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672 lines (385 loc) · 14.5 KB


File metadata and controls

672 lines (385 loc) · 14.5 KB


This message composition window API first appeared in Thunderbird 67 (see bug 1503423).

.. rst-class:: api-main-section


.. api-member::
   :name: :permission:`compose`

   Read and modify your email messages as you compose and send them

.. rst-class:: api-main-section


beginNew([messageId], [details])

.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Open a new message compose window. If the provided ComposeDetails object does not provide 'body', 'plainTextBody' or 'isPlainText', the default compose format of the used/default identity is used.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``messageId``]
      :type: (integer)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 84, backported to TB 78.7.0]

      If specified, the message or template to edit as a new message.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``details``]
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeDetails`)

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: :ref:`tabs.Tab`
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 77]

   .. _Promise:

beginReply(messageId, [replyType], [details])

.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Open a new message compose window replying to a given message. If the provided ComposeDetails object does not provide 'body', 'plainTextBody' or 'isPlainText', the default compose format of the used/default identity is used.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``messageId``
      :type: (integer)

      The message to reply to, as retrieved using other APIs.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``replyType``]
      :type: (`string`)

      Supported values:

      .. api-member::
         :name: ``replyToSender``

      .. api-member::
         :name: ``replyToList``

      .. api-member::
         :name: ``replyToAll``

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``details``]
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeDetails`)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 76]

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: :ref:`tabs.Tab`
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 77]

   .. _Promise:

beginForward(messageId, [forwardType], [details])

.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Open a new message compose window forwarding a given message. If the provided ComposeDetails object does not provide 'body', 'plainTextBody' or 'isPlainText', the default compose format of the used/default identity is used.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``messageId``
      :type: (integer)

      The message to forward, as retrieved using other APIs.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``forwardType``]
      :type: (`string`)

      Supported values:

      .. api-member::
         :name: ``forwardInline``

      .. api-member::
         :name: ``forwardAsAttachment``

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``details``]
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeDetails`)

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: :ref:`tabs.Tab`
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 77]

   .. _Promise:


.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 74]

Fetches the current state of a compose window. Currently only a limited amount of information is available, more will be added in later versions.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tabId``
      :type: (integer)

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: :ref:`compose.ComposeDetails`

   .. _Promise:

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`compose`

setComposeDetails(tabId, details)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 74]

Updates the compose window. Specify only fields that you want to change. Currently only the to/cc/bcc/replyTo/followupTo/newsgroups fields and the subject are implemented. It is not possible to change the compose format.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tabId``
      :type: (integer)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``details``
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeDetails`)

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`compose`


.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 78]

Lists all of the attachments of the message being composed in the specified tab.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tabId``
      :type: (integer)

addAttachment(tabId, data)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 78]

Adds an attachment to the message being composed in the specified tab.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tabId``
      :type: (integer)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``data``
      :type: (object)

      .. api-member::
         :name: ``file``
         :type: (`File <>`_)

      .. api-member::
         :name: [``name``]
         :type: (string)

         The name, as displayed to the user, of this attachment. If not specified, the name of the ``file`` object is used.

updateAttachment(tabId, attachmentId, data)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 78]

Renames and/or replaces the contents of an attachment to the message being composed in the specified tab.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tabId``
      :type: (integer)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``attachmentId``
      :type: (integer)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``data``
      :type: (object)

      .. api-member::
         :name: [``file``]
         :type: (`File <>`_)

      .. api-member::
         :name: [``name``]
         :type: (string)

         The name, as displayed to the user, of this attachment. If not specified, the name of the ``file`` object is used.

removeAttachment(tabId, attachmentId)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 78]

Removes an attachment from the message being composed in the specified tab.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tabId``
      :type: (integer)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``attachmentId``
      :type: (integer)

.. rst-class:: api-main-section


onBeforeSend(tab, details)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 74]

Fired when a message is about to be sent from the compose window. This is a user input event handler. For asynchronous listeners some restrictions apply.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters for event listeners

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tab``
      :type: (:ref:`tabs.Tab`)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 74.0b2]

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``details``
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeDetails`)

      The current state of the compose window. This is functionally the same as the :ref:`compose.getComposeDetails` function.

.. api-header::
   :label: Expected return value of event listeners

   .. api-member::
      :type: object

      .. api-member::
         :name: [``cancel``]
         :type: (boolean)

         Cancels the send.

      .. api-member::
         :name: [``details``]
         :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeDetails`)

         Updates the compose window. See the :ref:`compose.setComposeDetails` function for more information.

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`compose`

onAttachmentAdded(tab, attachment)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 78]

Fired when an attachment is added to a message being composed.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters for event listeners

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tab``
      :type: (:ref:`tabs.Tab`)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``attachment``
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeAttachment`)

onAttachmentRemoved(tab, attachmentId)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 78]

Fired when an attachment is removed from a message being composed.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters for event listeners

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tab``
      :type: (:ref:`tabs.Tab`)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``attachmentId``
      :type: (integer)

onIdentityChanged(tab, identityId)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 78.0b2]

Fired when the user changes the identity that will be used to send a message being composed.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters for event listeners

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``tab``
      :type: (:ref:`tabs.Tab`)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``identityId``
      :type: (string)

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`accountsRead`

.. rst-class:: api-main-section



.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 78]

Represents an attachment in a message being composed.

.. api-header::
   :label: object

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``id``
      :type: (integer)

      A unique identifier for this attachment.

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``name``
      :type: (string)

      The name, as displayed to the user, of this attachment. This is usually but not always the filename of the attached file.

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``size``
      :type: (integer)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 83, backported to TB 78.5.0]

      The size in bytes of this attachment.

   - ``getFile()`` Retrieves the contents of the attachment as a DOM ``File`` object.


.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Used by various functions to represent the state of a message being composed. Note that functions using this type may have a partial implementation.

.. api-header::
   :label: object

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``attachments``]
      :type: (array of object)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 82, backported to TB 78.4.0]

      Attachments to add to the message. Only used in the begin* functions.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``bcc``]
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeRecipientList`)

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``body``]
      :type: (string)

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``cc``]
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeRecipientList`)

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``followupTo``]
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeRecipientList`)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 74]

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``identityId``]
      :type: (string)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 76]

      The ID of an identity from the :doc:`accounts` API. The settings from the identity will be used in the composed message. If ``replyTo`` is also specified, the ``replyTo`` property of the identity is overridden. The permission :permission:`accountsRead` is required to include the ``identityId``.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``isPlainText``]
      :type: (boolean)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 75]

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``newsgroups``]
      :type: (string or array of string)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 74]

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``plainTextBody``]
      :type: (string)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 75]

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``replyTo``]
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeRecipientList`)

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``subject``]
      :type: (string)

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``to``]
      :type: (:ref:`compose.ComposeRecipientList`)


.. api-section-annotation-hack::

.. api-header::
   :label: string

   .. container:: api-member-node

      .. container:: api-member-description-only

         A name and email address in the format "Name <>", or just an email address.


.. api-header::
   :label: object

   .. container:: api-member-node

      .. container:: api-member-description-only

         .. api-member::
            :name: ``id``
            :type: (string)

            The ID of a contact or mailing list from the :doc:`contacts` and :doc:`mailingLists` APIs.

         .. api-member::
            :name: ``type``
            :type: (`string`)

            Which sort of object this ID is for.

            Supported values:

            .. api-member::
               :name: ``contact``

            .. api-member::
               :name: ``mailingList``


.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 74]

.. api-header::
   :label: string

   .. container:: api-member-node

      .. container:: api-member-description-only

         A name and email address in the format "Name <>", or just an email address.


.. api-header::
   :label: array of :ref:`compose.ComposeRecipient`