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157 lines (109 loc) · 4.79 KB


Library to visualize features learned by Convolutional Neural Networks. Built on top of theano and lasagne.


$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

OpenCV can not be installed through pip.


Activation Maximization (activation_maximization/) : Visualize a filter by finding the input that maximizes its activation.

Deconvolutional Networks (deconvolution/) : Visualize a filter with respect to a certain input image by projecting the filter's activation on a given image back to input space.

Gradient Based Method (class_saliency_map/) : Assign saliency scores to individual pixels with respect to a certain filter by assuming the activation can be approximated as a simple linear function.

Occlusion Method (class_saliency_map/) : Assign saliency scores to individual pixels with respect to a certain filter by occluding a region centered on an individual pixel and observing the effect on the networks output.



Virtual Environments

Virtual environments are great when working on a machine that is not owned by you. The following steps show how to setup a virtual environment on a machine on which you do not have root access. All files are installed to $HOME/local.

Using virtualenv:

$ pip install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ source
$ mkvirtualenv venv
$ workon venv
$ cd cnn-vizlib/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

To install python (required for the shared object files):

tar xzvf Python-2.7.9.tgz 
cd Python-2.7.9
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local --enable-shared
make -j7 && make install

To install opencv:

$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd opencv-2.4.12
$ mkdir release
$ cd release
$ cmake -D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python`\
    -D PYTHON_LIBRARY=$HOME/.local/lib/\
$ make && make install

$ ln -s $HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ \
$ ln -s $HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ \

Working Remotely

A great method for working interactively on headless servers is the IPython notebook (today called Jupyter notebook). The following shows how to setup the notebook on the remote side, and how to connect to them locally using SSH tunnels.

Simple Setup

A simple setup, with a single remote machine and a single local machine.

This assumes you are using the old iPython notebook. See below for a Jupyter notebook example.

remote$    ipython profile create notebookserver
# will generate a notebook config file
remote$     vim ~/.ipython/profile_notebookserver/

# insert following lines
c = get_config()
c.NotebookApp.ip = 'localhost'
c.NotebookApp.port = 9999
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
# save and exit

remote$    ipython notebook --profile=notebookserver

Now forward the port

local$     ssh -L 8889:localhost:9999 remote

Now point your browser to the following url:


If the information you are viewing is private, consider using https and passwords.

Proxy Setup

This setup looks as follows:

head [remote node that is accessible from local, but not for computing]
compute [compute node that is only accessible from the head node]

We create a tunnel such that localhost:8889 arrives at compute:9999, through head:9998:

local$ 	ssh -L 8889:localhost:9998 head ssh -L 9998:localhost:9999 -N compute
head$ 	jupyter notebook --generate-config
            vim ~/.jupyter/
            # enter same configuration as above
            ssh compute
compute$    jupyter notebook

Connect with local browser to localhost:8889


The die dataset was generated using blender.

To regenerate first download blender, then:

python2 <blender_path>

This will generate a bunch of different rotations of the die, and place their class name in the filename.

To generate the .npy files needed for vizlib use:


This should generate `./vizlib/data/die.{X,y}.npy'. These should also be stored in the repository for convenience.

If at some point you need to change the resolution, you should edit the die.blend file in the die folder.