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Urbit Docker

Alpine-based docker image for running urbit (v1.1).

Get Started Fast:
$ docker run -it --rm -P jmnsf/urbit

This command will get you bootstrapped with a brand new — but discardable — comet + ship. After booting you can docker ps to see which ports Landscape is bound to.

Persistent Runs

Tired of mining comets, or brought your own planet/star/galaxy? This part's for you.

Persistent Comets

You can create a new comet in a ship called comet that is persisted across runs just by mounting a volume in your container:

$ docker run -it --rm -P -v urbit:/opt/urbit jmnsf/urbit

While this will get you started, it'll error out on subsequent runs because your comet's created already. Just change the command slightly:

$ docker run -it --rm -P -v urbit:/opt/urbit jmnsf/urbit comet

Persistent Planets

You can run any command from the install guide through this docker image, so you only have to make sure you're mounting your key files in a way that's accessible to the running container, and mounting the urbit state to a volume so it's persisted across runs.

If your key is in the current working dir in a file keyfile, the command would be:

$ docker run -it --rm -P -v urbit:/opt/urbit -v ./keyfile:/etc/urbit/keyfile jmnsf/urbit -w yourplanet -k /etc/urbit/keyfile


Change Ports

You can replace the -P option from the commands above by custom port mappings. To map the internal port 80 to 8080, just do -p 8080:80, for example.

Running King Haskell

The default entrypoint for this image is the C king; just change that through --entrypoint ./urbit-king to run the Haskell king.

Mount to the local Filesystem

Just change the volume urbit into a local path. For example -v `pwd`/urbit:/opt/urbit. Don't do this after running your ship with the default docker volume, as it'll be stateless once again.

Change Ship Name

Only for the Persistent Comets section, just add -c your-ship-name after the image name.