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x drone: MaxiSwift, mission 8 Low altitude profile mission

Jean-Louis NAUDIN edited this page Dec 10, 2013 · 13 revisions

MaxiSwift flying wing piloted with the ArduPlane v2.73-xp1 - Mission 8 Log datas alt text alt text alt text

  • The live recorded flight plan alt text

  • The real flight path recorded during the mission 8 alt text

OSD view and data detail alt text

The MaxiSwift avionic detail alt text

The MaxiSwift flying wing alt text

  • Recorded MSL altitude alt text

  • Recorded Ground Speed alt text

  • Recorded Roll and Pitch angles alt text

  • Recorded Numbers of GPS sats and HDOP alt text

alt text

MaxiSwift PID and parameters alt text alt text alt text alt text

Full PID and parameters file at:

Full firwmare source of Arduplane v2.73-xp1 which has been tested in flight at:

Full firwmare hex code of Arduplane v2.73-xp1 which has been tested in flight at:

Mission #8 Photos album alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text

The VIDEO of the MaxiSwift Mission 8: alt text

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