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A command line utility to find Tumblr posts created by the blog owner (not reblogs).

./ownwords.js --blog [] --key [Tumblr API consumer key]


The following recommended installation requires npm. If you are unfamiliar with npm, see the npm docs. Npm comes installed with Node.js since node version 0.8.x therefore you likely already have it.

Clone this repository:

git clone

Move into the directory:

cd OwnWords

Install the necessary dependencies:

npm install


./ownwords.js <--blog> <--key tumblr_api_consumer_key> [--html] [--json] [--type post_type]

Example Usage:

$ ./ownwords.js --blog --key cViDRYBtsIuFTv5VFzpvjERsFXcWqkov1dv0P12CDAdWzvBr04 --type video has 481 posts to process (24 pages)
Found original video at (published on 2014-11-30 06:49:56 GMT)
Found original video at (published on 2014-11-27 18:18:08 GMT)
Found original video at (published on 2014-11-26 16:35:33 GMT)

Note that due to the nature of the many async API requests in this, date order won't necessarily be present.


--blog needn't be a * URL; any tumblr blog URL works (i.e. custom blogs that use tumblr for the backend) -- as long as the Tumblr API is happy to process requests for the URL, you're fine.

--key is the Tumblr API consumer key - these are unauthenticated queries to the API. Register to get an API key/token/etc here.

--html is an optional flag that will output html links instead of simple text (e.g. if you want to paste the results into an HTML sandbox so you can easily click the links instead of copying and pasting from your CLI window). Also adds <br /> at the end of each line.

--type is an optional flag that will restrict returned posts to a certain type. Supported types are:

  • text
  • photo
  • quote
  • link
  • chat
  • audio
  • video
  • answer
  • queue

--json is an optional flag that will return a JSON array of post objects, with all the data Tumblr provides for each. Overrides --html

Near as I can tell, there's no rate limiting in v2 of the Tumblr API; there was heavy limiting in v1 but I've combed blogs with 10K+ posts and they've gone through fine.


Licensed under the MIT License.