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Corewar - Make Programs Fight for Their Lives

Subject: corewar.en.pdf

For this project we had to develop a virtual machine where programs fight, an assembler that compiles the programs, and some example programs.

I wrote the assembler, the core library and the binary and source file formats specifications with ABNF. I also designed large parts of the project architecture.

We used my custom test framework for the unit tests.





# Compile some programs
assembler/asm champion/bunker.s
assembler/asm champion/eraser.s
# Make the two programs fight in the vm with the ncurses interface
vm/corewar -v champion/bunker.cor champion/eraser.cor

Assembler Example

$ cat test.s
.name "NAME"
.code "CODE"

label: live r1
ld r1, r1, r1
zjmp %:unknown
label: aff %42
assembler/asm test.s

assembler example

VM Example

vm example

Project Structure

What this repository contains:

  • assembler/: Code for the assembler binary
  • champion/: Code for the champion
  • lib/libasm/: Code for the libasm that is used by assembler and vm
  • lib/libft/: Code for the libft
  • Makefile: Makefile that builds the assembler, the champion and the vm (TODO)
  • resources/: Helping resources that were given with the subject
  • vm/: Code for the corewar virtual machine

All the subprojects (assembler, lib(asm|ft), and vm) use the following structure:

  • project/build/: Build directory
  • project/include/: Header files (*.h)
  • project/integration-tests/: High-level "integration" tests that usually are scripts
  • project/lib/: Symlinks or directories that contain libraries the project depends on
  • project/Makefile: The Makefile that will build the project. The following two configurations need to be done:
    • The used library is specified as follows DEPENDENCIES = libasm libft
    • The resulting binary and/or static library is specified as follows NAME = corewar and/or LIBNAME = libvm.a. Also check the documentation in
  • project/src/: Source files (*.c)
  • project/test/: A subproject with the same structure that contains the tests for this project

Comments Format

As much as possible, functions, enums and structs should be commented with the same format as the one the Linux kernel uses.

Commits Message Format

The following convention should be used: A "scope" (in fix(libasm) fix is the type and libasm is the scope) SHOULD always be used.


The following specifications are written in ABNF, see this Wikipedia article for more details.

Assembly Format Specification

LOALPHA = %x61-7A ; a-z
DIGIT   = %x30-39 ; 0-9
LF      = %x0A    ; \n
OCTET   = %x00-FF ; 8 bits of data

HTAB = %x09    ; horizontal tab
SP   = %x20    ; space
WSP  = HTAB/SP ; whitespace

assembly = *empty-directive
           (name-directive *empty-directive comment-directive)
           / (comment-directive *empty-directive name-directive)
           ;; The provided asm binary doesn't support having no instructions.
           ;; We will.
           *(empty-directive / instruction-directive)

name-directive    = *WSP ".name"    *WSP %x22 0*128quoted-char  %x22 *WSP [comment] LF ; '.name[ \t]*"[^"\n]{0,128}"'
comment-directive = *WSP ".comment" *WSP %x22 0*2048quoted-char %x22 *WSP [comment] LF ; '.comment[ \t]*"[^"\n]{0,2048}"'
empty-directive   = *WSP [comment] LF
quoted-char = %x01-09 / %x0B-21 / %x23-FF ; [^\x00\n"]
comment     = ("#" | ";") *(%x01-09 / %x0B-FF) ; (#|;)[^\x00\n]*

instruction-directive = *WSP
                        (label / instruction / (label *WSP instruction))
                        *WSP [comment] LF

instruction = instruction-name *WSP operands

label           = label-text label-delimiter
label-text      = 1* label-char
label-char      = 1* (LOALPHA | DIGIT | "_")
label-delimiter = ":"
label-reference = label-delimiter label-text

instruction-name = "add" / "aff" / "and" / "fork" / "ld" / "ldi" / "lfork"
                   / "live" / "lld" / "lldi" / "or" / "st" / "sti" / "sub"
                   / "xor" / "zjmp"

operands = operand *2(*WSP operand-separator *WSP operand)
operand-separator = ","
operand = operand-register / operand-direct / operand-indirect
operand-register  = <"r" followed by a number between 1 and 16>
operand-direct    = direct-delimiter (direct-value / label-reference)
operand-indirect  = direct-value / label-reference
direct-delimiter  = "%"
direct-value      = decimal-value
decimal-value     = <a 32-bit value in ascii in decimal>

Binary Format Specification

binary = header 0*instruction

header = magic-number program-name 3padding-byte program-size program-comment 3padding-byte

magic-number = %x00ea83f3

program-name = 128program-name-chars %x00
program-name-chars = %x00-09 / %x0B-21 / %x23-FF ; \"[^\"\n]*\"

program-size = <4 OCTET in big endian order>

program-comment = 2048program-comment-chars %x00
program-comment-chars = %x00-09 / %x0B-21 / %x23-FF ; \"[^\"\n]*\"

padding-byte = %x00

instruction = opcode 0*1argument-coding-byte 1*3operand

opcode = %b00000001-%b00010000

argument-coding-byte = 3(register-acb / direct-acb / indirect-acb) %b00
register-acb = %b01
direct-acb   = %b10
indirect-acb = %b11

operand = operand-register / operand-direct / operand-indirect
operand-register = OCTET
operand-direct   = <4 OCTET in big endian order>
operand-indirect = <2 OCTET in big endian order>


DIR = Direct Value IND = Indirect Value REG = Register

Opcode Mnemonic Number of Arguments Argument 1 Types Argument 2 Types Argument 3 Types Has ACB Modifies Carry Direct Value is on X Bytes Number of Cycles
0x01 live 1 DIR No No 4 10
0x02 ld 2 DIR IND REG Yes Yes 4 5
0x03 st 2 REG IND REG Yes No 5
0x04 add 3 REG REG REG Yes Yes 10
0x05 sub 3 REG REG REG Yes Yes 10
0x06 and 3 DIR IND REG DIR IND REG REG Yes Yes 4 6
0x07 or 3 DIR IND REG DIR IND REG REG Yes Yes 4 6
0x08 xor 3 DIR IND REG DIR IND REG REG Yes Yes 4 6
0x09 zjmp 1 DIR No No 2 20
0x0A ldi 3 DIR IND REG DIR REG REG Yes No 2 25
0x0B sti 3 REG DIR IND REG DIR REG Yes No 2 25
0x0C fork 1 DIR No No 2 800
0x0D lld 2 DIR IND REG Yes Yes 4 10
0x0E lldi 3 DIR IND REG DIR REG REG Yes Yes 2 50
0x0F lfork 1 DIR No No 2 1000
0x10 aff 1 REG Yes No 2


IDX_MOD = 512 PC = Program Counter

Except where noted all the addresses are relative to the PC and are modulo IDX_MOD.

  • live: Notifies the VM that the process is alive, and with a direct value (first arg) that the player whose number is the same is alive
  • ld: Load a direct or indirect value (first arg) into a register (second arg). Modifies the carry.
  • st: Store the value of a register (first arg) in memory @ PC + VAL % IDX_MOD where VAL is an indirect or register value (second arg)
  • add: Add a register (first arg) to another (second arg) and store the result in a register (third arg). Modifies the carry.
  • sub: Subtract a register (first arg) from another (second arg) and store the result in a register (third arg). Modifies the carry.
  • and: Do a binary AND between two direct, indirect or register values (first and second arg) and store the result in a register (third arg). Sets the carry to 1 if the result is 0.
  • or: Do a binary OR between two direct, indirect or register values (first and second arg) and store the result in a register (third arg). Modifies the carry
  • xor: Do a binary XOR between two direct, indirect or register values (first and second arg) and store the result in a register (third arg). Modifies the carry.
  • zjmp: If the carry is 1, jump to an address specified as a direct value (first arg)
  • ldi: Load a value from memory @ PC + (VAL1 + VAL2) % IDX_MOD where VAL1 is a direct, indirect or register value (first arg) and VAL2 is a direct or register value (second arg), into a register (third value)
  • sti: Store the value of a register (first arg) in memory @ PC + (VAL1 + VAL2) % IDX_MOD where VAL1 is a direct, indirect or register value (second arg) and VAL2 is a direct or register value (third arg)
  • fork: Create a new child process that will inherit the register values of its parent and whose PC will be PC + VAL % IDX_MOD where VAL is a direct value (first arg)
  • lld: Load a value from memory @ PC + VAL where VAL is a direct or indirect value (first arg), into a register (second arg) without the modulo IDX_MOD restriction. Modifies the carry.
  • lldi: Load a value from memory @ PC + (VAL1 + VAL2) where VAL1 is a direct, indirect or register value (first arg) and VAL2 is a direct or register value (second arg), into a register (third value). Modifies the carry.
  • lfork: Create a new child process that will inherit the register values of its parent and whose PC will be PC + VAL where VAL is a direct value (first arg)
  • aff: Print a register value (first arg) modulo 256 interpreted as an ASCII character on the standard output


                      op  acb arg1         arg2         arg3
live  %42:            01      00 00 00 2a
ld    %42, r1:        02  90  00 00 00 2a  01
st    r1,  r2:        03  50  01           02
add   r1,  r2,  r3:   04  54  01           02           03
sub   r1,  r2,  r3:   05  54  01           02           03
and   %42, %42, r1:   06  a4  00 00 00 2a  00 00 00 2a  01
or    %42, %42, r1:   07  a4  00 00 00 2a  00 00 00 2a  01
xor   %42, %42, r1:   08  a4  00 00 00 2a  00 00 00 2a  01
zjmp  %42:            09      00 2a
ldi   %42, %42, r1:   0a  a4  00 2a        00 2a        01
sti   r1,  %42, %42:  0b  68  01           00 2a        00 2a
fork  %42:            0c      00 2a
lld   %42, r1:        0d  90  00 00 00 2a  01
lldi  %42, %42, r1:   0e  a4  00 2a        00 2a        01
lfork %42:            0f      00 2a
aff   r1:             10  40  01



  • .code and .extend directives aren't supported by the official vm
  • Direct values in hexadecimal aren't supported by the official vm
  • Arithmetic in operands isn't supported by the official vm