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How To Manage Discrank & Error Messages

Joshua Chen edited this page Nov 16, 2017 · 3 revisions

How to manage the bot

Note that this is solely for in-depth bot management purposes. If you want to learn about how to use commands like !tag and !lol commands, type !help in chat or message Discrank with !help.

You can also find a full list of commands by typing in





!botowner -- This is if you are hosting your own Discrank.


Server Management

First of all, if you're tired of the spam that you get from Discrank every time a moderator does something, you can always type in

!owner notifications

to disable them, and then the same to re-enable them.

To help with moderating the server, you can add your own bot moderator role. Be vigilant about handing this power out as anybody with that role will have the power to do pretty much anything that they want without restriction with the bot. This also means that they will be able to bypass muted channels (Discrank will always listen to a user that is a moderator or higher).

!owner modrole <rolename>

Once the moderator role has been created and you run the command above, give the role to people you want as bot moderators.

Additionally, if you have any comments/concerns/hate-mail, you can send us feedback with

!owner feedback <message>

However, please note that this goes to two people (Jsh#3741 and Minsoo#4216), so try to condense your message into one submission (to prevent spam).

Server Moderation

Muting specific text/voice channels

!mod mute <channel>

!mod unmute <channel>

What goes in can be either a text channel or a voice channel (note that this is CASE SENSITIVE). Discrank will not respond to users (will respond to moderators+) or join a voice channel if they are muted.

As for tags, you can toggle specific kinds of tags depending on channel. The base format is:

!tag toggle <type> <channelname>

As an example, if you want to create a nsfw tag and you do not want Discrank to post nsfw content on #general, you can

!tag toggle nsfw general

Same goes with sound/random and whatnot.

!tag toggle sound general

Banning certain commands

!mod toggle <command>

You can always mute commands if you do not want them.

Invoker/Calling the Bot

!mod mention

This command essentially clears all invokers and will only respond to users if the bot is mentioned (@Discrank).

!mod invoker <custom invoker>

This command allows you to create your own custom invoker. An invoker is what goes before the command (it is what recognizes it as a command). As an example,

!mod invoker ++

Will allow you to call the bot with "++". Discrank will then respond to commands like ++help instead of !help

This is to prevent invocation conflicts with other bots.


Discrank cannot join a voice channel/giving an error when using a sound tag.

Solution: Type in !leave and then try the command again.