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Print clojure maps as a human-readable table.


  1. Usage
  2. Colspec options
  3. Formats
  4. License


Add the latest version of library to your app.

For leiningen or boot:

[com.joshuadavey/crockery "<version>"]}

or, for deps.edn:

{com.joshuadavey/crockery {:mvn/version "<latest version>"}}

Require crockery.core, which contains the primary API:

(require '[crockery.core :as crockery])

The examples that follow use this data:

(def people
  [{:first-name "Alice", :last-name "Anderson", :age 32}
   {:first-name "Bob", :last-name "Bobberson", :age 29},
   {:first-name "Carol", :last-name "Carola", :age 26},
   {:first-name "Doug", :last-name "Duggler", :age 41}])

Print a table, inferring column names from the first map of the collection:

(crockery/print-table people)
| First Name | Last Name | Age |
| Alice      | Anderson  | 32  |
| Bob        | Bobberson | 29  |
| Carol      | Carola    | 26  |
| Doug       | Duggler   | 41  |

Or, specify the columns you want included:

(crockery/print-table [:age :last-name] people)
| Age | Last Name |
| 32  | Anderson  |
| 29  | Bobberson |
| 26  | Carola    |
| 41  | Duggler   |

You can mix and match colspec forms (maps and keywords):

(crockery/print-table [{:name :last-name, :align :right} :first-name] people)
| Last Name | First Name |
|  Anderson | Alice      |
| Bobberson | Bob        |
|    Carola | Carol      |
|   Duggler | Doug       |

Colspec options

In map form, most keys are optional, but a colspec must have at least :name or :key-fn and :title.


Use a keyword for both the getter function and the title of the column (titleized):

(crockery/print-table [{:name :age} {:name :last-name}] people)
| Age | Last Name |
| 32  | Anderson  |
| 29  | Bobberson |
| 26  | Carola    |
| 41  | Duggler   |


Specify a different accessor function. It should be a function that takes one arg, and will be called for each "row" in the collection.

 [{:title "Age (months)" :key-fn (comp (partial * 12) :age)}
| Age (months) | First Name |
| 384          | Alice      |
| 348          | Bob        |
| 312          | Carol      |
| 492          | Doug       |


Widths are normally calculated by finding the longest string per column, but you can also specify one:

(crockery/print-table [{:name :age, :width 10} {:name :last-name, :width 5}] people)
| Age        | Last  |
| 32         | Ander |
| 29         | Bobbe |
| 26         | Carol |
| 41         | Duggl |

Values that are too long will be truncated.


One of #{:left :center :right}, defaults to :left. Affects the data rows. When no :title-align is specified, also affects the header.


Provide your own header title rather than titleizing the :name parameter.

(crockery/print-table [:last-name {:name :first-name, :title "Given name"}] people)
| Last Name | Given name |
| Anderson  | Alice      |
| Bobberson | Bob        |
| Carola    | Carol      |
| Duggler   | Doug       |


Same properties as :align, but only affects the header.


The default output format is an :org, which outputs an org-mode compatible table. There are other built-in formats that can be used. You can specify the format with the :format key in the options map, either before other arguments, or globally by rebinding the crockery.core/*default-options* var.


This is the default format. See any of the above examples.


This format uses unicode pipe characters.

(crockery/print-table {:format :fancy}
                      [:last-name {:name :first-name, :title "Given name"}]
│ Last Name │ Given name │
│ Anderson  │ Alice      │
│ Bobberson │ Bob        │
│ Carola    │ Carol      │
│ Duggler   │ Doug       │


This tab-delimited format doesn't look great when printed directly, but is convenient for further processing with common unix utils.

(crockery/print-table {:format :tsv}
                      [:last-name {:name :first-name, :title "Given name"}]
Last Name	Given name
Anderson	Alice
Bobberson	Bob
Carola	Carol
Duggler	Doug


Github-flavored Markdown (GFM) extends standard Markdown with a table syntax, including alignment designators.

(crockery/print-table {:format :gfm}
                      [{:name :last-name, :align :right}
                       {:name :first-name, :title "Given name"}]
| Last Name | Given name |
|  Anderson | Alice      |
| Bobberson | Bob        |
|    Carola | Carol      |
|   Duggler | Doug       |


Copyright © 2021 Joshua Davey

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.