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中文新秀榜 > 软件类 > Jupyter Notebook

数据更新: 2024-03-08   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated Created
1 suno-ai/bark 🔊 Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model 30871 2024-03-06 2023-04-07
2 tloen/alpaca-lora Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware 17993 2024-02-23 2023-03-13
3 TencentARC/PhotoMaker PhotoMaker 7745 2024-02-28 2023-12-06
4 geekyutao/Inpaint-Anything Inpaint anything using Segment Anything and inpainting models. 5154 2024-02-29 2023-04-09
5 lyogavin/Anima 33B Chinese LLM, DPO QLORA, 100K context, AirLLM 70B inference with single 4GB GPU 2655 2024-03-07 2023-06-12
6 PhoebusSi/Alpaca-CoT We unified the interfaces of instruction-tuning data (e.g., CoT data), multiple LLMs and parameter-efficient methods (e.g., lora, p-tuning) together for easy use. We welcome open-source enthusiasts to ... 2387 2023-12-12 2023-03-24
7 FranxYao/chain-of-thought-hub Benchmarking large language models' complex reasoning ability with chain-of-thought prompting 2282 2023-12-10 2023-03-10
8 datawhalechina/hugging-llm HuggingLLM, Hugging Future. 2180 2024-02-29 2023-04-11
9 KevinWang676/Bark-Voice-Cloning Bark Voice Cloning and Voice Cloning for Chinese Speech 1987 2024-02-29 2023-06-11
10 LC1332/Chat-Haruhi-Suzumiya Chat凉宫春日, An open sourced Role-Playing chatbot Cheng Li, Ziang Leng, and others. 1421 2024-02-16 2023-05-31
11 ytzfhqs/AAAMLP-CN Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem中译版,在线文档地址: 931 2024-02-04 2023-08-30
12 DjangoPeng/openai-quickstart A comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing large language models with hands-on examples using LangChain for GenAI applications. 682 2024-03-05 2023-07-17
13 s4afa451dgf415f/colab_stable_diffusion stable_diffusion_webui的colab部署版本(including English version),下载了所流行插件依赖和并进行初始化配置。拥有mod管理、手机自适应、图片信息本地读取等脚本。 626 2024-03-02 2023-04-03
14 Maplemx/Agently [AI Agent Application Development Framework] - 🚀 Build AI agent native application in very few code 💬 Easy to interact with AI agent in code using structure data and chained-calls syntax 🧩 Enhance AI ... 612 2024-03-07 2023-06-30
15 yuanjie-ai/ChatLLM 轻松玩转LLM兼容openai&langchain,支持文心一言、讯飞星火、腾讯混元、智谱ChatGLM等 382 2023-10-16 2023-04-11
16 wu-hao-ze/All-assignments-and-projects-for-software-engineering-courses-at-Tongji-University 同济大学软件学院软件工程专业课所有作业和项目,包括以下内容:数据结构,数据结构课程设计,计算机组成原理,计算机组成原理实验,程序设计范式,离散数学,Python,操作系统,操作系统课程设计,计算机系统结构,系统分析与设计,数据库原理与应用,数据库原理与应用课程设计,算法分析设计,人工智能导论,计算机网络,计算机网络实验,软件工程,软件工程课程设计,软件设计模式,智能计算系统,编译原理,嵌入式系统导 ... 305 2024-03-04 2023-05-13
17 megvii-research/CVPR2023-DMVFN CVPR2023 (highlight) - A Dynamic Multi-Scale Voxel Flow Network for Video Prediction 295 2023-12-19 2023-03-15
18 datawhalechina/whale-quant 本项目为量化开源课程,可以帮助人们快速掌握量化金融知识以及使用Python进行量化开发的能力。 278 2024-01-25 2023-04-08
19 PaddlePaddle/ERNIE-SDK ERNIE Bot Agent is a Large Language Model (LLM) Agent Framework, powered by the advanced capabilities of ERNIE Bot and the platform resources of Baidu AI Studio. 269 2024-03-04 2023-08-30
20 AlexZhangji/Twitter-Insight-LLM Twitter data scraping and more. 236 2024-03-06 2024-03-05
21 LC1332/CamelBell-Chinese-LoRA CamelBell(驼铃) is be a Chinese Language Tuning project based on LoRA. CamelBell is belongs to Project Luotuo(骆驼), an open sourced Chinese-LLM project created by 冷子昂 @ 商汤科技 & 陈启源 @ 华中师范大学 & 李鲁鲁 @ 商汤科技 171 2023-12-21 2023-03-25
22 Glanvery/LLM-Travel 欢迎来到 "LLM-travel" 仓库!探索大语言模型(LLM)的奥秘 🚀。致力于深入理解、探讨以及实现与大模型相关的各种技术、原理和应用。 142 2023-12-22 2023-10-02
23 elroy93/12306spy 12306查票, 找到一张能上车的票 103 2024-02-26 2024-02-06
24 BoXiaolei/MyTransformer_pytorch 关于Transformer模型的最简洁pytorch实现,包含详细注释 96 2023-11-13 2023-11-03
25 Kedreamix/PaddleAvatar 你是否曾经幻想过与自己的虚拟人交互?现在,使用PaddleAvatar,您可以将自己的图像、音频和视频转化为一个逼真的数字人视频,与其进行人机交互。 PaddleAvatar是一种基于PaddlePaddle深度学习框架的数字人生成工具,基于Paddle的许多套件,它可以将您的数字图像、音频和视频合成为一个逼真的数字人视频。除此之外,PaddleAvatar还支持进一步的开发,例如使用自然语言处 ... 86 2024-02-23 2023-04-18
26 solidglue/Recommender_System 王树森推荐系统公开课-基于小红书的场景讲解工业界真实的推荐系统。 72 2024-03-07 2024-02-29
27 Tony607/Cybergear 小米微电机Cybergear上手开发 48 2024-02-24 2023-09-02
28 blackinkkkxi/RAG_langchain 一个基于langchain实现RAG的简单示例 43 2024-03-05 2023-12-09
29 kevin-meng/HuggingfaceDownloadShare 中国如何下载huggingface 模型并共享链接 43 2023-11-20 2023-09-10
30 percent4/embedding_rerank_retrieval 本项目是针对RAG中的Retrieve阶段的召回技术及算法效果所做评估实验。使用主体框架为LlamaIndex. 42 2024-02-04 2023-12-28
31 aJupyter/EmoLLM 心理健康大模型、LLM、The Big Model of Mental Health、Finetune、InternLM2、Qwen、ChatGLM 35 2024-02-18 2024-01-11
32 gameofdimension/vllm-cn 演示 vllm 对中文大语言模型的神奇效果 31 2023-11-04 2023-07-08
33 TommyZihao/aidlux_tutorial AidLux手机部署人工智能算法 31 2023-10-14 2023-06-25
34 huangjia2019/geektime_ai_practice AI原生基础实战课 30 2023-09-15 2023-09-04
35 billvsme/train_law_llm ✏️0成本LLM微调上手项目,⚡️一步一步使用colab训练法律LLM,基于microsoft/phi-1_5、chatglm3,包含lora微调,全参微调 28 2023-12-27 2023-11-07
36 roberthsu2003/112_python_chihlee 10_14日_致理_python_大數據探勘 27 2023-12-09 2023-10-14
37 teashirtt/resume-analysis-system 智能简历解析系统,支持多维度信息提取 25 2024-02-29 2023-07-05
38 roberthsu2003/chihlee_pico 致理pico_w課程 22 2024-02-03 2023-11-19
39 chunhuizhang/deeplearning-envs 深度学习软硬件配置(小白向) 22 2024-02-26 2023-04-11
40 shannany0606/2022_National_Math_Modeling_Competiotion 古代玻璃制品的成分分析和鉴别模型&&2022年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛全国二等奖项目 18 2023-11-14 2023-05-02
41 LC1332/Luotuo-Fighter 骆驼大乱斗: Massive Game Content Generated by LLM 16 2023-10-15 2023-10-11
42 rongzhiy/Sort_algorithm_ 🔥 🔥 🔥 经典排序算法可视化(Python+Java版本) 16 2023-09-23 2023-04-04
43 wanziw/ProductDemandForecast-TeddyCup11B 第十一届泰迪杯B题:产品订单的数据分析与需求预测 代码和数据 15 2023-12-11 2023-10-19

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