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Get Bookings

  • GET /v1/:subdomain/bookings returns an Array of Bookings.

Query String Parameters

Parameter | Default | Description --- | --- | --- | --- start_date | | Set a start_date for a range of Bookings end_date | | Set and end_date for a range of Bookings limit | 50 | Limit the number of results returned for pagination. To retrieve all the results use 0. offset | 0 | Offset the results for pagination, starting from the given record number. booker_id | | Only return bookings that were booked by the given User id


The above example will return the next Boookings between 2013-01-01 and 2013-04-10


    "id": 1,
    "client_id": null,
    "project_id": 1,
    "resource_id": 1,
    "notes": "Extra details",
    "details": "Extra details",
    "start_date": "2013-12-02",
    "end_date": "2014-01-03",
    "refreshable": false,
    "created_at": "2013-10-17T14:09:35Z",
    "updated_at": "2013-11-15T13:14:00Z",
    "booker": {
      "id": 1,
      "color": "#FFCC00",
      "email": "Email",
      "name": "Name"
    "durations": [
        "date": "2013-01-01",
        "duration": 180,
        "end_time": 720,
        "start_time": 540,
        "waiting": false
        "date": "2013-01-02",
        "duration": 180,
        "end_time": 720,
        "start_time": 540,
        "waiting": false
        "date": "2013-01-03",
        "duration": 180,
        "end_time": 720,
        "start_time": 540,
        "waiting": false
Key Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for a Booking.
client_id integer Unique identifier of the Client this Booking is for. (Can be null)
project_id integer Unique identifier of the Project this Booking is for. (Can be null)
notes string Extra details about this Booking.
details string Extra details about this Booking.
start_date string Start date for the booking.
end_date string End date for the booking.
refreshable boolean Booking has changed recently.
created_at string Booking creation date and time.
updated_at string Last updated date and time.
resource_id integer Unique identifier of the Resource this Booking is for.
booker hash Booker information. (Details)
durations array Bookings Durations information. (Details)

Booker Key

Key Type Description
id integer The user id of the Booker. (Details)
color string Color used to highlight this Booker.
email string Email address of this Booker.
name string Name of this Booker.

Durations Key

Key Type Description
date string The date for this booking in ISO 8601.
duration integer Duration in minutes for the Booking Duration.
end_time integer End time in minutes from midnight for this Booking Duration. (Can be null)
start_time integer Start time in minutes from midnight for this Booking Duration. (Can be null)
waiting boolean If true, then this Booking Duration is on the Waiting List.

Get Bookings for a Specific Project

  • GET /v1/:subdomain/projects/:project_id/bookings returns an Array of Bookings for the specified project.

Get Bookings for a Specific Client

  • GET /v1/:subdomain/clients/:client_id/bookings returns an Array of Bookings for the specified client.

Get Bookings for a Specific Resource

  • GET /v1/:subdomain/resources/:resource_id/bookings returns an Array of Bookings for the specified resource.

Create a Booking

  • POST /v1/:subdomain/bookings will create a new Booking from the parameters passed.
  "start_date": "2013-03-01",
  "end_date": "2013-03-31",
  "duration": 20,
  "resource_id": 1,
  "allow_waiting": true,
  "project_id": 1,
  "client_id": 2,
  "details": "Optional details"
Key Type Description
start_date string The ISO 8601 formatted first date for the booking.
end_date string The ISO 8601 formatted last date for the booking.
duration integer The length of the booking
start_time integer For time-specific bookings - the time the booking must start, in minutes from midnight.
resource_id integer The resource that is being booked
allow_waiting boolean Optional: The booking will fail validation if it has to go onto the waiting list, unless this parameter is supplied and is true
project_id integer Optional: The project the booking is assigned to. Pass either project_id or client_id, not both.
client_id integer Optional: The client the booking is assigned to. Pass either project_id or client_id, not both.
details string Optional plain text details for the booking.
This will return 201 Created, with the location of the new Booking in the Location header
along with the current JSON representation of the Booking if the creation was successful.
If there is a problem with the request, you'll get a 422 Unprocessable Entity and get a JSON object explaining the validation errors.
If the user does not have access to update the Booking, you'll see 403 Forbidden.

Please note that you do not need to pass an end_time parameter for time-specific bookings. The system will automatically calculate the end_time based on your duration and start_time.

Update a Booking

  • PUT /v1/:subdomain/bookings/1 will update the Booking from the parameters passed and return the JSON representation of the updated Booking. If the user does not have access to update the Booking, you'll see 403 Forbidden.

Delete a Booking

  • DELETE /v1/:subdomain/bookings/1 will delete the Booking specified and return 204 No Content if that was successful. If the user does not have access to delete the Booking, you'll see 403 Forbidden.