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Custom Model

TF-PWA support custom model of .Particle, just implement the .Particle.get_amp method for a class inherited from .Particle as:

from tf_pwa.amp import register_particle, Particle

class MyParticle(Particle):
    def get_amp(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print(args, kwargs)
        return 1.0

Then it can be used in config.yml (or Resonances.yml) as model: MyModel. We can get the data used for amplitude, and add some calculations such as Breit-Wigner.

from tf_pwa.amp import register_particle, Particle
import tensorflow as tf

class SimpleBW(Particle):
    def get_amp(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Breit-Wigner formula
        m = args[0]["m"]
        m0 = self.get_mass()
        g0 = self.get_width()
        delta_m = m0*m0 - m * m
        one = tf.ones_like(m)
        ret = 1/tf.complex(delta_m, m0 * g0 * one)
        return ret

Note, we used one to make sure the shape to be same.

We can also add parameters in the .Model init_params using self.add_var(...).

class LineModel(Particle):
    def init_params(self):
        super(LineModel, self).init_params()
        self.a = self.add_var("a")
    def get_amp(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        """ model as m + a """
        m = data["m"]
        zeros = tf.zeros_like(m)
        return tf.complex( m + self.a(), zeros)

Then a parameters {particle_name}_a will appear in the parameters, we use self.a() to get the value in get_amp. Note, the type of return value should be tf.complex. All builtin model is located in tf_pwa/

Simple Resonance (experimental)

There is a simple method to define Resonance model, like

from tf_pwa.amp import simple_resonance, FloatParams

@simple_resonance("Line_2", params=["a"])
def r_line(m, a: FloatParams = 1.0):
    return m + a

Those code will build a class similar as Line model define before. By using inspect module, we can get the FullArgSpec of a function. For a keyword arguments with type annotation as FloatParams, it will be treated as a fit paraments.


the first arguments have to be the invariant mass m of the resonance.