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Wigner D and d matrices following Feng et al. (2015) and the phase convention used by Varshalovich [1988]. The D matrix is defined as

Djmn(α, β, γ) = djmn(β) * exp(-i*(m*α + n*γ))

This carries out a passive rotation by the Euler angles (α, β, γ) in the z-y-z convention. The d-matrix is purely real in this convention. The d-matrix is evaluated by explicitly diagonalizing the angular momentum operator Jy in the basis of the normalized eigenvectors of Jz for a specified degree j. The result is expected to be limited by machine accuracy.

Creating the matrices

Compute the Wigner d-matrix using the signature WignerdMatrix(j, β) and the D-matrix using WignerdMatrix(j, α, β, γ), where the angular momentum j may either be an integer or a half-integer.

julia> d = WignerdMatrix(2, π/3)
5×5 WignerdMatrix{Float64} for j = 2 and beta = 1.0471975511965976 with indices -2:2×-2:2:
  0.5625     0.649519      0.459279   0.216506     0.0625
 -0.649519   5.82867e-16   0.53033    0.5          0.216506
  0.459279  -0.53033      -0.125      0.53033      0.459279
 -0.216506   0.5          -0.53033    5.82867e-16  0.649519
  0.0625    -0.216506      0.459279  -0.649519     0.5625

julia> D = WignerDMatrix(1/2, 0, π/3, 0.5)
2×2 WignerDMatrix{Complex{Float64}} for j = 1/2, alpha = 0, beta = 1.0471975511965976 and gamma = 0.5 with indices -1/2:1/2×-1/2:1/2:
  0.839103+0.214258im  0.484456-0.123702im
 -0.484456-0.123702im  0.839103-0.214258im

The way to obtain the Euler angles corresponding to the D or the d-matrix is using the function eulerangles.

julia> D = WignerDMatrix(1/2, 0, π/3, 0.5);

julia> WignerDMatrices.eulerangles(D)
(0, 1.0471975511965976, 0.5)

The way to obtain the angular momentum j is the function sphericaldegree.

julia> D = WignerDMatrix(1/2, 0, π/3, 0.5);

julia> WignerDMatrices.sphericaldegree(D)


The matrices may be indexed using appropriate (m,n) pairs. These must be integers if j is an integer, or half-integers if j is a half-integer.

julia> d = WignerdMatrix(2, π/3);

julia> d[-2,-2]

julia> D = WignerDMatrix(1/2, 0, π/3, 0.5);

julia> D[-1/2, 1/2]
0.4844562108553222 - 0.12370197962726143im

The structs are defined to respect the symmetries of the d-matrix. In particular, this means that d[-m,-n] = (-1)^(m-n) d[m,n], d[n,m] = (-1)^(m-n) d[m,n] and d[-n,-m] = d[m,n].

The D-matrix acts as a wrapper around a d-matrix, and the elements are computed on the fly. This is therefore more expensive than indexing into an array. If performance is a concern, consider converting the array to a SpinMatrix.

julia> D = WignerDMatrix(1/2, 0, π/3, 0.5)
2×2 WignerDMatrix{Complex{Float64}} for j = 1/2, alpha = 0, beta = 1.0471975511965976 and gamma = 0.5 with indices -1/2:1/2×-1/2:1/2:
  0.839103+0.214258im  0.484456-0.123702im
 -0.484456-0.123702im  0.839103-0.214258im

julia> S = WignerDMatrices.SpinMatrix(D)
2×2 SpinMatrix(::Array{Complex{Float64},2}, 1/2) with eltype Complex{Float64} with indices -1/2:1/2×-1/2:1/2:
  0.839103+0.214258im  0.484456-0.123702im
 -0.484456-0.123702im  0.839103-0.214258im

A SpinMatrix allows fast indexing

julia> import WignerDMatrices: half

julia> @btime @inbounds $D[-half(1),half(1)]
  33.885 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
0.4844562108553222 - 0.12370197962726143im

julia> @btime @inbounds $S[-half(1),half(1)]
  3.212 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
0.4844562108553222 - 0.12370197962726143im

Special Angles

The package provides the special angles ZeroRadians, Piby2Radians, PiRadians, TwoNPiRadians and TwoNPlusOnePiRadians, and correspondingly the constants Zero, Pi, TwoPi, ThreePi, FourPi and Piby2. Using these might lead to certain elements of the d-matrix being explicitly evaluated to zero, which would lead to faster construction and indexing. The generic types are defined as TwoNPiRadians(m) = 2mπ and TwoNPlusOnePiRadians(m) = (2m + 1)π. Neither the types nor the constants are exported to avoid conflicts with other packages.

julia> WignerdMatrix(1, π/2)[0,0]

julia> WignerdMatrix(1, WignerDMatrices.Piby2)[0,0]

julia> WignerdMatrix(1, π)
3×3 WignerdMatrix{Float64} for j = 1 and beta = π with indices -1:1×-1:1:
 0.0   0.0  1.0
 0.0  -1.0  0.0
 1.0   0.0  0.0

julia> WignerdMatrix(1, WignerDMatrices.Pi)
3×3 WignerdMatrix{Float64} for j = 1 and beta = Pi with indices -1:1×-1:1:

# Indexing is faster

julia> d1 = WignerdMatrix(40, WignerDMatrices.Zero);

julia> d2 = WignerdMatrix(40, 0);

julia> @btime $d1[1,1];
  4.797 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime $d2[1,1];
  13.249 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)


  • WignerDMatrix types are not closed on matrix multiplication
  • Much of linear-algebra is not implemented for half-integer axes