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An RDF surfaces reasoner.

This is currently a very incomplete README to just have something at least. Some random notes:

  • Program can be run with node bin/tension.js --help to see the available CLI options.
  • Run with info logging (default) to only see the deduced triples, run with debug to see what is going on internally.
  • Probably not completely logically sound. Triples with the same blank node twice or some weird existential/universal combinations will probably trip it up.
  • Also not handling existentials that well yet.
  • Manually tested on some of the surface tests so most haven't been tested yet.
  • Beetle and beetle 6 tests can be solved. Beetle12 potentially as well but would take a long time as it explodes in options.
  • No list support (except for graffiti)
  • Output only through logging currently, no way yet to use this in a bigger project.

How it works

First each surface gets converted into a disjunction of conjunctions. For the graffiti we keep track of how deep that graffiti was, to later determine if this is an existential or universal, and how it relates to other graffiti. Blank nodes with the same name that occur in different scopes will be renamed to prevent issues.

For example:

() log:onNegativeSurface {
    () log:onNegativeSurface {
        :A a :Statement .
        () log:onNegativeSurface {
            :A a :Statement .
        } .
    } .
    () log:onNegativeSurface {
        :test2 :is true .
    } .
} .

Will be converted to ((:A a :Statement) && -(:A a :Statement)) || (:test2 :is true), with - indicating negation, && conjunction, and || disjunction. All these surfaces are then put together into a single conjunction at root level, together with any triples at the root of the document. Internally in the code level 0/1/2 is used to refer to the root clause, disjunction level, and (internal) conjunction level.

The reasoner has three main reasoning "blocks", which each correspond to a set of logical rules that get applied to the known dataset to generate/improve data. These each get executed in a fixed order. One such iteration is called a step. The maximum amount of steps that the reasoner should execute can be set using the CLI. The three blocks are called "simplify", "bind", and "overlap".

By default, the reasoner will keep going until it really can't find anything new. The --answer option can be used to make sure the reasoner stops when it can fulfill the contents of the answer surface.


This step tries to remove clauses or triples to simplify their interpretation.

At conjunction level this is done by trying to find a contradiction with the root triples and other triples in the conjunction. E.g., using A,B,C,... for constants, x,y,z,... for variables, and f,g,h,... for functions (as stand-in for triples), knowing ∀x: f(x) allows us to reduce g(B) || (-f(A) && g(C)) to g(B).

In the same way we look for tautologies at disjunction level, e.g. f(A) || -f(A). Finding one of these allows us to remove the disjunction completely as it won't give us interesting information.

On both levels we also remove duplicates or similar superfluous information. E.g., ∀x: f(x) || f(A) becomes ∀x: f(x).


In this step we generate new clauses by binding universals to specific constants that might lead to better results. How to bind which universal to which variable is determined by trying to match root level triples with triple patterns in any clause. For example, knowing :A a :Statement and ∀x: (?x a :Statement) || (?x a :Person), would result in the new clause (:A a :Statement) || (:A a :Person).

Bind results are cached, so the same binding will not be tried twice. Newly generated triples will first be simplified, after which the reasoner will check if it already knows this information or not, either by having an identical clause, or one that is more specific. Only if this is not the case will the new clause be added to known data. The same applies for the clauses generated in the overlap step below.


In the overlap step the reasoner tries to combine two clauses to generate a new clause. This is done by finding parts of two clauses that contradict each other and replacing them with the rest. E.g, f(A) || f(B) and -f(A) || f(C) will result in f(B) || f(C).

Overlap is also checked by comparing conjunction parts, so f(A) || (f(B) && f(C)) and g(A) || (-f(B) && g(C)) will result in two new clauses: f(A) || (g(A) && f(C)) and g(A) || (f(A) && g(C)).

Overlap can also be done with universals present. ∀x: f(x) || g(x) and -f(A) || g(B) will generate g(A) || g(B).


An RDF surfaces reasoner






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