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1558 lines (1355 loc) · 83.8 KB



Setup for the following examples:

DocTestSetup = quote # hide
    using RegressionTables, DataFrames, RDatasets, FixedEffectModels, GLM, MixedModels;
    df = RDatasets.dataset("datasets", "iris");
    df[!,:isSmall] = df[!,:SepalWidth] .< 2.9;
    rr1 = reg(df, @formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth));
    rr2 = reg(df, @formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength + fe(Species)));
    rr3 = reg(df, @formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength * PetalWidth + fe(Species) + fe(isSmall)));
    rr4 = reg(df, @formula(SepalWidth ~ SepalLength + PetalLength + PetalWidth + fe(Species)));
    rr5 = reg(df, @formula(SepalWidth ~ SepalLength + (PetalLength ~ PetalWidth) + fe(Species)));
    rr6 = glm(@formula(isSmall ~ PetalLength + PetalWidth + Species), df, Binomial());
    rr7 = glm(@formula(isSmall ~ SepalLength + PetalLength + PetalWidth), df, Binomial());
    lm1 = lm(@formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth), df);
    lm2 = lm(@formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength + Species), df);
end # hide
using RegressionTables, DataFrames, RDatasets, FixedEffectModels, GLM;
df = dataset("datasets", "iris");
df[!,:isSmall] = df[!,:SepalWidth] .< 2.9;
rr1 = reg(df, @formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth));
rr2 = reg(df, @formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength + fe(Species)));
rr3 = reg(df, @formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength * PetalWidth + fe(Species) + fe(isSmall)));
rr4 = reg(df, @formula(SepalWidth ~ SepalLength + PetalLength + PetalWidth + fe(Species)));
rr5 = reg(df, @formula(SepalWidth ~ SepalLength + (PetalLength ~ PetalWidth) + fe(Species)));
rr6 = glm(@formula(isSmall ~ PetalLength + PetalWidth + Species), df, Binomial());
rr7 = glm(@formula(isSmall ~ SepalLength + PetalLength + PetalWidth), df, Binomial());
lm1 = lm(@formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth), df);
lm2 = lm(@formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength + Species), df);



# output

                                     SepalLength                SepalWidth        isSmall
                           ------------------------------   ------------------   ---------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)        (4)       (5)         (6)
(Intercept)                6.526***                                                 -1.917
                            (0.479)                                                (1.242)
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***    -0.188*   1.048**      -0.773
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)    (0.083)   (0.362)     (0.554)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625   0.626***              -3.782**
                                                  (0.354)    (0.123)               (1.256)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                 0.378***    -0.313
                                                             (0.066)   (0.239)
Species: versicolor                                                              10.441***
Species: virginica                                                               13.230***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
Estimator                       OLS        OLS        OLS        OLS        IV    Binomial
N                               150        150        150        150       150         150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868      0.635     0.080
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598      0.391    -0.535
First-stage F statistic                                                 19.962
Pseudo R2                     0.006      0.811      0.826      0.862     0.072       0.347

Below Statistics

StdError (default)

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; below_statistic = StdError)

# output

                                     SepalLength            SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***      -0.188*
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)      (0.083)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625     0.626***
                                                  (0.354)      (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                   0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
N                               150        150        150          150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868        0.635
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598        0.391

No statistics

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; below_statistic = nothing)

# output

                                     SepalLength            SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***      -0.188*
PetalWidth                                         -0.625     0.626***
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                   0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
N                               150        150        150          150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868        0.635
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598        0.391


regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; below_statistic = TStat)

# output

                                     SepalLength            SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                           (-1.440)    (5.310)    (4.982)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***      -0.188*
                                      (12.073)    (5.615)     (-2.246)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625     0.626***
                                                 (-1.763)      (5.072)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                   0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
N                               150        150        150          150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868        0.635
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598        0.391

ConfInt (Confidence Interval)

Confidence level defaults to the 95th percentile:

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4,lm1,rr7; below_statistic = ConfInt)

# output

                                               SepalLength                         SepalWidth        SepalLength          isSmall    
                           --------------------------------------------------   ----------------   ---------------   ----------------
                                       (1)              (2)               (3)                (4)               (5)                (6)
(Intercept)                       6.526***                                                                6.526***          10.189***
                            (5.580, 7.473)                                                          (5.580, 7.473)    (5.080, 15.298)
SepalWidth                          -0.223         0.432***          0.516***                               -0.223
                           (-0.530, 0.083)   (0.271, 0.593)    (0.311, 0.721)                      (-0.530, 0.083)
PetalLength                                        0.776***          0.723***            -0.188*                             3.580***
                                             (0.649, 0.903)    (0.469, 0.978)   (-0.353, -0.023)                       (2.192, 4.968)
PetalWidth                                                             -0.625           0.626***                             -3.637**
                                                              (-1.325, 0.076)     (0.382, 0.870)                     (-5.847, -1.428)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                                0.066
                                                              (-0.067, 0.199)
SepalLength                                                                             0.378***                            -3.519***
                                                                                  (0.248, 0.507)                     (-4.884, -2.153)
Species Fixed Effects                                   Yes               Yes                Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                                     Yes
Estimator                              OLS              OLS               OLS                OLS               OLS           Binomial
N                                      150              150               150                150               150                150
R2                                   0.014            0.863             0.868              0.635             0.014
Within-R2                                             0.642             0.598              0.391
Pseudo R2                            0.006            0.811             0.826              0.862             0.006              0.297

Set the Confidence Interval level either by setting RegressionTables.default_confint_level or by adjusting the confint_level keyword argument

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; below_statistic = ConfInt, confint_level=0.9, align=:c)

# output

                                               SepalLength                          SepalWidth
                           ---------------------------------------------------   ----------------
                                 (1)               (2)               (3)                (4)
(Intercept)                    6.526***
                            (5.734, 7.319)
SepalWidth                      -0.223          0.432***          0.516***
                           (-0.480, 0.033)   (0.297, 0.567)    (0.345, 0.688)
PetalLength                                     0.776***          0.723***            -0.188*
                                             (0.669, 0.882)    (0.510, 0.937)    (-0.326, -0.049)
PetalWidth                                                         -0.625            0.626***
                                                              (-1.211, -0.038)    (0.421, 0.830)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                            0.066
                                                               (-0.045, 0.177)
SepalLength                                                                          0.378***
                                                                                  (0.269, 0.486)
Species Fixed Effects                              Yes               Yes                Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                                Yes
N                                150               150               150                150
R2                              0.014             0.863             0.868              0.635
Within-R2                                         0.642             0.598              0.391

Below statistics (including confidence intervals) are impacted by standardizing the coefficients:

regtable(lm1,lm2,rr6,rr7; below_statistic = ConfInt, standardize_coef=true)

# output

                                  SepalLength                             isSmall
                      ----------------------------------   ------------------------------------
                                  (1)                (2)                 (3)                (4)
(Intercept)                  7.881***           2.887***              -4.119          21.894***
                       (6.738, 9.024)     (2.261, 3.513)     (-9.350, 1.112)   (10.916, 32.871)
SepalWidth                     -0.118           0.228***
                      (-0.279, 0.044)     (0.143, 0.312)
PetalLength                                     1.654***              -2.934          13.578***
                                          (1.383, 1.924)     (-7.053, 1.185)    (8.313, 18.842)
Species: versicolor                            -0.546***           10.611***
                                        (-0.789, -0.303)     (6.713, 14.509)
Species: virginica                             -0.796***           13.445***
                                        (-1.119, -0.474)     (8.195, 18.696)
PetalWidth                                                          -6.193**           -5.957**
                                                           (-10.225, -2.162)   (-9.576, -2.339)
SepalLength                                                                           -6.260***
                                                                               (-8.690, -3.831)
Estimator                         OLS                OLS            Binomial           Binomial
N                                 150                150                 150                150
R2                              0.014              0.863
Pseudo R2                       0.006              0.811               0.347              0.297

Standard Errors on same line as coefficient

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; stat_below=false)

# output

                                                 SepalLength                           SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------------------------------   ----------------
                                        (1)                (2)                (3)                (4)
(Intercept)                6.526*** (0.479)
SepalWidth                   -0.223 (0.155)   0.432*** (0.081)   0.516*** (0.104)
PetalLength                                   0.776*** (0.064)   0.723*** (0.129)    -0.188* (0.083)
PetalWidth                                                         -0.625 (0.354)   0.626*** (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                            0.066 (0.067)
SepalLength                                                                         0.378*** (0.066)
Species Fixed Effects                                      Yes                Yes                Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                                         Yes
N                                       150                150                150                150
R2                                    0.014              0.863              0.868              0.635
Within-R2                                                0.642              0.598              0.391

Keep, drop and order

See Keep Drop and Order Arguments

Formatting Estimates, Statistics and decimal points

Also see Customization of Defaults

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; estimformat = "%02.5f")

# output

                                        SepalLength               SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------------   ----------
                                  (1)          (2)          (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.52622***
SepalWidth                   -0.22336   0.43222***   0.51611***
                              (0.155)      (0.081)      (0.104)
PetalLength                             0.77563***   0.72335***    -0.18757*
                                           (0.064)      (0.129)      (0.083)
PetalWidth                                             -0.62469   0.62571***
                                                        (0.354)      (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                0.06596
SepalLength                                                       0.37777***
Species Fixed Effects                          Yes          Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                       Yes
N                                 150          150          150          150
R2                              0.014        0.863        0.868        0.635
Within-R2                                    0.642        0.598        0.391
regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; digits = 4)

# output

                                      SepalLength              SepalWidth
                           ---------------------------------   ----------
                                 (1)         (2)         (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.5262***
SepalWidth                   -0.2234   0.4322***   0.5161***
                             (0.155)     (0.081)     (0.104)
PetalLength                            0.7756***   0.7234***     -0.1876*
                                         (0.064)     (0.129)      (0.083)
PetalWidth                                           -0.6247    0.6257***
                                                     (0.354)      (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                              0.0660
SepalLength                                                     0.3778***
Species Fixed Effects                        Yes         Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                    Yes
N                                150         150         150          150
R2                             0.014       0.863       0.868        0.635
Within-R2                                  0.642       0.598        0.391
regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; statisticformat = "%02.5f")

# output

                                      SepalLength              SepalWidth
                           ---------------------------------   ----------
                                 (1)         (2)         (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                 6.526***
SepalWidth                    -0.223    0.432***    0.516***
                           (0.15508)   (0.08139)   (0.10359)
PetalLength                             0.776***    0.723***      -0.188*
                                       (0.06425)   (0.12883)    (0.08349)
PetalWidth                                            -0.625     0.626***
                                                   (0.35439)    (0.12338)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                               0.066
SepalLength                                                      0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                        Yes         Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                    Yes
N                                150         150         150          150
R2                           0.01382     0.86331     0.86824      0.63516
Within-R2                                0.64151     0.59784      0.39114
regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; digits_stats = 4)

# output

                                     SepalLength            SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***      -0.188*
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)      (0.083)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625     0.626***
                                                  (0.354)      (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                   0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
N                               150        150        150          150
R2                           0.0138     0.8633     0.8682       0.6352
Within-R2                               0.6415     0.5978       0.3911

Labeling Coefficients

labels is applied first, transform_labels applies to within each coefficient

regtable(rr1,rr2; labels = Dict(
    "SepalLength" => "My dependent variable: SepalLength",
    "PetalLength" => "Length of Petal",
    "PetalWidth" => "Width of Petal",
    "(Intercept)" => "Const." ,
    "isSmall" => "isSmall Dummies",
    "SpeciesDummy" => "Species Dummies"

# output

                         My dependent variable: SepalLength
                                     (1)                (2)
Const.                          6.526***
SepalWidth                        -0.223           0.432***
                                 (0.155)            (0.081)
Length of Petal                                    0.776***
Species Fixed Effects                                   Yes
N                                    150                150
R2                                 0.014              0.863
Within-R2                                             0.642

Each piece of an interaction term (or categorical term) is labeled based on its components:

regtable(rr3; labels=Dict(
     "SepalWidth" => "Sepal Width",
     "PetalLength" => "Petal Length",
     "PetalWidth" => "Petal Width"
)) # it is not necessary to specify a "PetalLength & PetalWidth" label

# output

Sepal Width                     0.516***
Petal Length                    0.723***
Petal Width                       -0.625
Petal Length & Petal Width         0.066
Species Fixed Effects                Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                Yes
N                                    150
R2                                 0.868
Within-R2                          0.598

transform_labels uses the replace function, so the name does not have to match completely:

regtable(rr1, rr2, rr3; transform_labels = Dict("Width" => " Width", "Length" => " Length"))

# output

                                      Sepal Length
                                  (1)        (2)        (3)
(Intercept)                  6.526***
Sepal Width                    -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                              (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
Petal Length                            0.776***   0.723***
                                         (0.064)    (0.129)
Petal Width                                          -0.625
Petal Length & Petal Width                            0.066
Species Fixed Effects                        Yes        Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                   Yes
N                                 150        150        150
R2                              0.014      0.863      0.868
Within-R2                                  0.642      0.598

Grouping Regressions

Groups are placed above the dependent variable names, allowing you to specify splits or some other group information. Repeated group names are automatically combined.

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr4,rr3; groups = ["grp1", "grp1", "grp2", "grp2"])

# output

                                   grp1                    grp2
                           -------------------   ------------------------
                               SepalLength       SepalWidth   SepalLength
                           -------------------   ----------   -----------
                                (1)        (2)          (3)           (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***                   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)                    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***      -0.188*      0.723***
                                       (0.064)      (0.083)       (0.129)
SepalLength                                        0.378***
PetalWidth                                         0.626***        -0.625
                                                    (0.123)       (0.354)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                            0.066
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes          Yes           Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                                 Yes
N                               150        150          150           150
R2                            0.014      0.863        0.635         0.868
Within-R2                                0.642        0.391         0.598

If the length of groups is one more than the number of regressions, the first element is placed in the column above the coefficient names:

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr4,rr3; groups = ["My Group:", "grp1", "grp1", "grp2", "grp2"])

# output

My Group:                          grp1                    grp2
                           -------------------   ------------------------
                               SepalLength       SepalWidth   SepalLength
                           -------------------   ----------   -----------
                                (1)        (2)          (3)           (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***                   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)                    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***      -0.188*      0.723***
                                       (0.064)      (0.083)       (0.129)
SepalLength                                        0.378***
PetalWidth                                         0.626***        -0.625
                                                    (0.123)       (0.354)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                            0.066
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes          Yes           Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                                 Yes
N                               150        150          150           150
R2                            0.014      0.863        0.635         0.868
Within-R2                                0.642        0.391         0.598

You can also specify groups with integer ranges, just note that column 1 is the column with the coefficient names:

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr4,rr3; groups = ["My Group:", "grp1" => 2:3, "grp2" => 4:5])

# output

My Group:                          grp1                    grp2
                           -------------------   ------------------------
                               SepalLength       SepalWidth   SepalLength
                           -------------------   ----------   -----------
                                (1)        (2)          (3)           (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***                   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)                    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***      -0.188*      0.723***
                                       (0.064)      (0.083)       (0.129)
SepalLength                                        0.378***
PetalWidth                                         0.626***        -0.625
                                                    (0.123)       (0.354)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                            0.066
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes          Yes           Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                                 Yes
N                               150        150          150           150
R2                            0.014      0.863        0.635         0.868
Within-R2                                0.642        0.391         0.598

Multi-Level Groups

Specify multiple group levels by passing a matrix or a vector of vectors:

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr4,rr3; groups = [
     "grp parent" "grp parent" "grp parent" "other group";
     "grp1" "grp1" "grp2" "grp2"

# output

                                      grp parent              other group
                           --------------------------------   -----------
                                   grp1                    grp2
                           -------------------   ------------------------
                               SepalLength       SepalWidth   SepalLength
                           -------------------   ----------   -----------
                                (1)        (2)          (3)           (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***                   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)                    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***      -0.188*      0.723***
                                       (0.064)      (0.083)       (0.129)
SepalLength                                        0.378***
PetalWidth                                         0.626***        -0.625
                                                    (0.123)       (0.354)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                            0.066
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes          Yes           Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                                 Yes
N                               150        150          150           150
R2                            0.014      0.863        0.635         0.868
Within-R2                                0.642        0.391         0.598
regtable(rr1,rr2,rr4,rr3; groups = [
    ["Parent Group:", "grp parent" => 2:4, "other group"],
    ["grp1", "grp1", "grp2", "grp2"]

# output

Parent Group:                           grp parent               other group
                           -----------------------------------   -----------
                                    grp1                      grp2
                           ----------------------   ------------------------
                                 SepalLength        SepalWidth   SepalLength
                           ----------------------   ----------   -----------
                                (1)           (2)          (3)           (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223      0.432***                   0.516***
                            (0.155)       (0.081)                    (0.104)
PetalLength                              0.776***      -0.188*      0.723***
                                          (0.064)      (0.083)       (0.129)
SepalLength                                           0.378***
PetalWidth                                            0.626***        -0.625
                                                       (0.123)       (0.354)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                                               0.066
Species Fixed Effects                         Yes          Yes           Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                                    Yes
N                               150           150          150           150
R2                            0.014         0.863        0.635         0.868
Within-R2                                   0.642        0.391         0.598

Do not print $X block

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr7; print_fe_section = false)

# output

                                     SepalLength             isSmall
                           ------------------------------   ---------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)         (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***                         10.189***
                            (0.479)                           (2.607)
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***    3.580***
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)     (0.708)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625    -3.637**
                                                  (0.354)     (1.127)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                 -3.519***
Estimator                       OLS        OLS        OLS    Binomial
N                               150        150        150         150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598
Pseudo R2                     0.006      0.811      0.826       0.297
regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr7; print_depvar = false)

# output

                                (1)        (2)        (3)         (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***                         10.189***
                            (0.479)                           (2.607)
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***    3.580***
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)     (0.708)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625    -3.637**
                                                  (0.354)     (1.127)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                 -3.519***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
Estimator                       OLS        OLS        OLS    Binomial
N                               150        150        150         150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598
Pseudo R2                     0.006      0.811      0.826       0.297
regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr7; print_estimator_section = false)

# output

                                     SepalLength             isSmall
                           ------------------------------   ---------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)         (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***                         10.189***
                            (0.479)                           (2.607)
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***    3.580***
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)     (0.708)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625    -3.637**
                                                  (0.354)     (1.127)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                 -3.519***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
N                               150        150        150         150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598
Pseudo R2                     0.006      0.811      0.826       0.297
regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr7; number_regressions = false)

# output

                                     SepalLength             isSmall
(Intercept)                6.526***                         10.189***
                            (0.479)                           (2.607)
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***    3.580***
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)     (0.708)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625    -3.637**
                                                  (0.354)     (1.127)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                 -3.519***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
Estimator                       OLS        OLS        OLS    Binomial
N                               150        150        150         150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598
Pseudo R2                     0.006      0.811      0.826       0.297

Re-order Fixed Effects

Similar arguments to Keep Drop and Order Arguments (equivalent to keep before the fe_suffix is applied)

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; fixedeffects = [r"isSmall", "SpeciesDummy"])

# output

                                     SepalLength            SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***      -0.188*
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)      (0.083)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625     0.626***
                                                  (0.354)      (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                   0.378***
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
N                               150        150        150          150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868        0.635
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598        0.391

Change Labels for Regression Statistics

Also see Customization of Defaults

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; regression_statistics=[
     Nobs => "Number of Observations",
     AdjR2 => "Adj. R2"

# output

                                     SepalLength            SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***      -0.188*
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)      (0.083)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625     0.626***
                                                  (0.354)      (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                   0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
Number of Observations          150        150        150          150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868        0.635
Adj. R2                       0.007      0.860      0.861        0.622

All Available Statistics

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr5; regression_statistics = [

# output

                                     SepalLength            SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***      1.048**
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)      (0.362)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                     -0.313
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
Estimator                       OLS        OLS        OLS           IV
N                               150        150        150          150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868        0.080
Pseudo R2                     0.006      0.811      0.826        0.072
Cox-Snell R2                  0.014      0.863      0.868        0.080
Nagelkerke R2                 0.015      0.944      0.950        0.116
Deviance R2                   0.014      0.863      0.868        0.080
Adjusted R2                   0.007      0.860      0.861        0.055
Pseudo Adjusted R2            0.000      0.789      0.782        0.026
Deviance Adjusted R2          0.007      0.860      0.861        0.055
Degrees of Freedom              147        145        141          145
Log Likelihood             -182.996    -34.787    -32.031      -81.497
AIC                         367.992     73.575     72.062      166.995
AICC                        368.019     73.657     72.338      167.076
BIC                         371.002     79.596     84.105      173.016
F                             2.074    129.736     52.402       17.468
F-test p value                0.152      0.000      0.000        0.000
First-stage F statistic                                         19.962
First-stage p value                                              0.000
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598       -0.535

LaTeX Output

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; render = LatexTable())

# output

                                & \multicolumn{3}{c}{SepalLength} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SepalWidth} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-4} \cmidrule(lr){5-5}
                                &      (1) &      (2) &       (3) &                            (4) \\
(Intercept)                     & 6.526*** &          &           &                                \\
                                &  (0.479) &          &           &                                \\
SepalWidth                      &   -0.223 & 0.432*** &  0.516*** &                                \\
                                &  (0.155) &  (0.081) &   (0.104) &                                \\
PetalLength                     &          & 0.776*** &  0.723*** &                        -0.188* \\
                                &          &  (0.064) &   (0.129) &                        (0.083) \\
PetalWidth                      &          &          &    -0.625 &                       0.626*** \\
                                &          &          &   (0.354) &                        (0.123) \\
PetalLength $\times$ PetalWidth &          &          &     0.066 &                                \\
                                &          &          &   (0.067) &                                \\
SepalLength                     &          &          &           &                       0.378*** \\
                                &          &          &           &                        (0.066) \\
Species Fixed Effects           &          &      Yes &       Yes &                            Yes \\
isSmall Fixed Effects           &          &          &       Yes &                                \\
$N$                             &      150 &      150 &       150 &                            150 \\
$R^2$                           &    0.014 &    0.863 &     0.868 &                          0.635 \\
Within-$R^2$                    &          &    0.642 &     0.598 &                          0.391 \\


Extralines are added to the end of a regression table

     extralines=["Specification:", "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4"]

# output

                                     SepalLength            SepalWidth
                           ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***      -0.188*
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)      (0.083)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625     0.626***
                                                  (0.354)      (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                   0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
N                               150        150        150          150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868        0.635
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598        0.391
Specification:             Option 1   Option 2   Option 3     Option 4

You can specify that a single value should fill two columns, note that these will inherit the alignment from their section (so with the default align=:r, the below example would have items below the second and fourth regression):

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; extralines=[
    ["Specification:", "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4"],
    ["Difference in coefficients", 1.503 => 2:3, 3.515 => 4:5]
], align=:c)

# output

                                       SepalLength            SepalWidth
                             ------------------------------   ----------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)         (4)
(Intercept)                  6.526***
SepalWidth                    -0.223    0.432***   0.516***
                              (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                             0.776***   0.723***     -0.188*
                                         (0.064)    (0.129)     (0.083)
PetalWidth                                          -0.625     0.626***
                                                    (0.354)     (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                             0.066
SepalLength                                                    0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                      Yes        Yes         Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                 Yes
N                               150        150        150         150
R2                             0.014      0.863      0.868       0.635
Within-R2                                 0.642      0.598       0.391
Specification:               Option 1   Option 2   Option 3    Option 4
Difference in coefficients          1.503                  3.515

You can use the DataRow function to allow for more control, such as underlines and alignment

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; extralines=[
    DataRow(["Difference in coefficients", 1.5032 => 2:3, 3.5152 => 4:5]; align = "lcc", print_underlines=[false, true, true]),
    ["Specification:", "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4"],

# output

                                       SepalLength            SepalWidth
                             ------------------------------   ----------
                                  (1)        (2)        (3)          (4)
(Intercept)                  6.526***
SepalWidth                     -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                              (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                             0.776***   0.723***      -0.188*
                                         (0.064)    (0.129)      (0.083)
PetalWidth                                           -0.625     0.626***
                                                    (0.354)      (0.123)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                              0.066
SepalLength                                                     0.378***
Species Fixed Effects                        Yes        Yes          Yes
isSmall Fixed Effects                                   Yes
N                                 150        150        150          150
R2                              0.014      0.863      0.868        0.635
Within-R2                                  0.642      0.598        0.391
Difference in coefficients          1.503                  3.515
                             -------------------   ---------------------
Specification:               Option 1   Option 2   Option 3     Option 4

Works similarly with HTML or Latex:

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; render=LatexTable(), extralines=[
    ["Specification:", "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4"],
    DataRow(["Difference in coefficients", 1.503 => 2:3, 3.515 => 4:5]; align = "lcc", print_underlines=[false, true, true])
]) # use DataRow to customize alignment

# output
                                &    \multicolumn{3}{c}{SepalLength}    & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SepalWidth} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-4} \cmidrule(lr){5-5}
                                &         (1) &         (2) &       (3) &                            (4) \\
(Intercept)                     &    6.526*** &             &           &                                \\
                                &     (0.479) &             &           &                                \\
SepalWidth                      &      -0.223 &    0.432*** &  0.516*** &                                \\
                                &     (0.155) &     (0.081) &   (0.104) &                                \\
PetalLength                     &             &    0.776*** &  0.723*** &                        -0.188* \\
                                &             &     (0.064) &   (0.129) &                        (0.083) \\
PetalWidth                      &             &             &    -0.625 &                       0.626*** \\
                                &             &             &   (0.354) &                        (0.123) \\
PetalLength $\times$ PetalWidth &             &             &     0.066 &                                \\
                                &             &             &   (0.067) &                                \\
SepalLength                     &             &             &           &                       0.378*** \\
                                &             &             &           &                        (0.066) \\
Species Fixed Effects           &             &         Yes &       Yes &                            Yes \\
isSmall Fixed Effects           &             &             &       Yes &                                \\
$N$                             &         150 &         150 &       150 &                            150 \\
$R^2$                           &       0.014 &       0.863 &     0.868 &                          0.635 \\
Within-$R^2$                    &             &       0.642 &     0.598 &                          0.391 \\
Specification:                  &    Option 1 &    Option 2 &  Option 3 &                       Option 4 \\
Difference in coefficients      & \multicolumn{2}{c}{1.503} &          \multicolumn{2}{c}{3.515}         \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(lr){4-5}

Do Not Print Fixed Effect Suffix

regtable(rr1, rr2, rr3, rr7; print_fe_suffix=false)

# output

                                     SepalLength             isSmall
                           ------------------------------   ---------
                                (1)        (2)        (3)         (4)
(Intercept)                6.526***                         10.189***
                            (0.479)                           (2.607)
SepalWidth                   -0.223   0.432***   0.516***
                            (0.155)    (0.081)    (0.104)
PetalLength                           0.776***   0.723***    3.580***
                                       (0.064)    (0.129)     (0.708)
PetalWidth                                         -0.625    -3.637**
                                                  (0.354)     (1.127)
PetalLength & PetalWidth                            0.066
SepalLength                                                 -3.519***
Species                                    Yes        Yes
isSmall                                               Yes
Estimator                       OLS        OLS        OLS    Binomial
N                               150        150        150         150
R2                            0.014      0.863      0.868
Within-R2                                0.642      0.598
Pseudo R2                     0.006      0.811      0.826       0.297

Standardize Coefficients

Standardizing coefficients adjusts each coefficient by its standard deviation and the standard deviation of the $Y$ variable, making the coefficients equivalent to a 1 standard deviation in $X$ leads to a (result) standard deviation change in $Y$. This is only possible for regressions that store enough information to calculate these standard deviations, currently GLM.jl and MixedModels.jl. The intercept, lacking a standard deviation, is simply the number of standard deviations of $Y$.

regtable(lm1, lm2, rr6, rr7; standardize_coef=true)

# output

                           SepalLength              isSmall
                      --------------------   ---------------------
                           (1)         (2)         (3)         (4)
(Intercept)           7.881***    2.887***      -4.119   21.894***
                       (0.578)     (0.317)     (2.669)     (5.601)
SepalWidth              -0.118    0.228***
                       (0.082)     (0.043)
PetalLength                       1.654***      -2.934   13.578***
                                   (0.137)     (2.102)     (2.686)
Species: versicolor              -0.546***   10.611***
                                   (0.123)     (1.989)
Species: virginica               -0.796***   13.445***
                                   (0.163)     (2.679)
PetalWidth                                    -6.193**    -5.957**
                                               (2.057)     (1.846)
SepalLength                                              -6.260***
Estimator                  OLS         OLS    Binomial    Binomial
N                          150         150         150         150
R2                       0.014       0.863
Pseudo R2                0.006       0.811       0.347       0.297

It is also possible to standardize some coefficients and not others

lm1 = lm(@formula(SepalLength ~ SepalWidth), df);
regtable(lm1, lm1, rr7, rr7; standardize_coef=[false, true, false, true])

# output

                  SepalLength              isSmall
              -------------------   ---------------------
                   (1)        (2)         (3)         (4)
(Intercept)   6.526***   7.881***   10.189***   21.894***
               (0.479)    (0.578)     (2.607)     (5.601)
SepalWidth      -0.223     -0.118
               (0.155)    (0.082)
SepalLength                         -3.519***   -6.260***
                                      (0.697)     (1.240)
PetalLength                          3.580***   13.578***
                                      (0.708)     (2.686)
PetalWidth                           -3.637**    -5.957**
                                      (1.127)     (1.846)
Estimator          OLS        OLS    Binomial    Binomial
N                  150        150         150         150
R2               0.014      0.014
Pseudo R2        0.006      0.006       0.297       0.297

Show Clustered Standard Errors

Displays whether or not the standard errors are clustered and in what ways.

df_cigar = RDatasets.dataset("plm", "Cigar");

rr_c1 = reg(df_cigar, @formula(Sales ~ NDI + fe(State) + fe(Year)), Vcov.cluster(:State));
rr_c2 = reg(df_cigar, @formula(Sales ~ NDI + Price + fe(State) + fe(Year)), Vcov.cluster(:State, :Year));
rr_c3 = reg(df_cigar, @formula(Sales ~ NDI + Price + fe(State)), Vcov.cluster(:Year));
regtable(rr_c1, rr_c2, rr_c3; print_clusters=true, labels=Dict("Year" => "Sales Year"))

# output

                                (1)        (2)         (3)
NDI                        -0.007**    -0.005*      0.002*
                            (0.003)    (0.003)     (0.001)
Price                                 -0.823**   -0.413***
                                       (0.230)     (0.084)
State Fixed Effects             Yes        Yes         Yes
Sales Year Fixed Effects        Yes        Yes
State Clustering                Yes        Yes
Sales Year Clustering                      Yes         Yes
N                             1,380      1,380       1,380
R2                            0.832      0.846       0.774
Within-R2                     0.154      0.227       0.273

MixedModels Support

This package does support MixedModels.jl, but instead of displaying fixed effects it will display the variation from the random effects.

form1 = @formula(rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr + prec + load +
                          (1 + load | item) +
                          (1 + spkr + prec + load | subj))
contr = Dict(:spkr => EffectsCoding(),
             :prec => EffectsCoding(),
             :load => EffectsCoding(),
             :item => Grouping(),
             :subj => Grouping())
# to make sure the results are always the same, these values help fix the model into one result
fmreθ = [
    0.8648075226444749, 0.43344406279292136, 0.532698219245229,
    0.03139575786126669, 0.269825335511795, 0.5307313041693793,
    0.23438217856147925, 0.0349964462168697, 0.948766814931185,
    0.40866263683286375, 0.6055999220729944, 0.9928229644500718,
kbm1 = updateL!(setθ!(LinearMixedModel(form1, MixedModels.dataset(:kb07); contrasts=contr), fmreθ))
form2 = @formula(rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr + prec + load +
                          (1 + spkr + prec + load | subj))

fmreθ = [
    0.27115451643185495, 0.02114691520013967, 0.8794734878503344,
    0.7343424423913391, 0.6603201740011742, 0.8497808579576883,
    0.6355311618411573, 0.7807843933484198, 0.9669197738773895,
kbm2 = updateL!(setθ!(LinearMixedModel(form2, MixedModels.dataset(:kb07); contrasts=contr), fmreθ))
form3 = @formula(rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr + prec + load +
                          (1 + load | item) +
                          (1 + spkr + prec * load | subj))

fmreθ = [
    0.7221403658923715, 0.3078425012729602, 0.2917886795704724,
    0.5000142926713435, 0.7426865162047754, 0.1731367021580622,
    0.020327890985133656, 0.7595447732279332, 0.48724482279872006,
    0.6205745741154292, 0.3954285463498247, 0.09594315730251379,
    0.13946651488431383, 0.6672989094861689, 0.2341117878022333,
    0.053650218835408436, 0.143772505670828, 0.027822254707002392,
kbm3 = updateL!(setθ!(LinearMixedModel(form3, MixedModels.dataset(:kb07); contrasts=contr), fmreθ))
regtable(kbm1, kbm2, kbm3; labels=Dict(
     "subj" => "Subject",
     "item" => "Item",
     "load: yes" => "Load",
     "prec: maintain" => "Prec",
     "spkr: old" => "Old Speaker"

# output

                                (1)           (2)           (3)
(Intercept)             2181.911***   2182.017***   2180.342***
                          (117.772)      (35.214)      (58.616)
Old Speaker                  68.034        67.884       67.225*
                           (53.386)      (74.384)      (28.793)
Prec                    -333.636***     -333.785*   -334.362***
                           (76.398)     (158.971)      (66.565)
Load                         78.532        78.426        75.764
                          (167.790)     (150.341)      (70.860)
Item | (Intercept)          447.735                      40.270
Item | Load                 735.081                     109.918
Subject | (Intercept)       639.374       220.685       542.038
Subject | Old Speaker       377.476       537.692       265.104
Subject | Prec              556.544     1,180.880       514.950
Subject | Load              783.505     1,115.791       751.626
Subject | Prec & Load                                   855.252
N                             1,789         1,789         1,789
Log Likelihood          -14,685.198   -14,765.033   -14,711.866

Typst Support

Similar to Latex, this package can produce Typst Tables. This requires Typst v0.11.

regtable(rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; render = TypstTable())

# output

  columns: (auto, auto, auto, auto, auto),
  align: (left, right, right, right, right),
  column-gutter: 1fr,
  stroke: none,

  []                              ,    table.cell(colspan: 3, align: center)[SepalLength]  , table.cell(colspan: 1, align: center)[SepalWidth],
  table.hline(start: 1, end: 4, stroke: 0.5pt), table.hline(start: 4, end: 5, stroke: 0.5pt),
  []                              ,             [(1)],             [(2)],             [(3)],                                             [(4)],
  table.hline(stroke: 0.7pt),
  [(Intercept)]                   , [6.526$""^(***)$],                [],                [],                                                [],
  []                              ,         [(0.479)],                [],                [],                                                [],
  [SepalWidth]                    ,          [-0.223], [0.432$""^(***)$], [0.516$""^(***)$],                                                [],
  []                              ,         [(0.155)],         [(0.081)],         [(0.104)],                                                [],
  [PetalLength]                   ,                [], [0.776$""^(***)$], [0.723$""^(***)$],                                  [-0.188$""^(*)$],
  []                              ,                [],         [(0.064)],         [(0.129)],                                         [(0.083)],
  [PetalWidth]                    ,                [],                [],          [-0.625],                                 [0.626$""^(***)$],
  []                              ,                [],                [],         [(0.354)],                                         [(0.123)],
  [PetalLength $times$ PetalWidth],                [],                [],           [0.066],                                                [],
  []                              ,                [],                [],         [(0.067)],                                                [],
  [SepalLength]                   ,                [],                [],                [],                                 [0.378$""^(***)$],
  []                              ,                [],                [],                [],                                         [(0.066)],
  table.hline(stroke: 0.7pt),
  [Species Fixed Effects]         ,                [],             [Yes],             [Yes],                                             [Yes],
  [isSmall Fixed Effects]         ,                [],                [],             [Yes],                                                [],
  table.hline(stroke: 0.7pt),
  [_N_]                           ,             [150],             [150],             [150],                                             [150],
  [_R_$""^2$]                     ,           [0.014],           [0.863],           [0.868],                                           [0.635],
  [Within-_R_$""^2$]              ,                [],           [0.642],           [0.598],                                           [0.391],
regtable(rr1, rr6, rr7; render = TypstTable())

# output

  columns: (auto, auto, auto, auto),
  align: (left, right, right, right),
  column-gutter: 1fr,
  stroke: none,

  []                   , table.cell(colspan: 1, align: center)[SepalLength], table.cell(colspan: 2, align: center)[isSmall],
  table.hline(start: 1, end: 2, stroke: 0.5pt), table.hline(start: 2, end: 4, stroke: 0.5pt),
  []                   ,                                              [(1)],                  [(2)],                  [(3)],
  table.hline(stroke: 0.7pt),
  [(Intercept)]        ,                                  [6.526$""^(***)$],               [-1.917],     [10.189$""^(***)$],
  []                   ,                                          [(0.479)],              [(1.242)],              [(2.607)],
  [SepalWidth]         ,                                           [-0.223],                     [],                     [],
  []                   ,                                          [(0.155)],                     [],                     [],
  [PetalLength]        ,                                                 [],               [-0.773],      [3.580$""^(***)$],
  []                   ,                                                 [],              [(0.554)],              [(0.708)],
  [PetalWidth]         ,                                                 [],      [-3.782$""^(**)$],      [-3.637$""^(**)$],
  []                   ,                                                 [],              [(1.256)],              [(1.127)],
  [Species: versicolor],                                                 [],     [10.441$""^(***)$],                     [],
  []                   ,                                                 [],              [(1.957)],                     [],
  [Species: virginica] ,                                                 [],     [13.230$""^(***)$],                     [],
  []                   ,                                                 [],              [(2.636)],                     [],
  [SepalLength]        ,                                                 [],                     [],     [-3.519$""^(***)$],
  []                   ,                                                 [],                     [],              [(0.697)],
  table.hline(stroke: 0.7pt),
  [Estimator]          ,                                              [OLS],             [Binomial],             [Binomial],
  table.hline(stroke: 0.7pt),
  [_N_]                ,                                              [150],                  [150],                  [150],
  [_R_$""^2$]          ,                                            [0.014],                     [],                     [],
  [Pseudo _R_$""^2$]   ,                                            [0.006],                [0.347],                [0.297],