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Here we provide some more detailed examples showcasing some of the more advanced aspects of using keras-adf. For a simple use case and example of how to get started we recommend to first have a look at our overview section.

Advanced topics addressed in our examples

Initializers, Regularizers, and Constraints

Several ADF layers can handle different Initializers, Regularizers, and Constraints, like their corresponding Keras layers. As an example we consider the Dense layer, but the same concepts hold for the other layers.

Initializers for weights and biases can be passed either by name


>>> from kerasadf.layers import Dense >>> dense = Dense(16, kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", bias_initializer="zero")

or as instances of the Keras Initializer class.


>>> from tensorflow.keras.initializers import Zeros, TruncatedNormal >>> dense = Dense(16, kernel_initializer=TruncatedNormal(0, 0.1), bias_initializer=Zeros())

In the same way Regularizers and Constraints are added to a layer.


>>> from tensorflow.keras.regularizers import L1L2 >>> from tensorflow.keras.constraints import NonNeg >>> dense = Dense(16, kernel_regularizer=L1L2(l1=0.0, l2=0.1), bias_constraint=NonNeg())

(Co-)Variance Computation Modes

There are three (co-)variance computation modes available for ADF layers. All layers within a model must use the same mode to guarantee matching input/output shapes.

The three modes are:

"diag" or "diagonal" mode

This is the default for all layers. Here only variances but no covariances are propagated, i.e. in other words the dimensions of the inputs/activations/outputs are treated as independent/uncorrelated and only the diagonal of the covariance matrix is propagated. This independence is of course usually not really satisfied but in many scenarios a good enough approximation. In this mode the tensors for mean and variance in each layer have the same shape.

"half" or "lowrank" mode

This mode makes use of the symmetric factorization of the covariance matrix. Only one of the factors is propagated through the layers. The full output covariance matrix can be retrieved as the product of this factor with its transpose. Reducing the inner dimension of the matrix factors (which is kept constant throughout layers) allows the propagation of low-rank approximations to the covariance matrix and reduces the computational costs. For a mean tensor with shape (batch_size, num_dims) the corresponding covariance factor tensor must have shape (batch_size, rank, num_dims). In case of image data use (batch_size, rows, columns, channels) for the mean and (batch_size, rank, rows, columns, channels) for the covariance factor.

"full" mode

This propagates the full covariance matrix and is computationally costly, in particular memory consumption can be problematic. Use this only for small layers and models. The covariance matrix requires the squared size of the mean tensor. For a mean tensor with shape (batch_size, num_dims) the corresponding covariance matrix tensor must have shape (batch_size, num_dims, num_dims). In case of image data use (batch_size, rows, columns, channels) for the mean and (batch_size, rows, columns, channels, rows, columns, channels) for the covariance matrix.

As an example we will create Dense layers for all three modes. It works analogously for all other layers.


>>> from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input >>> from kerasadf.layers import Dense

First, we use the "diagonal" mode. Both inputs will need the same shape.


>>> mean_in = Input((16,)) >>> variance_in = Input((16,)) >>> mean_out, variance_out = Dense(8, mode="diag")([mean_in, variance_in]) >>> mean_out.shape TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(8)]) >>> variance_out.shape TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(8)])

Next, we use the "half" mode. Here the second inputs need one additional dimension for the rank of the matrix factorization.


>>> rank = 4 >>> mean_in = Input((16,)) >>> covariance_factor_in = Input((rank, 16,)) >>> mean_out, covariance_factor_out = Dense(8, mode="half")([mean_in, covariance_factor_in]) >>> mean_out.shape TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(8)]) >>> covariance_factor_out.shape TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(4), Dimension(8)])

Note that the rank dimension never changes and is passed on from inputs to outputs. To obtain (the approximation to) the full output covariance matrix we compute the tenor dot product of the factor with itself along the rank dimension.


>>> from tensorflow.keras.backend import batch_dot >>> covariance_out = batch_dot(covariance_factor_out, covariance_factor_out, axes=(1, 1)) >>> covariance_out.shape TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(8), Dimension(8)])

Finally, we use the "full" mode. Here the second input requires the squared size of the first input.


>>> mean_in = Input((16,)) >>> covariance_in = Input((16, 16,)) >>> mean_out, covariance_out = Dense(8, mode="full")([mean_in, covariance_in]) >>> mean_out.shape TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(8)]) >>> covariance_out.shape TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(8), Dimension(8)])