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How to contribute to pip-review

Please do contribute! In fact, please take over! See #76.

I (@jgonggrijp) will not just abondon pip-review, but I am not using it anymore myself and I cannot dedicate any time to actively maintaining it, other than accepting pull requests and maybe issuing a new release once in a while. So if you see a way to improve pip-review, whether by fixing a bug or by adding a feature, please go ahead and submit a pull request.


Any kind of contribution is welcome; nothing is "off limits". However, for those who would like some guidance:

  • Look for issues with the help wanted, question or poll label. In the latter case, if you have an opinion, vote by adding an emoticon of your choice to the opening post. Feel free to explain your vote in a response or to thumbs-up another response that explains your opinion.

The fine print

This repo (jgonggrijp/pip-review) uses gitflow. Please submit pull requests to the develop branch.

To maintain consistent coding style and formatting across the project, an EditorConfig file has been set up, in order to guarantee that all contributors use the same settings for indentation, character encoding, line endings etc.

Additionally, please ensure that lines of code do not exceed a maximum length of 79 characters to further enhance readability and consistency of the project.