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Jean-Sébastien Gosselin edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 31 revisions

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In Progress Revamp of the interface for searching weather stations in the environmental database.
In Progress WHAT documentation.
In Progress Adding the options to plot on yearly and daily time-scale, in addition to monthly time-scale
In Progress Estimate recharge from the MRC using the water-table fluctuation principle.
FEB 2015 Run a FFT on water-level time series and plot the results.
MAR 2015 Recharge calculation from weather and water-level time series.
JUL 2015 Checking if accessing daily weather data of stations located in the U.S. is possible by connecting to the NOAA database API
Add barometric response function calculation
Add the option to change the hydrograph page size (the option is already present in the code).
Implementation of a tool to automatically fit water-level time series to manual measurement
Implementation of a tool to correct break in the water-level curve due to a change in the level logger depth of installation.
Possibility to add multiple water-level time series on a same graph
Do quality check on weather data input
Add a correction for the overestimation of rainy days in the fill gap procedure of missing daily weather data (see Simolo et al., 2010).
Add a correction for the underestimation of strong precipitation events in the fill gap procedure of missing daily weather data (see Simolo et al., 2010).
For impossible to fill daily weather data (because all neighboring stations are empty), add the option to set precipitation to 0 and to estimate Air temperature with linear interpolation
Add a feature to merge data of weather stations with different name, but located at the same location coordinate (or very close).
Improve statistics computation from weather data time series (see Toews et al., 2007)
Add an option to be able to plot only the weather data, or only the water-level time-series independently from the other.
Done 18/02/2015 Added an option to change the datum of the water level time-series from Ground Surface (mbgs) to See Level (masl). Water Level must still be inported in WHAT in a mbgs however.
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