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Black-Scholes Formula

Julia allows to compute greeks via forward or reverse automatic differentiation. In order to do this, we create a vector with the variables towards which we want to obtain sensitivities.

import AQFED.Black
using ForwardDiff
strike = 100.0; spot = 100.0; tte = 1.0; vol=0.4; r=0.05
x = [strike, spot, tte, vol, r, r]
f = function(x::AbstractArray)  Black.blackScholesFormula(true,x[1],x[2],x[3]*x[4]^2,exp(-x[5]*x[3]),exp(-x[6]*x[3])) end
ForwardDiff.gradient(f, x)

using ReverseDiff
ReverseDiff.gradient(f, x)

The reverse differentiation can be made faster by pre-compiling the tape as follows

f_tape = ReverseDiff.GradientTape(f,  rand(length(x))) #0 not ok
compiled_f_tape = ReverseDiff.compile(f_tape)
ReverseDiff.gradient!(y, compiled_f_tape, x)

Implied Volatility Solver

Standard Example

import AQFED.Black

f = 100.0; T=1.0; dfPayment=1.0;
vol = 0.01; strike = 150.0;
price = Black.blackScholesFormula(true, strike, f, vol * vol * T, 1.0, dfPayment)
Black.impliedVolatility(true, price, f, strike, T, dfPayment)

The output should read

julia> price = Black.blackScholesFormula(true, strike, f, vol * vol * T, 1.0, dfPayment)

julia> Black.impliedVolatility(true, price, f, strike, T, dfPayment)

Multiple precision

import AQFED.Black

f = BigFloat("100.0"); T=BigFloat("1.0"); dfPayment=BigFloat("1.0");
vol = BigFloat("0.01"); strike = BigFloat("150.0");
price = Black.blackScholesFormula(true, strike, f, vol * vol * T, BigFloat(1.0), dfPayment)
Black.impliedVolatility(true, price, f, strike, T, dfPayment)

and the output is: 0.009999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999787059, for a price of 3.005699303008737538090695390409788090781673843536520016899477489819371529654813e-361


Single iv lookup

import AQFED.Black
using BenchmarkTools

f = 100.0; T=1.0; dfPayment=1.0;
vol = 0.04; strike = 150.0;
price = Black.blackScholesFormula(true, strike, f, vol * vol * T, 1.0, dfPayment)

@benchmark Black.impliedVolatilitySRGuess(true, price, f, strike, T, dfPayment)
@benchmark Black.impliedVolatilitySRHalley(true, price, f, strike, T, dfPayment, 0.0, 64, Black.Householder())
@benchmark Black.impliedVolatilityLiSOR(true, price, f, strike, T, dfPayment, 0.0, 0.0, 64, Black.SORTS())
@benchmark Black.impliedVolatilityJaeckel(true, price, f, strike, T, dfPayment)

Test from Zhenyu Cui,Yanchu Liu and Yuhang Yao

Reproduction of the Table 2 from "Tighter bounds for implied volatility based on the Dirac delta family method"

import AQFED.Black
using BenchmarkTools, StatsBase

S0 = 100;r = 0.03;q = 0.0;
num_K = 39; num_tau = 39; num_sigma = 39;
K0 = 105:(800-105)/num_K:800;
tau0 = 0.01:(2-0.01)/num_tau:2;
sigma0 = 0.01:(0.99-0.01)/num_sigma:0.99;
K = [K for sigma in sigma0 for tau in tau0 for K in K0]
tau = [tau for sigma in sigma0 for tau in tau0 for K in K0]
sigma = [sigma for sigma in sigma0 for tau in tau0 for K in K0]
C_real = [Black.blackScholesFormula(true, K, S0, sigma^2 * tau, exp(-(r-q)*tau), exp(-r*tau)) for sigma in sigma0 for tau in tau0 for K in K0]
indices = findall( x-> x > 1e-20, C_real)
C_real = C_real[indices];  K = K[indices];  tau = tau[indices]; sigma = sigma[indices];
IV_jaeckel = [Black.impliedVolatilityJaeckel(true, C_reali, S0*exp((r-q)*taui),Ki,taui,exp(-r*taui)) for (C_reali, Ki, taui, sigmai) in zip(C_real,K,tau,sigma)]
t6_a = abs.(IV_jaeckel - sigma)
stats = [mean(t6_a),std(t6_a),maximum(t6_a),minimum(t6_a)]
IV_srhou = [Black.impliedVolatilitySRHalley(true, C_reali, S0*exp((r-q)*taui),Ki,taui,exp(-r*taui),eps(),32,Black.Householder()) for (C_reali, Ki, taui, sigmai) in zip(C_real,K,tau,sigma)]
t7_a = abs.(IV_srhou - sigma)
stats = [mean(t7_a),std(t7_a),maximum(t7_a),minimum(t7_a)]

Output for Jackel is


Output for SR-Householder is

-element Vector{Float64}: