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File metadata and controls

77 lines (51 loc) · 2.99 KB


timelog is a package for calculating the amount of time one has worked on a project, relative to how much time one has meant to work on a project.

It takes a YAML collection of time entries and returns either:

  1. A day-by-day tibble of time logged and whether that time was above or below a goal (for example, whether one worked more or less in a day than an expectation of x hours), or:
  2. A total calculation of the time one has logged above or below one's time goals (for example, if one has committed to work on a project for x hours per week, how much time one has worked on the project relative to that goal).


RMarkdown template

timelog comes with an RMarkdown template that can be used within RStudio. It allows recording time entries at the top of the RMarkdown document, and compiling the document into a ready-made report.


timelog features several primary functions:

  1. timelog::yaml_template: Print a YAML template to start a timesheet with.
  2. timelog::parse_times: Parse a YAML timesheet to create a summary table.

Using timelog from an sh/bash shell or similar UNIX shell

You can use timelog from a UNIX shell by saving a script (e.g., titled timelog.R), with the following contents:

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

if (length(args) == 0) {
  stop("At least one argument must be supplied (input file)", call. = FALSE)

input <- yaml::read_yaml(args[1])
  returnIntermediateTable = ifelse([2]),

You can then call the script from a shell with Rscript timelog.R path/to/log-file.yaml for a day-by-day table, or Rscript timelog.R path/to/log-file.yaml true for a summary table.


  1. In RStudio, open timelog.Rproj
  2. Run packrat::on().
  3. Edit any files necessary for the work.
  4. If you install packages, run packrat::snapshot().
  5. If you need to update documentation, run devtools::document().

Building and testing

For information on R packaging, see

Keyboard shortcuts for package authoring within RStudio:

  • Build and Reload Package: Cmd + Shift + B

  • Check Package: Cmd + Shift + E

    • If devtools::check_rhub() is returning Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'utf8', you can use the following to avoid it:

          env_vars=c(R_COMPILE_AND_INSTALL_PACKAGES = "always")
    • Because this package's DESCRIPTION file uses Authors@ rather than Author, to run R CMD check, one needs to first run R CMD build, and then run R CMD check on the resulting tar file.

  • Test Package: Cmd + Shift + T