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Helm Chart for WildFly

A Helm chart for building and deploying a WildFly application on OpenShift.


The build and deploy steps are configured in separate build and deploy values.

The input of the build step is a Git repository that contains the application code and the output is an ImageStreamTag resource that contains the built application image.

The input of the deploy step is an ImageStreamTag resource that contains the built application image and the output is a Deployment and related resources to access the application from inside and outside OpenShift.

To be able to install a Helm release with that chart, you must be able to provide a valid application image.

Compatibility with WildFly S2I images

The 2.x Helm Chart for WildFly relies on the new source-to-image (S2I) from WildFly that is available at It is not compatible with the legacy S2I image at

You can continue to use the 1.x Helm Chart for WildFly with the legacy S2I images by specifying a version when you install with helm. For example, to use the latest 1.x release of the Helm Chart, you can use:

helm install my-legacy-app -f app.yaml wildfly/wildfly --version ^1.x

Build an Application Image from Source

If the application image must be built from source, the minimal configuration is:

  uri: <git repository URL of your application>

If the source repository is private, you must have a source secret created in the same namespace where you are building the application which allows authenticating to the repository. Provide the name of the secret in the build section as follows:

  sourceSecret: <name of secret to login to your Git repository>

The build step will use OpenShift BuildConfig to build an application image from this Git repository.

The application must be a Maven project that is configured to use the org.wildfly.plugins:wildfly-maven-plugin to provision a WildFly server with the deployed application. The application is built during the S2I assembly by running:

mvn -e -Popenshift -DskipTests -Dcom.redhat.xpaas.repo.redhatga -Dfabric8.skip=true --batch-mode -s /tmp/artifacts/configuration/settings.xml -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/artifacts/m2  package

Any additional Maven arguments can be specified by adding the MAVEN_ARGS_APPEND environment variable in the .build.env field:

      value: "-P my-profile"

Pull an existing Application Image

If your application image already exists, you can skip the build step and directly deploy your application image. In that case, the minimal configuration is:

  name: <name of the application image. e.g. "">
  tag: <tag of the application image. e.g. "1.3" (defaults to "latest")>
  enabled: false

Working With Private Image Registries

If you are using private image registries to build, push or pull the application image, you need first to create secrets that will allow the container platform where the Helm Chart is deployed to authenticate against the private image registries.

Pulling the Builder and Runtime Images from a Private Image Registry

This step applies if you build the image on OpenShift and need to pull the builder and runtime base images from an external private image registry.

You must first create a secret that contains the credentials to pull the base image (as explained in the Kubernetes documentation) and reference it from the build.pullSecret field:

  pullSecret: my-pull-secret

Pushing the Application Image to a Private Image Registry

This step applies if you build the image with the Helm chart and want to push it to an external image registry.

You must first create a secret that contains the credentials to push the application image (as explained in the Kubernetes documentation) and reference it from the build.output.pushSecret field. You also need to set the build.output.kind field to DockerImage.

    kind: DockerImage
    pushSecret: my-push-secret

Pulling the Application Image from a Private Registry

If the application image comes from a private registry that requires authentication, you must first create a secret that contains the credentials to pull the application image (as explained in the Kubernetes documentation) and reference it from the deploy.imagePullSecrets field:

  enabled: false
    - name: my-secret-quay-credentials

Application Image

The configuration for the application image that is built and deployed is configured in a image section.

Value Description Default Additional Information Name of the image you want to build and/or deploy Defaults to the Helm release name. The chart will create/reference an ImageStreamTag or a DockerImage based on this value.
image.tag Tag that you want to build/deploy latest -

Building the Application Image

The configuration to build the application image is configured in a build section.

If the application image has been built by another mechanism, you can skip the building part of the Helm Chart by setting the build.enabled field to false.

Value Description Default Additional Information
build.bootableJar.builderImage JDK Builder image for Bootable Jar -
build.contextDir The sub-directory where the application source code exists - -
build.enabled Determines if build-related resources should be created. true Set this to false if you want to deploy a previously built image. Leave this set to true if you want to build and deploy a new image.
build.env Freeform env items - Kubernetes documentation. These environment variables will be used when the application is built. If you need to specify environment variables for the running application, use deploy.env instead.
build.images Freeform images injected in the source during S2I build - OKD API documentation
build.mode Determines whether the application will be built using WildFly S2I images or Bootable Jar s2i Allowed values: s2i or bootable-jar
build.output.kind Determines if the image will be pushed to an ImageStreamTag or a DockerImage ImageStreamTag OKD API documentation
build.output.pushSecret Name of the push secret - The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - Used only if build.output.kind is DockerImage
build.pullSecret Name of the pull secret - The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - OKD API documentation
build.ref Git ref containing the application you want to build main -
build.resources Freeform resources items - Kubernetes documentation
build.s2i Configuration specific to building with WildFly S2I images - -
build.s2i.buildApplicationImage Whether the application image is built. If false the Helm release will only create the builder image (and name it from the Helm release) true -
build.s2i.builderImage WildFly S2I Builder image WildFly S2I documentation
build.s2i.builderKind Determines the type of images for S2I Builder image (DockerImage, ImageStreamTag or ImageStreamImage) the value of build.s2i.kind OKD Documentation
build.s2i.featurePacks Deprecated List of Galleon feature-packs identified by Maven coordinates (<groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>) - The value can be be either a string with a list of comma-separated Maven coordinate or an array where each item is the Maven coordinate of a feature pack - WildFly S2I documentation - since WildFly 23.0.2
build.s2i.galleonDir Deprecated Directory relative to the root directory for the build that contains custom content for Galleon. - WildFly S2I documentation - since WildFly 23.0.2
build.s2i.galleonLayers Deprecated A list of layer names to compose a WildFly server. If specified, build.s2i.featurePacks must also be specified. - The value can be be either a string with a list of comma-separated layers or an array where each item is a layer - WildFly S2I documentation
build.s2i.kind Determines the type of images for S2I Builder and Runtime images (DockerImage, ImageStreamTag or ImageStreamImage) DockerImage OKD Documentation
build.s2i.runtimeImage WildFly S2I Runtime image WildFly S2I documentation
build.s2i.runtimeKind Determines the type of images for S2I Runtime image (DockerImage, ImageStreamTag or ImageStreamImage) the value of build.s2i.kind OKD Documentation
build.sourceSecret Name of the secret containing the credentials to login to Git source repository - The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - OKD documentation
build.triggers.genericSecret Name of the secret containing the WebHookSecretKey for the Generic Webhook - The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - OKD documentation
build.triggers.githubSecret Name of the secret containing the WebHookSecretKey for the GitHub Webhook - The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - OKD documentation
build.uri Git URI that references your git repo <required> Be sure to specify this to build the application.

Provisioning WildFly With S2I.

The recommended way to provision the WildFly server is to use the wildfly-maven-plugin from the application pom.xml.

The build.s2i.featurePacks and build.s2i.galleonLayers fields have been deprecated as they are no longer necessary with this recommendation. For backwards compatibility, the WildFly S2I Builder image still supports these fields to delegate to the provisioning of the server to the wildfly-maven-plugin if it is not configured in the application pom.xml. However if build.s2i.galleonLayers is set, build.s2i.featurePacks must be specified (including WildFly own feature pack, e.g. org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:26.1.1.Final).

Deploying the Application Image

The configuration to deploy the application image is configured in a deploy section.

If the Helm chart is only used to build the application image, you can skip the deploying part of the Helm Chart by setting the build.deploy field to false.

Value Description Default Additional Information
deploy.annotations Map of string annotations that are applied to the deployment and its pod's template - Kubernetes documentation
deploy.enabled Determines if deployment-related resources should be created. true Set this to false if you do not want to deploy an application image built by this chart.
deploy.env Freeform env items - Kubernetes documentation. These environment variables will be used when the application is running. If you need to specify environment variables when the application is built, use build.env instead.
deploy.envFrom Freeform envFrom items - Kubernetes documentation. These environment variables will be used when the application is running. If you need to specify environment variables when the application is built, use build.envFrom instead.
deploy.extraContainers Freeform extra containers items - Kubernetes Documentation
deploy.imagePullSecrets Names of secrets to pull the application image from an private image registry - Kubernetes Documentation
deploy.initContainers Freeform initContainers items - Kubernetes Documentation
deploy.labels Map of string labels that are applied to the deployment and its pod's template - Kubernetes documentation
deploy.livenessProbe Freeform livenessProbe field. HTTP Get on <ip>:admin/health/live Kubernetes documentation
deploy.readinessProbe Freeform readinessProbe field. HTTP Get on <ip>:admin/health/ready Kubernetes documentation
deploy.replicas Number of pod replicas to deploy. 1 Kubernetes Documentation
deploy.resources Freeform resources items - Kubernetes documentation
deploy.route Configuration specific to the creation of a Route resource to expose the application - -
deploy.route.enabled Determines if a Route should be created true Allows clients outside of OpenShift to access your application host is an alias/DNS that points to the service. Optional. If not specified a route name will typically be automatically chosen - OKD Documentation
deploy.route.tls.enabled Determines if the Route should be TLS-encrypted. If deploy.tls.enabled is true, the route will use the secure service to access to the deployment true OKD Documentation
deploy.route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy Determines if insecure traffic should be redirected Redirect Allowed values: Allow, Disable, Redirect
deploy.route.tls.termination Determines the type of TLS termination to use edge Allowed values: edge, reencrypt, passthrough
deploy.startupProbe Freeform startupProbe field. HTTP Get on <ip>:admin/health/live Kubernetes documentation
deploy.tls.enabled Enables the creation of a secure service to access the application. If true, WildFly must be configured to enable HTTPS false
deploy.volumes Freeform volumes items - Kubernetes Documentation
deploy.volumeMounts Freeform volumeMounts items - Kubernetes Documentation