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Follow these steps to generate the Cocos2d-Lua API files which can be used by BebeLua in VisualStudio.


  1. Windows 10
  2. Visual Studio 2015
  3. cocos2d-x-3.14.1

What should be done

  1. Follow the instructions in cocos2d-x-3.14.1\tools\tolua\README.mdown to prepare your environment. Following is what I do.

    1. Make sure that you have installed android-ndk-r10c or later. I have got "android-ndk-r10e".
    2. Download and install the latest 32 bit version python2.7.x from I use Add the python to the environment variable "path".
    3. Download and insatll pyyaml. I use python to do this. pip install pyyaml
    4. Download and insatll Cheetah. I use python to do this. pip install Cheetah All these tools are needed by cocos2d to generate luabinding glue codes and the api doc files.
  2. Modify the script files so that they can work properly on your environment. You can modify these files from the original cocos2d source codes. Your can also modify these files in the project which you created with commmand, cocos new ProjectName -p -d ProjectDir -l lua.

    1. Modify cocos2d-x-3.14.1\tools\tolua\ according to your NDK. I have llvm-3.6 and llvm-3.5 in my NDK's toolchains folder. After this step, I can successfully generate the luabinding codes and the lua official doc files.
     if platform == 'win32':
         x86_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.6/prebuilt', '%s' % cur_platform))
         if not os.path.exists(x86_llvm_path):
             x86_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.5/prebuilt', '%s' % cur_platform))
         x86_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.6/prebuilt', '%s-%s' % (cur_platform, 'x86')))
         if not os.path.exists(x86_llvm_path):
             x86_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.5/prebuilt', '%s-%s' % (cur_platform, 'x86')))
     x64_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.6/prebuilt', '%s-%s' % (cur_platform, 'x86_64')))
     if not os.path.exists(x64_llvm_path):
         x64_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.5/prebuilt', '%s-%s' % (cur_platform, 'x86_64')))
    ### End
    if '3.6' in llvm_path:
         config.set('DEFAULT', 'clang_version', '3.6')
         config.set('DEFAULT', 'clang_version', '3.5')
    1. Modify cocos2d-x-3.14.1\tools\bindings-generator\targets\lua\templates\apidoc_function.script to generate function declarations. And empty cocos2d-x-3.14.1\tools\bindings-generator\targets\lua\templates\apidoc_function_foot.script with a blank left.
     --- summary
     --- ${comment}
     -- @function [parent=#${class_name}] ${func_name} 
     -- @param self
     #if $min_args > 0 
         #set $count = 0
         #for $arg in $arguments
             #set $argValue = "arg" + str(count)
             #if $arg.is_enum
     -- @param #int $argumtntTips[$count]
     -- @param #$generator.lua_typename_from_natve($arg.namespaced_name) $argumtntTips[$count]
             #end if
             #set $count = $count + 1
         #end for
     #end if
     #if str($ret_type) != "void"
         #if $ret_type.is_enum
     -- @return int#int ret (return value: int)
     -- @return $generator.lua_typename_from_natve($ret_type.namespaced_name, True)#$generator.lua_typename_from_natve($ret_type.namespaced_name, True) ret (return value: $generator.lua_typename_from_natve($ret_type.namespaced_name))
         #end if
     -- @return $generator.lua_typename_from_natve($namespaced_class_name, True)#$generator.lua_typename_from_natve($namespaced_class_name, True) self (return value: $generator.lua_typename_from_natve($namespaced_class_name))
     #end if
     #set $argTips_info = ""
     #set $argTips_index = 0
     #set $argTips_count = len($argumtntTips)
     #for $argTip in $argumtntTips
         #if $argTips_index < $argTips_count - 1
             #set $argTips_info = $argTips_info + $argumtntTips[$argTips_index] + ","
             #set $argTips_info = $argTips_info + $argumtntTips[$argTips_index]
         #end if
         #set $argTips_index = $argTips_index + 1
     #end for
     function ${generator.target_ns}.${class_name}.${func_name}($argTips_info)
  3. Use cocos2d-x-3.14.1\tools\tolua\ to generate the luabing codes and lua api doc files.

    1. Create a new project or you may already have one. Modify the files as preceding steps.
    2. Run python YourLuaProject\frameworks\cocos2d-x\tools\tolua\
    3. The generated files will be under YourLuaProject\frameworks\cocos2d-x\cocos\scripting\lua-bindings\auto. The original generated function doc looks like this.
    -- Initializes a sprite with an SpriteFrame. The texture and rect in SpriteFrame will be applied on this sprite.
    -- param spriteFrame A SpriteFrame object. It should includes a valid texture and a rect.
    -- return True if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise. -- @function [parent=#Sprite] initWithSpriteFrame -- @param self -- @param #cc.SpriteFrame spriteFrame -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool)
    Now a function declaration has been added.
    --- summary
    --- Initializes a sprite with an SpriteFrame. The texture and rect in SpriteFrame will be applied on this sprite.
    -- param spriteFrame A SpriteFrame object. It should includes a valid texture and a rect.
    -- return True if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise. -- @function [parent=#Sprite] initWithSpriteFrame -- @param self -- @param #cc.SpriteFrame spriteFrame -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) function cc.Sprite.initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame) end
  4. Copy YourLuaProject\frameworks\cocos2d-x\cocos\scripting\lua-bindings\auto\api folder into Documents\BabeLua\Completion\Cocos2d-Lua-V3.14.1. And then the BaeLua can use these doc file to provide the code auto completion function in your Visual Studio.


Follow these steps to generate the Cocos2d-Lua API files which can be used by BebeLua in VisualStudio.






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