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Symbolic mathematics language

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Symata Symata Symata

Symata is

  • a language for symbolic computations and mathematics, where, for the most part, "mathematics" means what it typically does for a scientist or engineer.

  • a language based mostly on expressions, on "evaluating" and rewriting them, like Wolfram, Maple, or Maxima. It is neither a language, nor an extension of a language, that is mostly procedural, or designed around data types and functions, or a hierarchy of classes, etc., like C or Python or Java. Nor is it language like Sage; that is, one meant to provide a unifying interface to a number of mathematics languages with various programming models.

  • meant to be useful to people who do not like to program computers, as well as those who do. The former includes people who prefer not to think about classes, methods, objects, dispatch, stack traces, etc.

Symata is largely modeled on the pattern matching and evaluation sequence of Mathematica. Evaluation, pattern matching, flow control, etc. are written in Julia. Much of the mathematics and symbolic manipulation is achieved by wrapping SymPy. There are more than 300 functions implemented, including integration, transformation of special functions, expression manipulation, writing and reading expressions to and from a file etc. The best places for examples of what works (and what does not), are the test directory, and, at the Symata prompt, the online help, ? Topic, with TAB completion, and regex search h"word".

The core of Symata is not complete. But, a large number of features are implemented; enough to be useful. Here are examples of pattern matching.

IJulia Notebooks

A few very brief tutorial notebooks are in the example directory. The development version of Symata is required to use these notebooks. Switch to the development version with Pkg.checkout("Symata"). (Later, you can return to the latest versioned branch with"Symata").) The typeset math will look better in the IJulia notebook, which renders it with higher quality than github does.


Symata can be installed on Linux, OSX, and Windows, and Julia v0.4, v0.5, and v0.6. It depends on the PyCall package and the python sympy module. When you load Symata with using Symata, sympy is installed automatically via PyCall, which uses Conda, which in turn installs python and needed modules in your Julia directory. However, to do this, PyCall must be configured to not use you system version of python. If you do not have PyCall installed, do this

julia> ENV["PYTHON"]=""
julia> Pkg.add("PyCall")

If you do have PyCall installed, but it is configured to use your system python, reconfigure it like this.

julia> ENV["PYTHON"]=""

If you use linux, you may have your distribution's sympy package installed and it may be out of date. In this case, try the procedure above, and/or try removing your distribution's sympy package.

Symata is a registered module. It can be installed like this

julia> Pkg.update()
julia> Pkg.add("Symata")
julia> using Symata
symata> Help()    # type '=' alone on a line to enter symata mode


SymPy, or sympy, here refers to the python SymPy distribution (sometimes called sympy), not the Julia package SymPy. Symata does not require the Julia package SymPy.jl, which has a different goal.

Symata requires mpmath package for python. This should be automatically installed when installing sympy via PyCall as described above. This also works on OSX. However, if you use pip, you should just be able to run pip install mpmath.

Running Symata

Three environments for running Symata are supported: the Julia REPL, Jupyter, and a dumb terminal

Symata REPL mode

A Symata mode is added to the Julia REPL. Enter the mode by typing = as the first character. Exit the mode by typing backspace as the first character.

julia> using Symata

symata 1>     # after entering `=`

There is also an executable symata included in top level directory of this distribution. It is a (UNIX sh) shell script that just starts julia and loads the module.

julia -i -e "using Symata" $*

Upon running this script, Symata mode is entered automatically. Toggle between Julia and Symata modes by typing = as the first character on a line. (If loading Symata from the julia prompt via using Symata, you use = and backspace.)

In Symata mode, the input is not interpreted as Julia expressions, but rather Symata expressions. You can do tab completion to see a list of functions and symbols.

Jupyter / IJulia

Versions v1.3.0 through v1.3.2 of IJulia.jl are supported.

In [1]:  using Symata

In [2]:  isymata()  # enter Symata mode

In [3]:  Expand((a+b)^2)

Out[3]:  a^2 + 2a*b + b^2

In [4]:  Julia()   # return to Julia mode

In Jupyter, the Symata expressions In(n) and Out(n) reevaluate the input and output cells. TAB completion works in Jupyter. To see a list of all possible completions, type *[TAB].

Dumb terminal

If you do using Symata in a dumb terminal, the Symata prompt should appear automatically.

Help, examples, tests


Some plotting is supported.

Plot( :(sin) , Table(Pi * RandomReal(), [100]), color => red)

Plot( [:(sin), :(cos)] , Table(Pi * RandomReal(), [100]), color => red, xlabel => "x")

Plot using a `Julia` function.

Other examples.


Plot([1,2,3], [3,1,2])

Try ? Plot or Help(Plot).

Finding Help and Examples

The best source of examples is the test directory. The documentation can be printed from within Symata by entering ? SymName at the symata prompt. Help(Symname) prints the same documentation. For many Symata functions, the SymPy docstring is printed along with the Symata documentation.

Try Help(). Type h"topic" to search for items containing the string "topic". Hit TAB at the command line REPL for a list of all builtin symbols. (i.e. variables and functions) Symbols that are associated with some functionality can be listed with BuiltIns(). Type Example() to see a list of topics with examples. Type Example(topic) to run the examples. (But, far more examples are in the test directory ). The input strings from the examples are pushed to the history so that they can be recalled and edited and re-evaluated.


Run the test suite from the symata prompt with Tests(). This runs tests in the directory sjtest. Pkg.test("Symata") runs the same test suite from Julia.

A few examples

Here are some examples of Symata.

symata> ClearAll(fib)
symata> fib(1) := 1
symata> fib(2) := 1
symata> fib(n_) := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
symata> fib(10)
symata> addone(x_) := (a = 1,  x + a)  # compound expression
symata> addone(y)
1 + y
symata> g(x_) := Module([a,b],(a=1,b=3,a+b+x))  # lexically scoped local vars
symata> gt5(x_) := x > 5     # conditions on patterns
symata> g(x_Float:?(gt5)) = 1   # only matches floating point numbers > 5
symata> h(x_^2) := x    # Structural matching
symata> h((a+b)^2)
a + b


Functions that call SymPy work as follows (many more examples are in the test directory). This SymPy call

integrate(exp(-t) * t**(a-1), (t,0,oo), conds='none')

corresponds to this Symata expression

Integrate( Exp(-t)*t^(a-1),[t,0,Infinity], conds => "none")

Pattern matching.

Patterns are used in several places. For example you can make a replacement rule like this

symata> cossinrule = Cos(x_)^2 + Sin(x_)^2 => 1;

symata> Replace( Cos(a+b)^2 + Sin(a+c)^2, cossinrule)
(a+b)^2 + Sin(a+c)^2

symata> Replace( Cos(a+b)^2 + Sin(a+b)^2, cossinrule)

But, in practice, you would use TrigSimp or Simplify.

Functions are really replacement rules. A replacement rule is associated with the symbol f like this

symata> f(x_) := x^2

symata> f(a+b)

When f is encountered as the head of an expression, a list of such rules is tried. The first that succeeds makes the transformation and that round of evaluation is done.

Miscellaneous Tips

To recall previous lines of input, use O, OO, etc. Or use Out(n) for the nth output. Type ? HistoryLength to see how to control saving output.

BigIntInput(True) enables making all input integers arbitrary precision.

You can use Save and Get to write and read Symata code.

Rules and Assignment

You can use the symbols :> for RuleDelayed, => for Rule, ^:= for UpSetDelayed, = for Set, := for SetDelayed, and ^= for UpSet.


"Upvalues" are (partially) implemented:

symata> g(f(x_)) ^= x^2
symata > g(f(z))
 z ^ 2

Results on evaluation and efficiency

Note Some of the times given below are slower with more recent versions of Symata. This is because the pattern matching code has been rewritten to include more features, but has not been optimized. In particular, PatternTest is 5 or 6 times slower because it is no longer "compiled", but is reevaluated every time the pattern is used. It probably won't be compiled again until the pattern matching code is nearly completed.

Note As with everything in Julia, the following are not the times you get the first time you run these commands, as Julia uses JIT compiling.

Here is counting with patterns. The execution time is about the same as Mma 3.

symata> b = Range(10^5);   # [1,2,...,100000]
elapsed time: 0.001218053 seconds (2395840 bytes allocated)

symata> Count(b, 2)     # Count the number of 2's
elapsed time: 0.008307134 seconds (1608 bytes allocated)

symata> Count(b, _Integer)
elapsed time: 0.022361488 seconds (1594520 bytes allocated)

symata> Count(b,_String)
elapsed time: 0.015774562 seconds (1594488 bytes allocated)

symata> Count(b, _:?(EvenQ))
elapsed time: 0.075666716 seconds (3984008 bytes allocated)

symata> Count(b, _:?( :( x -> x > 5 ) ) )    # Use a Julia function as the test
elapsed time: 0.076713741 seconds (4780808 bytes allocated)

symata> countprimes = Count(_:?(PrimeQ))   # Currying, like in Mma 10

symata> countprimes(b)
elapsed time: 0.167145648 seconds (16778920 bytes allocated)

Fixed-point evaluation

Symata does evaluation to a fixed point, always effectively re-evaluating in the current environment.

Here is Symata doing expansion with the native ExpandA. ExpandA is only for demonstration; The much more capable Expand is a frontend to a SymPy function. However the results following the first line below, work as well if you call Expand. We need to quickly evaluate an expression and track whether it needs to be re-evaluated:

symata> m = ExpandA((a+b)^BI(1000));   # expand with BigInt exponent
elapsed time: 0.008785756 seconds

symata> m[2]             # get a single value without re-evaluating
elapsed time: 3.7545e-5 seconds (992 bytes allocated)

symata> a = 1;

symata> m[2]           # slower because we re-evaluate everything
elapsed time: 0.075710831

symata> ClearAll(a)

symata> m[2]     # re-evaluate, it is still relatively slow.
elapsed time: 0.040376351 seconds (3723352 bytes allocated)

symata> m[2]    # no evaluation, expression has been marked as fixed again.
elapsed time: 3.7984e-5 seconds (992 bytes allocated)
tryrule count: downvalue 0, upvalue 0

symata> m[3]   # we can iterate over m without re-evaluating
elapsed time: 8.2968e-5 seconds (1544 bytes allocated)

Quickly generate a large list of numbers and access a value.

symata> a = Range(10^5);
elapsed time: 0.001219758 seconds (2394728 bytes allocated)

symata> a[-1]
elapsed time: 3.5242e-5 seconds (976 bytes allocated)

symata> a[-1] = d
elapsed time: 3.7307e-5 seconds (816 bytes allocated)

symata> Apply(Plus,a)
elapsed time: 0.005774109 seconds
4999950000 + d

Using Symata language features directly from Julia

As an experiment, a few functions can be called directly from Julia

julia> Cos(3*Pi)

julia> ex = Expand( (:x+:y)^3)
x^3 + y^3 + 3x*(y^2) + 3y*(x^2)

julia> Factor(ex)
(x + y)^3

julia> Integrate(:x^2, [:x,0,1])

julia> Integrate(:x^2, :x)

julia> Integrate(Cos(:x^2), :x)