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File metadata and controls

160 lines (125 loc) · 5.76 KB

Model-View-Adapter (MVA, Mediated MVC, Model-Mediator-View)


Model-View-Adapter is a variation of Traditional MVC and common in Apple OSX Cocoa Framework. In MVA, all communication must flow through Controllers. This is in contrast to direct Model-to-View communication. This approach might appears excessively strict, but has some advantages: the communication network is artificially constrained, making it easier to evaluate and debug.

The orchestration is heavily centralized: the Controller becomes a communication hub, taking signals from either the Model objects (change notifications) or the View (user events) and acting accordingly.


The Model and the View don't have references to each other, they don't exchange data nor interact directly.

This design is an implementation of the Mediator pattern, and for this reason Controllers are generally referred as Adapters or Mediators.

The pattern of communication in MVA can be represented with the following interaction diagram


Which can be described with the following steps

  1. The View receives a User action. It calls an appropriate method on the Controller.
  2. The Controller sets the value on the Model.
  3. The Model notifies its listeners of the change, among which is the Controller itself.
  4. The Controller receives the change in its notify() method, where it updates the Views.
  5. The Views are updated to fit the new Model value

This approach might appears excessively strict, but has some advantages: the communication network is artificially constrained, making it easier to evaluate and debug. The orchestration is heavily centralized: Controller becomes the communication hub, taking signals from either the Model objects (change notifications) or the View (user events) and delivering them to the intended receiver after transformation into an API call. For this reason, the Controller must know the API of all the Views and the Models it interacts with. On the other hand, and in strong contrast to traditional MVC, the View is now completely decoupled from the Model, and is therefore not required to be aware its API. With the Controller in full control on the dialog between the two remaining parties, smart tricks can be performed on the “in transit” data: for example, the Controller could be responsible for formatting, translating or ordering the data from the Model.

Practical Example

Let's examine the code for our standard example. The Model is unchanged: stores rotations per minute information and notifies about changes

class Engine(BaseModel):
   def __init__(self):
       super(Engine, self).__init__()
       self._rpm = 0

   def setRpm(self, rpm):
       if rpm < 0:
           raise ValueError("Invalid rpm value")

       if rpm != self._rpm:
           self._rpm = rpm

   def rpm(self):
       return self._rpm

The two View classes, Dial and Slider, are now unaware of the Model. Instead, they know about the Controller, and accept changes to their content through the setRpmValue() method. A matter of taste can decide the semantic level of this method. Should it talk “domain language” (i.e. Rpm) or not (i.e. the method should just be named setValue). In any case, Views behave differently with respect to the issued value, and we don't want this difference to be handled by the Controller. When the user interacts with the Dial, the Controller changeRpm() method is directly invoked, in this case via the Qt Signal/Slot mechanism

class Dial(QtGui.QDial):
   def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
       super(Dial, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
       self._controller = None

   def setRpmValue(self, rpm_value):

   def setController(self, controller):
       self._controller = controller
       self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"),

For the Slider, the interface is similar, but the internal implementation is slightly different. Again, the setRpmValue allows the Controller to change the View contents. In this case however, a proper transformation of the data is performed to deal with the specifics of the Slider behavior, whose range is from 0 to 10. Similarly, when the User interact with the Slider, the method _valueChanged will be invoked, which in turn will issue a call to the Controller'' changeRpm() method, after transformation of the parameter

class Slider(QtGui.QSlider):
   def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
       super(Slider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
       self._controller = None
       self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"),

   def setRpmValue(self, rpm_value):

   def setController(self, controller):
       self._controller = controller

   def _valueChanged(self, value):
       if self._controller:

The Controller class handles the Model and the two Views accordingly. It registers for notifications on the Model, and it receives notification from the Views on its changeRpm() method, where it modifies the contents of the Model. When the Model communicates a change, it pushes the new value to the Views

class Controller(object):
   def __init__(self):
       self._views = []
       self._model = None

   def setModel(self, model):
       self._model = model

   def addView(self, view):

   def changeRpm(self, rpm):
       if self._model:

   def notify(self):
       for view in self._views: