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Using Stored Procedures

This project demonstrates how you can call database stored procedures with parameters and display the results in Jmix UI. It contains two examples: the first uses Spring's JdbcTemplate, the second uses JPA EntityManager.

The project uses the local PostgreSQL database. Adjust connection settings in Main Data Store parameters and execute Recreate action from its context menu to create the database.

Using JdbcTemplate and DTO entity

The following procedures are used in this example:

create or replace function get_cars_with_model_by_year(year_ int)
    returns table(id UUID, vin text, year_ int, model text) language SQL
as $$
    select,, c.year_,
    from CAR c left join MODEL m on c.model_id = where c.year_ = $1

create or replace procedure save_car(car_vin varchar(255), car_year integer) 
language plpgsql
as  $$
    update CAR set YEAR_ = car_year
    where VIN = car_vin;
end  $$                                                      

CarWithModelService is responsible for calling stored procedures using JdbcTemplate and mapping data to and from CarWithModel DTO entity.

CarWithModelListView screen loads data by invoking the service in the loader delegate.

CarWithModelDetailView screen saves data by invoking the service in the DataContext commit delegate.

Using EntityManager

EntityManager can automatically map results of stored procedure invocation to JPA entities.

The following procedure is used in this example:

create or replace function get_cars_by_year(year_ int)
    returns table(id UUID, vin text, year_ int) language SQL
as $$
    select,, c.year_
    from CAR c where c.year_ = $1

CarService calls the stored procedure and maps the result to the Car JPA entity.

CarsByYearListView screen loads data by invoking the service in the loader delegate.