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Manage zfs snapshot transfer


  • to select snapshots to replicate, provide a regex or similar matching mechanism
  • significant buffering is required for send/recv, as is overlapping send/recv
    • send/recv tends to have zero network utilization initially as it examines disks to determine what whill be sent
    • take advantage of this by ensuring we have N send/recvs running simultaniously when possible
    • start N sends before a recv is possible (ie: when recving a previous incrimental) to ensure we can always utilize the network completely.
  • snapshot cleanup
    • use timeline buckets
    • use avaliable space in destination
    • use known to be transfered
  • avoiding "no longer exists" issues
    • manage deletes from the replication process
  • zfs recv into mounted fs
    • must be supported
    • being able to examine read-only snapshots important feature of backup system (especially when limited local snapshots are maintained)
    • desirable not to automatically mount on destiation to allow zfs allow provided permissions to be sufficient for recv.
      • unclear how recv with mounting disabled interacts with existing mounted filesystems
      • may not allow recving that affects mount points (ie: removes them)
  • consider the case of a filesystem being deleted

zfs snapshot & sync managment tools

  • sanoid
  • zxfer
    • unhappy if snapshots that were transfered to destiation are later deleted on source. requires one delete them on the destination before it will sync.
    • Uses zfs send -i, no use of -I. Commands:
      • send -nPv
      • send -nv
      • receive, receive -F
      • send -nPv -i
      • send -i
      • list -t filesystem,volume -Ho name -s creation
      • list -Hr -o name -s creation -t snapshot
      • list -Hr -o name -S creation -t snapshot
      • list -t filesystem,volume -Hr -o name
    • no bookmark handling at all (only works with snapshots)
  • zrep
    • replication and failover
    • ksh
  • z3
    • send zfs snapshots to s3
  • ZnapZend
  • zfsnap
  • pyznap
  • zrepl
    • language: go
    • snapshotting + replication
    • tls or ssh transport
    • runs as a daemon
    • provides a "status" interface
    • pull or push configurations
    • does not support raw/encrypted sends
    • does not support send resume
    • uses bookmark per filesystem to track lask sync position

Various references related to zfs bookmarks & send

Snapshot Name Styles

  • zfs-auto-snapshot vanilla
    • <prefix>_<label>_YYYY-MM-DD-HHmm
      • <prefix> is typically zfs-auto-snap
      • <label> is typically one of frequent, hourly, daily, monthly, weekly.
  • zfs-auto-snapshot sort-mod
    • <prefix>_YYYY-MM-DD-HHmm_<label>
      • <prefix> is typically znap
      • <label> is typically one of frequent, hourly, daily, monthly, weekly.

Snapshot Policy

  • zfs-auto-snapshot
    • count per category
      • frequent (15m): 4
      • hourly: 24
      • daily: 31
      • weekly: 8
      • monthly: 12
  • Mac Timemachine
    • creation
      • unspecified number/rate of "local" snapshots
      • hourly: 24
      • daily: 31
      • weekly: as many as space permits
    • deletion
      • oldest first
  • snapper
    • time based
      • same "limit per period" that zfs-auto-snapshot & TimeMachine use. Unlike zfs-auto-snapshot, it dynamically decides which grouping a snap belongs to (they aren't explicitly tagged as daily, etc)
    • boot based
    • before/after


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