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Version: 0.0.4 Type: application AppVersion: v0.0.4

A Helm chart for log2rbac Kubernetes operator

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helm repo add log2rbac
helm repo update
helm upgrade -i log2rbac log2rbac/log2rbac-operator


Name Email Url
Jiri Kremser

Source Code

(under helm-chart/log2rbac-operator/)


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
deploy.crds bool true whether the custom resource definitions should be also deployed into the cluster
deploy.jaeger bool false whether the jaeger should be deployed with the operator (use together with tracing.enabled = true)
deploy.operator bool true whether the operator itself should be deployed (Deployment)
deploy.rbac bool true whether the rbac resources should be also deployed (ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding)
deploy.service bool true whether the service for metrics and open-telemetry should be deployed (Service)
image.pullPolicy string "Always" translates to pod's spec.imagePullPolicy
image.repository string "jkremser/log2rbac" container image repo (can be prepended by image registry)
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list []
metrics.enabled bool true should the metrics be enabled (additional arg for log2rbac binary)
metrics.nodePort int 30081 Port on node that will be used for metrics. This make sense only for serviceType = NodePort, otherwise it's ignored
metrics.port int 8080 on which port the metrics server should listen
metrics.serviceType string "NodePort" typeof the service for metrics (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName). Consult
nodeSelector object {}
operator.colors bool true should the logs be colorcul (env var COLORS)
operator.noBanner bool false should the ascii logo be printed in the logs (env var NO_BANNER)
operator.restartPods bool true whether the operator should be restarting the pods after modifying the role (env var SHOULD_RESTART_APP_PODS) if not set defaults to true
operator.syncIntervals.afterNoLogs int 30 if it was not possible to get the logs, how long to wait for the next check (env var SYNC_INTERVAL_AFTER_NO_LOGS_SECONDS) value represents the number of seconds
operator.syncIntervals.afterNoRbacEntry int 5 if no rbac related entry was found in logs, how long to wait for the next check (env var SYNC_INTERVAL_AFTER_NO_RBAC_ENTRY_MINUTES) value represents the number of minutes
operator.syncIntervals.afterPodRestart int 20 how long to wait after rbac entry was added and pod was restarted by the operator (env var SYNC_INTERVAL_AFTER_POD_RESTART_SECONDS) value represents the number of seconds
podAnnotations object {} additional annotations that will be applied on operator's pod
podLabels object {} additional labels that will be applied on operator's pod
podSecurityContext string nil
resources.limits.cpu string "500m"
resources.limits.memory string "128Mi"
resources.requests.cpu string "10m"
resources.requests.memory string "64Mi"
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false
securityContext.capabilities object {"drop":["ALL"]} For more options consult
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true
tolerations list []
tracing.enabled bool false if the application should be sending the traces to OTLP collector (env var TRACING_ENABLED)
tracing.endpoint string "localhost:4318" host:port where the spans (traces) should be sent, sets the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT env var
tracing.jaegerImage.pullPolicy string "Always"
tracing.jaegerImage.repository string "jaegertracing/all-in-one" if deploy.jaeger==true this image will be used in the deployment for Jaeger
tracing.jaegerImage.tag string "1.33.0"
tracing.samplingRatio string nil float representing the ratio of how often the span should be kept/dropped (env var TRACING_SAMPLING_RATIO) if not specified, the AlwaysSample will be used which is the same as 1.0. 0.1 would mean that 10% of samples will be kept
tracing.sidecarImage.pullPolicy string "Always"
tracing.sidecarImage.repository string "otel/opentelemetry-collector" OpenTelemetry collector into which the log2rbac operator sends the spans. It can be further configured to send its data to somewhere else using exporters (Jaeger for instance)
tracing.sidecarImage.tag string "0.48.0"


Kubernetes: >= 1.14.0-0