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jgm committed Nov 3, 2010
1 parent b8ea288 commit 7344911
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Showing 2 changed files with 189 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions README
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ A collection of small scripts that serve various purposes.
find duplicate words in a text
diff for TeX files

starts vim with todo list

Expand Down
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
# This is a perl implementation of TeXdiff, derived from the original bash
# script created by Robert Maron (, available at
# it requires the wdiff tools to operate properly. You may obtain a copy at
# or
# For installation, follow the "Usage" directions given on the TexDiff
# Homepage (reprinted/modified here for convenience):
# * Unpack wdiff sources, then patch it with:
# patch -d wdiff-0.5g -p1 < patch-wdiff
# * Compile:
# cd wdiff-0.5g ; ./configure && make && make install
# * Copy the script to /usr/local/bin/
# * To create sample-diff.tex from sample-old.tex and sample.tex, run:
# texdiff sample-old.tex sample.tex sample-diff.tex
# * generate the PDF or PS file using one of the following:
# dvipdfm sample.tex
# or
# dvips sample.tex
# $ Version: 0.1; Date: 7/16/02 $

use strict;

my ($in1,$in2,$out) = @ARGV;

print "tex-word-diff( $in1, $in2 ) > $out\n";


my $buf = "%%% preamble included from $in2:\n";
$buf .= read_preamble($in2);

# print `bash /home/temp/TexDiff/texdiff tmp1 tmp2 tmp3`;
my $cmd_opts = ("--avoid-wraps ".
"--start-delete=\'\\TLSdel{\' --end-delete=\'}\' ".
"--start-insert=\'\\TLSins{\' --end-insert=\'}\' ".
"tmp1.$$ tmp2.$$");
$buf .= `/usr/bin/wdiff $cmd_opts`;
# $buf .= system('wdiff',split(/\s/,$cmd_opts));

# add in the texdiff stuff (included at the end of this script) to the preamble
my $addon;
{local ($/); undef $/; $addon .= <DATA>;}
$buf =~ s/(\\begin\{document\})/$addon$1/;

# make sure that the author-thanks argument is contiguous.
my $tmp = $1 if $buf =~ m/(\\thanks\{.*?\})/s;
$tmp =~ s/\n\s+/\n/sg;
$buf =~ s/\\thanks\{.*?\}/$tmp/s;

# ifthenelse fails with TLSins
$buf =~ s/\\TLS(ins|del)\{(\\ifthenelse[\{\}\\\w]+)\}/$2/sg;

# ... as do figures and tables
$buf =~ s/\\TLSdel\{(\\begin\{(figure|table).*)\}//g;
$buf =~ s/\\TLSins\{(\\begin\{(figure|table).*)\}/$1/g;

# ... and the bibliography, graphics, (and most other commands)
foreach my $term ( qw( biblio includegraphics setboolean cite ) ) {
$buf =~ s/\\TLSdel\{(\{?\\$term.*?)\}?\}\n?//g;
$buf =~ s/\\TLSins\{(\{?\\$term.*?)\}?\}/$1/g;
# comment out any ins/del commands that have comments...
$buf =~ s/(\\TLS(ins|del)\{.*?\%.*?\})/% $1/g;

# swap all new-line commands out of the highlight
# $buf =~ s!\\TLS(ins|del)\{(.*?)\\\\(.*?)\}!\\TLS$1\{$2$3\} \\\\!sg;

# foreach my $k (sort keys %h) {
# my %l = %{$h{$k}};
# print "***\n".$l{'old'}."***\n";
# print "+++\n".$l{'new'}."+++\n";
# }

# remove any blank lines that are marked as del or ins
$buf =~ s/\\TLS(ins|del)\{\s*\}//g;

### merge multi-line inserts and deletes:
my @a=(0..9,'a'..'z','A'..'Z');
my $newline = map { $a[int rand @a] } (0..16);
while ( $buf =~ s/(\n\\TLSins\{)([^\%\n]*)\}\n\\TLSins\{([^\%])/$1$2$newline $3/sg ) {}
while ( $buf =~ s/(\n\\TLSdel\{)([^\%\n]*)\}\n\\TLSdel\{([^\%])/$1$2$newline $3/sg ) {}
$buf =~ s/$newline/\n/g;

if ( open(O,">$out") ) {
print O $buf; close(O);
} else {
print STDOUT $buf;


sub read_preamble {
my ($file,$out) = @_;

open(I,"<$file") or return("can't open $file: $!\n");
my $flag = 1;
my $str;
while (<I>) {
$flag = 0 if (m/begin\{document\}/);
$str .= $_ if $flag;
close I;

# the 'doublespace' package doesn't work with the 'color' package, so
# swap it out with a work-around:
my $wa = join("\n",' ',
'%% texdiff comment:',
'%% swapped \'doublespace\' package out with workaround:',
'%% end workaround'
$str =~ s/\\usepackage\{doublespace}/$wa/;
return $str;

sub write_temp {
my ($file,$tmp) = @_;

open(O,">$tmp") or return("can't open $tmp: $!\n");
open(I,"<$file") or return("can't open $file: $!\n");
my $flag = 0;
my $picky_env;
while (<I>) {
$flag = 1 if (m/begin\{document\}/);
# $picky_env = $1 if (m/begin\{(equation|displaymath|eqnarray|figure)/);
# undef($picky_env) if (m/end\{$picky_env/);
# $_ =~ s/\%.*$//e ;
# next if ( ($picky_env) and ( m/^\s+$/) ) ;
print O if ($flag);
$flag = 0 if (m/end\{document\}/);
close I;
close O;

# (c) Copyright 2002 by W. Scott Hoge (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# You may also obtain a copy at
# Help support Free Software. The code is shared in the hopes of
# making the computing world a little better. If you find it useful,
# consider giving a donation (in code, time, or money) to the Free
# Software or Open Source project of your choice.

%%%% begin: texdiff preamble additions to show changes in compiled latex docs
%%%% end: texdiff preamble additions

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