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Using PassGen with MacOS Automator

Once you've installed and setup PassGen on your Mac, adding an automator workflow that prompts for your passphrase is easy. This makes generating a password from any application quick and painless.

  1. Open Automator and create a new Service

  2. Add a Run AppleScript action and add paste in the following code

    global frontmostProcess
    tell application "System Events"
    set frontmostProcess to first process where it is frontmost
    end tell
    set userCancelled to false
    set gave_up to false
    set my_passphrase to ""
        set dialogReturn to (display dialog "Please enter your passphrase" ¬
            with title "PassGen" ¬
            default answer "" ¬
            buttons {"Cancel", "Generate Password"} ¬
            default button 2 ¬
            with hidden answer ¬
            giving up after 10)
        set my_passphrase to the text returned of dialogReturn
        set gave_up to gave up of dialogReturn
        on error number -128
        set userCancelled to true
    end try
    if (not userCancelled and not gave_up) then
        do shell script "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin; passgen '" & my_passphrase & "'"
        display notification "Password copied to clipboard" ¬
            with title "PassGen"
    end if
    set frontmost of frontmostProcess to true
  3. Save your Automator service

  4. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts. Select Services in the left pane and scroll down to the General section. You should see your PassGen automator service, select it and add a keyboard shortcut. This can also be done in any other application that supports keyboard shortcuts like BetterTouchTool.
