them. If the count is even, the number is even. If the count is odd, the number is odd. With number 45269 in radix 11, we find two odd digits, 5 and 9. Therefore the number is even. With number 45268 in radix 11, we find only one odd digit, therefor the number is odd.


Standard Division

When I learned the standard division, partial remainders were computed with an operation mixing a multiplication and a subtraction: multiplying the divisor by the current quotient digit and subtracting it from the partial dividend. Much later, I heard that this multiplication and this subtraction were now separate operations. When working on the present module, I watched a few tutorials (French speaking, of course), to know which was the exact method used: do we prepare the division by computing the first 10 multiples of the divisor? Or do we compute each multiplication when required and not before?

For these two French-speaking tutorials, the authors posit that the pupil knows by heart the multiples of the divisor (the multiples of 52 in one case, the multiples of 35 in the other). I am very sceptical. A side remark about the first tutorial is that the many stops between successive sentences and the fact that the zero is processed like any other digit make me think that this video was generated with a programme similar to my module (yet generating MPEG or MP4 instead of HTML).

In this tutorial, the author clearly states that the pupil must prepare the division by computing the first ten multiples of 23 or 16 or, more generally the divisor. Also, the tutorial acknowledges that there is no single division method. There are several methods and the pupil must stick with one of them and practice it.

This tutorial, is also interesting. Among other things, it uses "hooking" as shown in the chapter below. The hooks are drawn with curved lines, while I learned to draw them with straight lines and right angles. And the hooks are named chapeau or parapluie (hat or umbrella). Another interesting point is that it shows the trial-and-error process by computing a first candidate digit with a 1-by-1 or 2-by-1 division and then, decrementing the candidate digit until successful. A last interesting point is that at each step, we must check that the partial remainder is less than the divisor. If greater or equal, that means there was a mistake in the operation. I learned to do this check, but I chose not to implement it in the module.

And lastly a tutorial which teaches the division the way I learned it, or nearly so, with combined multiplication and subtraction. There are also hooks, drawn with curved lines as in the tutorial above. A significant difference with the way I learned is that carries are written and stricken in the tutorial, while I learned to keep the carries in my memory without writing them on the paper.

The conclusion is that I should not decide all by myself which is the single division method. Instead, I must define a few parameters to allow the module users to choose which variant they want to generate.

"Hook" in the Standard Division

A topic that most certainly deserves a mention is the "hook" on the first line. Note: this word "hook" or its translation harpon are not official words, they are words I picked up when writing this module and its documentation. A French-speaking tutorial that I saw later name this thing chapeau or parapluie ("hat" or "umbrella").

The hook does not appear in the December 1970 example at the beginning of this text, but it can be seen below.

Examples of divisions with hooks

First, a special case with the centre division. This is a 27000 ÷ 250 division. We were told to simplify by 10, so we would compute the simpler division 2700 ÷ 25. This is why the hook is present on the second line instead of the first one.

The simple hook allows the pupil to know where he will subtract the first digit of the first intermediate remainder. So, when dividing 270 by 25 or 18, the first digit of the first remainder will be written under the "7".

The double hook has the same usage, plus it shows which portion of the dividend will be used for the computation of the first candidate digit. Remember that this computation uses a single-digit divisor. Thus, when dividing 2700 by 25, the first computation will be "2 ÷ 2" and the remainder rightmost digit will be under the "7". When dividing 11340 by 108, the first computation will be "1 ÷ 1" and the remainder rightmost digit will be written under the "3". When dividing 2700 by 375, the first computation will be "27 ÷ 3" and the remainder rightmost digit will be written under the second "0".

As you can see, when the dividend has a double-barb hook, the divisor also has a hook, always covering a single digit. This hook is useless and I have not included it in the division method.

The use of a hook is also shown in these (French speaking) tutorials, where it is used in all successive partial dividends instead of only the first partial dividend. In my opinion, hooking is useful only on the first line, where the partial dividend is embedded in the full dividend, while on other lines the partial dividends are standing alone. Additionally, when the multiplication and subtraction are separate, drawing the hook interferes with drawing the subtraction line.

My tests to generate HTML and use a Unicode combining character to create an overline did not succeed. I have bypassed this by underlining spaces characters on the previous line. The barbs do not appear. Too bad, but we have to live with it.

Division and computing the GCD

In 1978, my math professor showed us a new set-up for division, in which the quotient is written above the divisor instead of below. Here is on the left the traditional set-up and on the right the new set-up.

 355000000|113           355000000|113
 0160     |---           0160     |
  0470    |3141592        0470    |
   0180   |                0180   |
    0670  |                 0670  |
     1050 |                  1050 |
      0330|                   0330|
       104|                    104|

Why this alternate setup? Because at the same time, the math teacher taught us Euclid's algorithm to compute the GCD of two integers. This algorithm uses cascading divisions. The dividend of the second division is the divisor of the first one. Below it, we would find both the first quotient and the intermediate remainders of the second division. You cannot write both numbers at the same place, one has to move away. This is the reason why the quotient of the first division is written above. Here is how we compute the GCD of 355000000 and 113:

          3141592 1   14 1
          ---     --- -- -
355000000|113    |104|7 |6
0160     |  7    | 34|1
 0470    |          6|
  0180   |
   0670  |
    1050 |

Euclid's Algorithm executes the following operations:

  1. 355000000 ÷ 113 = 3141592, remain 104

  2. 113 ÷ 104 = 1, remain 7

  3. 104 ÷ 7 = 14, remain 6

  4. 7 ÷ 6 = 1, remain 1

Standard Division and Separate Multiplication and Subtraction

There was a bug in the standard division when you opted for a separate multiplication and subtraction. The bug is fixed, but it deserves to be remembered, because it explains some API checks. Take for example the division 724 ÷ 16.


The tens digit is computed with 72 ÷ 16. The first candidate digit is 7 ÷ 1 = 7. The division looks like:


The intermediate product is 7 × 16 = 112, which must be right-aligned with the hooked part 72. This gives:

112 |--

Digit 7 is too big, so we erase the intermediate product and we replace the candidate digit with the next lower digit 6. But actually, only the chars under 724 are erased: digits 12 and a space char. This gives:

1   |--

Computing the intermediate product with candidate digit 6 gives:

196 |--

To make a long story short, the same problem happens with the units digits. The final division is the following:

164 |--
 -- |45

Actually, the problem does not occur for the second and next digits, only the first one. To keep the code simple, when I need to erase an intermediate product (combined multiplication and substraction) or an intermediate remainder (separate multiplication and substraction), the erasure is applied to the whole line, aligned with the main dividend. In the example below, all erasures are aligned with the dividend 72526 and therefore 5-column long, while all intermediate products are 2- or 3-digit long.

164   |--
 --   |4526
  84  |
  80  |
  --  |
   42 |
   32 |
   -- |

For stand-alone divisions, the bug has been fixed by erasing "one more digit". But for radix conversion or for GCD computation, it cannot be fixed. Take the GCD of 2912 and 724. The first division is:


The next division sets up as:

     4   ..
     --- --
2896|   |
----|   |

As seen above, the first candidate digit is 7 and the intermediate product is 112. How do you write this product in the second division? The hundreds digit overflows into the first division, which turns 2896 into 2891:

     4   7.
     --- --
2891|12 |
----|   |

When iterating to the next candidate digit 6, we can either erase two digits (plus the space char under digit 4) or erase three digits (plus a space char). In both cases, this is wrong:

     4   45 4           4   45 4
     --- -- -           --- -- -
2912|724|16|4      2912|724|16|4
2891|64 |16|       289 |64 |16|
----|-- |--|       ----|-- |--|
  16| 84| 0|         16| 84| 0|
    |180|              | 80|
      --|                --|
       4|                 4|

So, for radix conversion and for GCD, the division type "std" does not allow option "separate" for the mult-and-sub parameter.

Boat Division

As you have seen in the examples at the beginning of this text, the 1822-style division looks like a rhombus or like an hexagon, depending on the respective lengths of the dividend and of the divisor.

   04                   13
  1085                 1421
 140217               040157
24696202             08166480
24696000{0954        34048000{1315
--------           --------
25882222             25882222
 258888               258888
  2588                 2588
   25                   25

Since the word "hexagon" would create a confusion with "hexadecimal", I decided to call this type of division the rhombic division.

Later, I read again pages 330 and 331 of NWNS and I noticed a sentence I did not pay attention to until now. For the Italians, the division looks like a boat or a galley with the sail spread. So their phrase for the division was divisione per batello or divisione per galea. I adopted the English translation "boat" to describe this type of division.

How did I guess the mechanism? When you know the proper angle of attack, it is very easy. To tackle this task, I just took a division and I recalculated it in the way I already knew, that is, with the "gallows" method. Example:

      13            -----
     1421           34048000|25882
    040157          081660  |-----
   08166480          040140 |1315
   34048000{1315      142580|
   --------            13170|

I scanned both divisions to extract common elements. Lo and behold! common elements do exist. For example, if you look closely, you can find the second partial dividend 081660:

      13            -----
     1421           34048000|25882
    040157          081660  |-----
   08166480          040140 |1315
   34048000{1315      142580|
   --------            13170|

or the third partial dividend 040140:

      13            -----
     1421           34048000|25882
    040157          081660  |-----
   08166480          040140 |1315
   34048000{1315      142580|
   --------            13170|

I guessed that a snapshot of the division, just after lowering the first digit to build the second partial dividend, or after lowering the second digit to build the third partial dividend would look like this, with a big question about what exists below the horizontal line:

                    081660  |-----
   08166                    |1...
   34048000{1...            |
   --------                 |

    0401            081660  |-----
   081660            040140 |13..
   34048000{13..            |
   --------                 |

Since the first partial dividend 34048 is crossed out and since the second partial dividend 081660 is read in two parts, an horizontal first part and an oblique second part, I supposed the same applied to the divisor: a first instance crossed out and a second instance with an horizontal first part and an oblique second part.

                    081660  |-----
   08166                    |1...
   34048000{1...            |
   --------                 |

    0401            081660  |-----
   081660            040140 |13..
   34048000{13..            |
   --------                 |

Yet, there might have been traps to avoid. First, some operations might have been wrong. I did not find any, fortunately. Then, some operations might have been imperfectly computed, giving the right result but with a slightly wrong mechanism. This is the case with the other division I have shown as an example. Here it is again, with the corresponding "gallows" division. I have separated the subtractions from the multiplications to emphasize the minor problem in the computation.

   04            -----
  1085           24696000|25882
 140217          00000   |-----
24696202         -----   |0954
24696000{0954    246960  |
--------         232938  |
25882222         ------  |
 258888           140220 |
  2588            129410 |
   25             ------ |

In this division, the schoolboy did not align properly the dividend and the divisor, so the first quotient digit was a zero and he had to compute an intermediate remainder with a useless and slightly time-consuming mult-and-div operation.

This is really an error, not a standard procedure, because on another page, the schoolboy has properly shifted the divisor to the right, so the first quotient digit would not be zero. The "8" of the divisor "87" is aligned with the "4" of the dividend "14076", not with the "1" digit.

Example of division in which the divisor is shifted from the dividend


Remark: in the division hard-copy, you may notice that the schoolboy went on to compute the fractional part of the quotient. You can read the digits of the intermediate remainders (which do not appear in my transcription), but there is no 4th / 5th instances of the divisor.

Another trap to avoid is choosing a division with not enough different digits. Here is an example of a division which would not have enabled me to guess the actual mechanism.

Example of division with many zeros, with on the right side the same division in "gallows" mode

As you see, on the right side of the "boat" division, you find the same division in "gallows" mode, with a comment written by a schoolmate of the owner of the exercise book (sorry for the French spelling mistakes).

   09                   38400000{19100
  0090                  002000  {-----
 020000                  020000 {2010
00200000                  009000
38400000{2010              09000

Voila comme on la fait en dessus et sans bârer les chiffres

Translation: Here is how it is done above without crossing out the digits.

As you may notice, within the intermediate remainders, there are very few digits others than zero. This make it hard to someone like me to identify similarities between both versions.

Square Root

The root extraction algorithm is described in HAL pages 234 to 237. There is a first description for the abacus and a second one for someone using paper and pencil. The second description's title translates to English as "practical computation setup". Here it is.

255    |---
       | c(c+40)<255

255    |---
 3049  | 5(5+40)<255
       | c(c+500)<3049

255    |---
 3049  | 5(5+40)<255
   1300| 6(6+500)<3049
       | c(c+5120)<1300

Despite its name, this setup is not practical. How do you compute formula c(c+40) with c=6 and with c=5? It can be done, but not simply. This is even more the case when computing formula c(c+500) with c=6. On the other hand, using the setup I learned in 1976:

255    |---
       | 6

255    |---
       | 5

255    |---
 3049  |45
       | 5
       |  6

the operations 6×46, 5×45 and 6×506 are very similar to the computations of intermediate remainders in divisions. So an important part of the square root technique was already known to us. In addition, instead of doubling 25 and multiplying to obtain 500, or doubling 256 and multiplying it by 10 to obtain 5120, we just had to compute the simple additions 45+5 and 506+6 and then, stick to these numbers the candidate digits.

So I stick with the setup I learned in 1976 and I see no reason to include the setup described in HAL page 237.

By the way, HAL affirms that the gallows method to extract square roots was taught in France until the 1960's. Yet, I learned this technique in 1976.



Coordinates are line numbers and column numbers. The variation is the usual one, line numbers increase from top to bottom and column numbers increase from left to right. In some cases, it is difficult to determine the final footprint of the operation ("galea" multiplication, for example). So we allow negative coordinates if we need to insert a new line above the operation of a new column on the left of the operation.

This lead us to the distinction between logical coordinates and physical coordinates. The HTML renderer uses physical l-c coordinates which are always positive or zero. The coordinates computed by the various operation generators are logical coordinates. Each time the HTML renderer displays the operation, it checks the minimum values of the l-c numbers to determine how to shift the logical coordinates and obtain physical coordinates.

Another shift between physical and logical coordinates comes from the vertical lines. Vertical lines are rendered as pipe characters. They are full-fledged characters, when compared with horizontal lines that are rendered as "underline" attributes. This means that we need to allocate a physical column for vertical lines.

Example (with the proviso that I could not use "underline" attributes in a Markdown document and 31 should be on the same line as 0160; the line coordinates in this example are not significant):

+--------------- logical = -8, physical =  0
|       +------- logical =  0, physical =  8
|       |+------ logical =  0, physical =  9
|       ||+----- logical =  1, physical = 10
|       ||| +--- logical =  3, physical = 12

0160     |---
 057     |31

For a multi-character string, the coordinates are the coordinates of the last character (usually the units digit, if the string is a number). In the example above, logical coordinates of the dividend are l=0, c=0 and the logical coordinates of the divisor are l=0, c=3. For a vertical line, the logical column number is the same as the column number of the left neighbour character. For an horizontal line, the logical line number is the same as the line number of the underlined character.

Paper Sheet

The main class, Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil, represents a paper sheet (or two, for a prepared division). For the moment, the only attribute is a list of actions, from the auxiliary class Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Action described below.


An action usually consists in:

  1. read one or two already written digits,

  2. possibly strike them,

  3. do a mental computation with these two digits,

  4. say the formula associated with this computation,

  5. write the result on the sheet of paper.

Sometimes, an action is just drawing a line, without saying anything. Or it consists in copying several contiguous digits from a place to another (multiplications with shortcuts or prepared divisions). Or erasing contiguous digits.

The attributes of class Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Action are:

  • level a level described in the following chapter.

  • label code of the spoken formula accompanying some computations or some actions

  • val1, val2, val3 variable values interpolated in the spoken formula.

  • r1l and r1c logical coordinates of the first read digit.

  • r1val value of the first read digit.

  • r1str boolean indicating if the digit is striken or not.

  • r2l, r2c, r2val, r2str the equivalent for the second read digit.

  • w1l, w1c, w1val the equivalent for the first written digit.

  • w2l, w2c, w2val the equivalent for the second written digit.

Example for the following action:

        c → 0 123456 7     0 123456 7

l → 0         6 2 8          6 2 8
             --------       --------
    1        | / / /|       |1/ / /|
    2        |/ / / |2      |/2/ / |2
    3        | / / /|    →  | / / /|
    4        |/ / / |3      |/ / / |3
    5        | / / /|       | / / /|
    6        |/ / / |4      |/ / / |4
             --------       --------

The corresponding action contains:

  • level = 5 (see below)

  • label = MUL01 code for message "#1# fois #2#, #3#" (or "#1# times #2#, #3#")

  • val1 = 6, val2 = 2, val3 = 12 for the final message "6 fois 2, 12" (or "6 times 2, 12")

  • r1l = 0, r1c = 1, r1val = 6, r1str = False

  • r2l = 2, r2c = 7, r1val = 2, r1str = False

  • w1l = 1, w1c = 1, w1val = 1

  • w2l = 2, w2c = 2, w2val = 2

Second example with a full string instead of single digits:

        c → 0123456      0123456 7

l → 1          628          628
    2          333   →      333
              ----         ----
    3         1884         1884
    4            .        1884.

The corresponding action contains:

  • level = 3 (see below)

  • label = WR05 code for "Je recopie la ligne #1#" (or "Copying line #1#")

  • val1 = 1884 for final message "Je recopie la ligne 1884" (or "Copying line 1884")

  • w1l = 4, w1c = 4, w1val = 1884, the column is the column of the last digit.

  • other attributes: whatever

When a line is drawn, the code starts with DR for "draw". Usually, this does not correspond to an actual message, because we are not used to say anything when drawing the line. The coordinates of the starting and stopping locations are stored into w1l, w1c, w2l et w2c. Example:

        c → 0 123456 7     0 123456 7

l → 0         6 2 8          6 2 8
             --------       --------
    1        |      |       |     /|
    2        |      |2      |    / |2
    3        |      |    →  |   /  |
    4        |      |3      |  /   |3
    5        |      |       | /    |
    6        |      |4      |/     |4
             --------       --------
  • level = 5 (see below)

  • label = DRA04 code for an slant line

  • w1l = 1, w1c = 6

  • w2l = 6, w2c = 1

  • other attributes: whatever

Attribute level

The attribute level controls the time when the HTML procedure actually renders the partially written operaton. The higher the value, the more frequent the operation is rendered. The typical values are:

  • 0 display the operation only when complete.

  • 1 display the operation each time the page change (for prepared multiplications and prepared divisions).

  • 2 display when changing phase. E.g., for multiplications, there are three phases: set-up, computing the partial products, adding the partial products to compute the final product.

  • 3 full processing of a digit. E.g. for divisions, this is the computation of a new valid quotient number, with the corresponding partial remainder. Since this ia a trial-and-error mechanism, only the last successful trial is level-3.

  • 4 for the operation with a trial-and-error process such as division, this level correspond to the full processing of a fruitless value.

  • 5 for the writing of each digit of a partial product or of a partial remainder.

  • 6 intermediate computation, without writing.

In the case of the conversion for a radix to another with Horner's schema, the complete operation includes several basic multiplications alternating with basic additions. The levels of these multiplications and additions are shifted when compared with the level of stand-alone multiplications and additions. For example, level 2 for the transition of phase becomes level 5, level 3 for the full processing of a digit of the multipler becomes level 6 and so on.

For a given action, the level is function of this action, but it depends also of the next action. For example, most WRI01 actions are level 5, but if this action is the last, or if it is followed by a TITnn action, the level of the WRI01 action is 0.

Special Action Codes

These codes are not directly linked to an arithmetical operation. They are utility functions.

Code Explanation
DRA01 Vertical line
DRA02 Horizontal line
DRA03 Slant line, shown as backslashes
DRA04 Slant line, shown as slashes
ERA01 Erasing characters
HOO01 Hook over a dividend
NXP01 Changing page
TITnn Title for an operation

Why four different codes for drawing lines? It would be better to deduce the orientation of the line by checking the coordinate values, wouldn't it? For example, if w1c == w2c, that means that the line is vertical, if w1l == w2l, it is horizontal. The answer is no, we cannot just compare the coordinates. There is the case of lines occupying a single cell. For those lines, we have simultaneously w1c == w2c, w1l == w2l, w1c - w2c == w1l - w2l and w1c - w2c == w2l - w1l, so we cannot infer the line angle from the coordinates, we cannot determine if we must write a single pipe, a single slash or a single backslash or if we tag a single digit with an underline HTML tag.

The hook over a dividend is a way to remember the column-coordinate of the first intermediate remainder during a division. At first, I wanted to use U+0305 (COMBINING OVERLINE), but my attempts were not successful. So I made this a variant of DRA02.

Various Remarks

Among the quality advices when writing programmes, one decrees that we must not use "magical" numeric values. We must use symbolic constant with self-documenting names instead. I did not apply this advice. Yet, at some times I wrote:

  my $zero =$radix), :value<0>);
  my $one  =$radix), :value<1>);

This leads to a more concise and more readable function in the following lines.

    given $result {
      when 'quotient'  { return $zero; }
      when 'remainder' { return $dividend; }
      when 'both'      { return ($zero, $dividend); }
          $act-quo ☈-= $one;

For your information, it happens often that this advice is abused.

Ideas I gave up

Dropped Functionnalities

Fractional parts

At the very beginning, I wanted to include numbers with a fractional part. Then I realised that would need many additional programme lines, for a small benefit. So all the numbers this module uses are integers.

Casting the Nines

During the 1960's, my schoolbook contained a lesson about casting the nines, but my school teacher refused to teach it to us. Casting the nines can prove there is an error in the computation, but it cannot prove the computation is right, all it does is suggesting that the computation might be correct. And false positives are easy to obtain, you just have to misalign a digit and the result is wrong.

I did not (officially) learn the casting of the nines, so I do not implement it in my module.


For some time, I hoped to include the abacus methods (Suan Pan and Soroban). The visualisation function would need a complete rewrite and the computation methods would actually have few common points with the paper methods, so I discarded this idea. If necessary, this will be in another module, most certainly written by someone else.

On the other hand, some variants that I have read in NWNS or HAL and that I have included in the module may be computation methods used with the abacus, and converted by the author of the book to be readable in his book.

Cross Multiplication

K. Menninger describes this method in NWNS on pages 441 and 442. He gives an example for two numbers with 2 digits each, and mentions that this method can extend, somewhat with difficulty, to two numbers with 4 digits each. Let us compute 34 × 78. The numbers are set-up in this way:

3 4
7 8

First, the human operator multiplies the unit digits: "4 times 8 equal 32, write 2, carry 3". Then he executes two cross multiplications, adding the two results and the carry: "3 times 8 equal 24, 7 times 4 equal 28, 24 plus 28 equal 52, plus 3 equal 55, write 5, carry 5". Then he multiplies the tens' digits and adds the carry: "3 times 7, 21, plus 5 equal 26". The final result is 2652.

This method is specified for numbers with up to 4 digits, while I want to show multiplications with any numbers of digits. In addition, this multiplication requires a mental addition of two numbers with two digits each, in the example 24 and 28, while I restrict mental additions so at least one of the two numbers is a single-digit number. So I do not include this method.

Other arithmetic operations

The primary goal of this module was to present the square root extraction. It was obvious that the module would need also the four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We may consider other computation methods, such as prime factors extractions, conversion from a radix to another (either with a polynomial calculation using Horner's scheme, or with cascading divisions), GCD extraction (with cascading divisions, a.k.a. Euclid's algorithm). I discarded the prime factors extraction and I kept the radix conversion with Horner's scheme and with cascading divisions and the GCD extraction.

For what it's worth, here is the prime factors extraction for 28:

28 | 2
14 | 2
 7 | 7
 1 |

What is missing in this example is that on other sheets of papers, you have 28 divided by 2, 14 divided by 2, 7 divided by 2 (with a remainder), 7 divided by 3 (also with a remainder), 7 divided by 5 (still a remainder) and 7 divided by 7 (and no remainder). Because of all these new pages, the display is cumbersome, so I discarded the idea.

In NWNS page 442, K. Menninger describes still another multiplication method, multiplication by factors. The example he gives is the multiplication 23 × 14. In this case, the first step is multiplying 23 by 2, which gives 46. The second step consists in multiplying 46 by 7, which gives 322, the final result. This requires that the multiplier has small prime factors and this requires the human computer to compute a prime factors extraction before the multiplication. So I discarded this method too.

Numeric bases 37 and beyond

I adopted a limit with radix 36 because the alphabet provides 26 letters that can be added to the 10 usual digits. We cannot go beyond while keeping this system. Yet, there are two important numeric bases, which are radix 60 (for the time of day and for angles) and radix 256 (for IPv4 addresses, among others). I had already written a big chunk of the module when I remembered there are ways to write radix-60 numbers and radix-256 numbers while using the digits 0 to 9 and little more: the dotted notation and the "decimal-coded" notation (not an official designation, based on the well-known BCD or "binary-coded-decimal").

domain radix 10 dotted notation decimal-coded
time 71120 19:45:20 194520
time 68585 19:3:5 190305
IPv4 2130706433 127000000001
IPv4 3232235777 192168001001

As you can see, the dotted notation generally uses a dot separator, but it may use another separator, such as the colon for the time of day. Also, you may have been susprised by the "radix 10" and "decimal-coded" notations of the IPv4 address. The "radix 10" notation is a perfectly valid one, even if it is seldom used. While under your web browser, you can open the address http://3232235777 and it will work. Or you can ping address 2130706433. On the other hand, the "decimal-coded" notation is never used, but it could be, if we find a way to remove the confusion with the "radix 10" notation.

I have also discarded variants of the numeric positional systems. For example mixed-radix systems, such as the 20-18 mixed-radix used in the long count of the Maya calendar, or the factorial-radix system, shown in xkcd. There is also the i-1 number system, created by W. Penney and explained by D.E. Knuth in chapter 4 of The Art of Computer Programming (pages 189 and 190), which uses only digits 0 and 1 and yet, covers all the complex numbers with integer coordinates, not only the ray of positive numbers. And there is the balanced ternary system, a system with radix 3, but instead of digits 0, 1 and 2, this system uses digits 0, 1 and "1-overbar", with a negative value. This system is presented by D.E. Knuth on pages 190 to 192.

A last remark. Usually, when digits and upper-case letters are mixed in a system, we leave out letters "O" and "I", because they look very much like digits "0" and "1". See for example license plates in some countries. In this module, I have kept them. Actually, when HTML files are rendered by my Internet browser, I have more trouble identifying digit "8" and letter "B" than dealing with the "0" / "O" pair or with the "1" / "I" pair.

Extensions of the Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic operations easily extend to other mathematical entities such as vectors and matrices. If additions and subtractions of matrices are easily understood, the multiplications of matrices are much more interesting. Yet, they do not fit in the current module. Likewise, you can easily add, subtract and multiply polynomials, but dividing polynomials (and even computing a GCD with Euclid's algorithm) is interesting, but it does not fit in the module. So these operations are left out.

Discarded implementations

Layout of the Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Action class

Let us consider again the action used as an example above:

        c → 0 123456 7     0 123456 7

l → 0         6 2 8          6 2 8
             --------       --------
    1        | / / /|       |1/ / /|
    2        |/ / / |2      |/2/ / |2
    3        | / / /|    →  | / / /|
    4        |/ / / |3      |/ / / |3
    5        | / / /|       | / / /|
    6        |/ / / |4      |/ / / |4
             --------       --------

The corresponding action contains:

  • level = 5

  • label = MUL01 code for message "#1# fois #2#, #3#" (or "#1# times #2#, #3#")

  • val1 = 6, val2 = 2, val3 = 12 for the final message "6 fois 2, 12" (or "6 times 2, 12")

  • r1l = 0, r1c = 1, r1val = 6, r1str = False

  • r2l = 2, r2c = 7, r1val = 2, r1str = False

  • w1l = 1, w1c = 1, w1val = 1

  • w2l = 2, w2c = 2, w2val = 2

At first, my intention was to create five different instances of object A::PP::Action:

  1. read digit 6 of the multiplicand (level = 6),

  2. read digit 2 of the multiplier (level = 6),

  3. say message "6 fois 2, 12" (level = 6),

  4. write digit 1 of the partial product (level = 6),

  5. write digit 2 of the partial product (level = 5),

Each object instance would contain a single line coordinate, a single column coordinate and, except for the spoken message instance, a single value. The instances would have different labels, such as WRI00 (which actually exists) for write-instances and a new REA00 for read-instances.

Eventually, I put everything into the same object instance and I feel it is better. There is still a case where there are two instances instead of one. When I conclude a computation with "Je pose 2 et je retiens 1", there is a first instance with the computation message "6 fois 2, 12" and the reading of digits, and a second instance with message "Je pose..." and the writing of the new digits.


Instead of using RAM objects and classes, I considered for some time using SQL tables. But this would have added pointless problems with infrastructure and logistics.

Output formats

I considered other output formats, in addition to HTML: plain text, LATEX + Metapost, curses , Gimp, or even a video format (why not). I may code the LATEX + Metapost output format, but the others are not in the to-do list.

Zigzag addition

The standard addition involves right-aligned numbers, that is, number aligned according to the unit digits. Example:


Yet, for the needs of multiplications, I had the intention of creating a "zigzag" variant, without aligning the number. Examples:

    2512       2512          2512
   1844      1844           1884
    1256       1256        1256
   -----     ------        ------
   22208     188168        146952

The zigzag addition would have been a private method, outside of the public API.

Actually, I found another way to deal with these additions, by storing individual digits in an array-of-lists variable, each digit being stored without referring to its parent number. The additional benefit is that this system is compatible with the diagonal additions of the jalousie-A and jalousie-B multiplication variants, while the zigzag addition is not.

CSV modules and HTML modules

I know that parsing HTML with regexes is a big no-no. Yet, the html method in the Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil module writes a pseudo-HTML string, and then processes it with regexes to create a HTML string. The key here is that the first generated string is pseudo-HTML, with no fancy features such as HTML attributes, HTML comments and the like. The pseudo-HTML is very simple and so it can be parsed with regexes.

Likewise, I have not found CSV-parsing modules, so I had to do my own parsing with regexes. On the other hand, I do not need advance features of CSV parsing, such as embedded quoted strings, semi-colon escaping and the like. So for this part, as for HTML processing, I am happy with just using simple regexes.

Various Topics

Converting a Number to Radix b

You know the first digits of π and e in radix 10. What about radix 12 and radix 16? Module Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil can help you answer these questions, but with a few counter-intuitive steps to bypass some obstacles.

Let us use the example of π in radix 16. The first part of the discussion does not apply to radix 12, but only to radix 16 (plus radix 8 and radix 2). As many other programming languages, Raku allows some kind of conversion with:

$out = sprintf("%x", $in);

There is a condition, $in must be an integer value, which is not the case of π (or e). We bypass this condition by using a scaling factor:

sub conv16-pi(Int $scale) {
  sprintf("%x",  π × 16 ** $scale);

The user must still insert a dot character into the string just after digit "3" to represent the decimal point. When dealing with radix 16, this function is correct for any scale from 1 to 13. But with a higher parameter value, all digits starting with the 14th are zero, which is wrong (the 13th digit is zero, also, but in its case this is correct). This problem is caused by the fact that in Raku, constant π is specified with 15 decimal digits after the fractional point, which is the equivalent of 13 hexadecimal digits after the fractional point.

Remark: as you most certainly know, you have the following approximate equation: "2^10 ≈ 10^3". With this, you can easily find "16^5 ≈ 10^6". So a fractional part with 12 decimal digits will convert to a fractional part with 10 correct hexadecimal digits and a fractional part with 18 decimal digits will convert to a fractional part with 15 correct hexadecimal digits.

This solution, without Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil, is wrong beyond the 13th fractional digit. In addition, it is limited to radix 16, radix 8 and radix 2 and it cannot be used with other numerical bases such as 12.

Module Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil allows us to move beyond these limitations. We need two scaling factors and three variables:

  • $factor16 equal to 16^n1,
  • $factor10 equal to 10^n2,
  • $pi-x10 equal to π × $factor10,
  • $pi-x16 equal to π × $factor16,
  • $pi-x10-x16 equal to π × $factor10 × $factor16.

The function you will use is:

sub conv-pi(Int $scale) {
  my Str $pi-alpha = '314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510';

  my Int $scale10 = ($scale × 6 / 5).ceiling;
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $factor16 .= new(:radix(16), :value('1' ~ '0' x $scale));
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $factor10 .= new(:radix(10), :value('1' ~ '0' x $scale10));
  $factor16 = $operation.conversion(number => $factor16, radix => 10);
  $factor10 = $operation.conversion(number => $factor10, radix => 16);

  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $pi-x10 .= new(:radix(10), :value($pi-alpha.substr(0, 1 + $scale10)));
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $pi-x10-x16 = $operation.multiplication(multiplicand => $pi-x10, multiplier => $factor16);
  $pi-x10-x16 = $operation.conversion(number => $pi-x10-x16, radix => 16);
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $pi-x16 = $operation.division(dividend => $pi-x10-x16, divisor => $factor10);
  return $pi-x16.value;

You can easily adapt this function to another radix such as 12. You still have to pay attention to fraction "6/5" which allows the function to compute the radix-10 scaling factor.

Yet, even if Raku cannot do infinite precision with Num's, it can do this with integers. The core Int's are actually Bigint's in every aspect but the name. The conversion function can be a bit simpler with:

sub conv-pi(Int $scale) {
  my Str $pi-alpha = '314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510';

  my Int $scale10 = ($scale × 6 / 5).ceiling;
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $factor16 .= new(:radix(10), :value((16 ** $scale).Str));
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $factor10 .= new(:radix(10), :value('1' ~ '0' x $scale10));
  $factor10   = $operation.conversion(number => $factor10  , radix => 16);

  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $pi-x10   .= new(:radix(10), :value($pi-alpha.substr(0, 1 + $scale10)));
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $pi-x10-x16 = $operation.multiplication(multiplicand => $pi-x10, multiplier => $factor16);
  $pi-x10-x16 = $operation.conversion(number => $pi-x10-x16, radix => 16);
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $pi-x16 = $operation.division(dividend => $pi-x10-x16, divisor => $factor10);
  return $pi-x16.value;

and we spare a few CPU cycles.

This programme is available in the examples directory of the distribution.

In the case of the golden ratio φ, conversions from radix 10 are not necessary. You can just apply the formula "(1 + √5) / 2" and compute its value directly in the destination radix. Remember that you must use the proper scaling factors.

sub phi(Int $radix, Int $scale) {
  my $zero = '0' x $scale;
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil $op .= new;
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $five .= new(:radix($radix), :value('5' ~ $zero ~ $zero));
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $one  .= new(:radix($radix), :value('1' ~ $zero));
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $two  .= new(:radix($radix), :value<2>);
  my Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil::Number $x = $op.square-root($five);
  $x = $op.addition($one, $x);
  $x = $op.division(dividend => $x, divisor => $two);
  return $x.value;

Beware, this function is correct for radix 6 or more. Finding why it is wrong for a lower radix is left as an exercise to the reader. Or you can cheat and read the examples directory.

Of course, there are also formulas to compute π or e, but these formulas are infinite series, with a convergence speed which can vary between reasonably fast and agonizingly slow. For example,

atan(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ...
π = 4 × atan(1)
π = 16 × atan(1/5) - 4 × atan(1/237)

Since each multiplication and each division is an iterative processus, including these inside an outer loop for computing atan(x) with Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil is a bad idea. Try another method to do computations with extended precision.

Square Root and Newton's Method

To compute a square root, I use the "gallows" method, which has many common points with the "gallows" method for the division. Some people might say "Why use this time-consuming method, while Newton's method converges fast? See the programme below, which computes √2 with 8 fractional digits in just 4 iterations (plus a 5th iteration to ensure the first fractional digits do not vary; actually, we find that the value has 11 correct fractional digits)."

sub test-num {
  my Num $x  = 2.Num;
  my Num $r1;
  my Num $ε  = 1e-8;
  my Num $r2 = 1.Num;
  my Int $n;
  my Int $n-max = 1000;

  for 1 .. $n-max -> $n {
    $r1 = $r2;
    $r2 = ½ × ($r1 + $x / $r1);
    say $n, ' ', $r2.Num;
    if ($r1 - $r2).abs < $ε {

Newton's method is very fast indeed, provided you use an electronic device to compute the divisions. Maybe you should do the following test. Switch off all electronic devices in the room: computer, smartphone, smartwatch, Amazon Alexa and so on, including the vintage pocket calculator that your grandfather bought in the 1970's. Grab a pencil and a paper sheet, possibly an eraser, and compute √2 with 8 fractional digits, using Newton's method. I did this experiment, see below (the horizontal lines are a scanning glitch because of folds in the paper sheet).

Computing √2 with Newton's method


16h21   ½( 1    +  2/1)  =   3/2             17      17
        ½( 3/2  +  4/3)  =  17/12          × 17    × 12
        ½(17/12 + 24/17) = 577/408         ----    ----
                                            119      34
                                            17      17
                                           ----    ----
                                            289     204
                                          + 288     408

  169 0       |---
  058 0       |1,41421568
   17 20
    0 880
 0 585784320       |----------
   0200980480      |1,41421144
    0595589120     |1,41421568
     0299028480    |       ---
      0161854440   |       712
       0204328720  |1,41421356

A few explanations. Do not bother about the vertical lines starting from a zero and ending at another zero. I drew them to ensure the digits are properly aligned.

The experiment is more or less biased in favor of Newton's method. First, the value of √2 is well known, so I knew where I was going to. Then, instead of doing all computations in all iterations with 9-digit numbers (that is, 1 digit for the integer part and 8 fractional digits), I computed the first three values as fractions. Only during the third iteration did I convert the fraction into a number with 8 fractional digits. So I had to compute only one 11-by-3 division and one 17-by-9 division (plus two 2-by-2 multiplications) on paper, instead of three 17-by-9 divisions. Then since the numbers 1,41421144 and 1,41421568 share many digits, I added the last three digits of each and I divided the result by 2, instead of adding the full numbers and dividing the full result by 2. During the computations on fractions, I did most computations in my mind without writing them, such as multiplication 12 × 24. I only wrote the multiplications 17 × 17 and 12 × 17, the addition 289 + 288 and the doubling of 204 to 408.

Even with all these biases favouring Newton's method, it tool me a quarter of an hour to compute the square root, 9 minutes of which I spent computing a 17-by-9 division.

Then I switched on my computer and I wrote a programme with Newton's method and Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil. Of course, to get similar results, I had to compute the square root of 2×10^16, using a first value equal to 10^8. The previous chapter will explain why. There is a difference between my script and my paper experiment, because I did not compute fractions (3/2, 17/12, 577/288), but 9-digits values as soon as the first iteration: 1.50000000, 1.41666666, etc. Also, I used division type "cheating". This can be explained by the fact that in my paper experiment, when computing the initial candidate digit, I used a 2-digit partial divisor while the module always uses a 1-digit partial divisor. For example, when computing 58578432 divided by 141xxx, I would not say "En 5 combien de fois 1, il y va 5 fois" (approximate translation "How many 1 in 5, I get 5 times") but "En 58, combien de fois 14, il y va 4 fois" ("How many 14 in 58, I get 4 times"). When I was 10 years old, I did not know by heart the multiples of 14, now I know them partially.

The programme is available in the examples directory of the distribution.

I did some simple statistics on the CSV file. So I found that Newton's method required 90 1-by-1 (or 2-by-1) divisions and 371 1-by-1 multiplications. There were also 31 "DIV03" actions ("Je triche, j'essaie directement n" or "I cheat, I directly use n"). When looking only at the last division, 200...00 by 141..68, I found 9 1-by-1 divisions, 81 1-by-1 multiplications and 8 "DIV03" actions.

I also executed a counter-experiment, computing √2 with the gallows method, first without any electronic device, second with my module. Here is the papersheet.

Computing √2 with the gallows method

and its electronic equivalent (I omit most horizontal lines, they waste space for no good reason).

20000000000000000|1,41421356    09h46
100              |----------
 0400            |24
  11900          | 4
   060400        |281
    0383600      |  1
     10075900    |2824
        62204    |   4
      159063100  |28282
       1764177500|    2
                 |     1
                 |      3
                 |       5
                 |        6

As you may notice, when computing the sixth fractional digit, there was a mistake. The digit was computed with 1007590 divided by 282842, so the first candidate digit would have been computed with 100 divided by 28. I wrongly used 4, while I should have known better. Then I successfuly used 3. This explains the "4" overwritten with "3" (not appearing in the transcription) and the crossed-out partial remainder 62204 (which appears in the transcription).

Computing the square root with the gallows method took as much time as the 17-by-9 division when using Newton's method (remember that I recorded the times with a 1-minute scale). If we extract the same statistics on the CSV file as above, we find that the gallows method required 8 1-by-1 divisions ("DIV01" actions), 107 1-by-1 multiplications ("MUL01" actions) and 10 "DIV02" actions ("C'est trop fort, j'essaie n" or "This is too much, I try n"). These values are a bit higher than for the 17-by-9 division which, may I remind you, used the type "cheating".

If Newton's method in electronic version is a method which converges very fast, its paper-and-pencil version is still slower than the paper-and-pencil version of the gallows method. And with respect to the electronic version, even if it converges fast, it is still slower than the direct method, a simple $y = $x.sqrt; instruction.


Zahlwort und Ziffer: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Zahlen, Karl Menninger, published by Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht Publishing Company, I do not know the ISBN.

Number Words and Number Symbols, A Cultural History of Numbers, Karl Menninger, published by Dover, ISBN 0-486-27096-3, english translation of the previous entry.

Histoire d'Algorithmes, du caillou à la puce, Jean-Luc Chabert et al, published by Belin, ISBN 2-7011-1346-6

See also a programme for HP48 and similar: div_pro.


Text published under the CC-BY-ND license: Creative Commons with attribution and with no modification.