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If Redux feels like it's missing first class XHR handling, give restful-redux a try.

More Details

GraphQL has it's place but many applications use REST-based service APIs for a variety of reasons.

There are always commonalities between action creators, reducers and smart components with redux like

  • action creators have to supply the action type that the associated reducers will be scanning for
  • reducers have to save state where data consuming smart components will be looking

Goals of this project

  • Simplify and DRY up REST document/model oriented XHR action creation
  • Simplify and DRY up associated reducers
  • Provide a React component wrapper that will auto-fetch your document/model data
  • Support collections
  • Support additional model metadata (which can be set if the document/model has not yet been retrieved)
  • Support normalizr


npm install --save restful-redux redux-effects redux-effects-fetch redux-multi redux-thunk

And apply the middleware dependencies

import effects from 'redux-effects'; // encapsulate side effects into middleware (like XHR activity)
import fetch from 'redux-effects-fetch'; // XHR middleware handler for redux-effects
import multi from 'redux-multi'; // allow arrays of actions to be dispatched
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; // allow async callback functions to be dispatched

// when creating the redux store
applyMiddleware(multi, thunk, effects, fetch);

Basic Example

This is all you need to fetch, reduce and get access to your model data and loading states. Here we will be fetching user data.

user action creator

import { createActionCreator } from 'restful-redux';
const userActionCreator = createActionCreator({
  entityType: 'user', // root attribute of normalized entity structure in redux state
  actionPrefix: 'USER', // prefix for dispatched actions
// export our fetch method
export function fetch (id) {
  return userActionCreator.createFetchAction({
    id: id,
    url: `/my/user/api/${id}`

user model reducer

import { createReducer } from 'restful-redux';
export createReducer({
  // notice how these match the action creator attributes
  entityType: 'user',
  actionPrefix: 'USER',

React component model provider

// notice how your React component can be a pure function
function UserProfileComponent ({ model }) {
  if (model.isFetchPending()) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;
  } else if (model.fetchError()) {
    // model.fetchError() actually returns the error payload: { headers, status, statusText, url, value }
    return <div>Fetch error...</div>
  } else {
    const user = model.value();
    return (
        {user.firstName} {user.lastName}

// now wrap up your component in a "modeProvider" to auto-fetch the model data
import { modelProvider } from 'restful-redux';
export modelProvider({
  id: '', // will look for an id in ``
  entityType: 'user',
  fetchProp: 'fetch'

That's it! The modelProvider is expected to be wrapped in a smart component with an entities prop available which represents the same state available to your reducer.

