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A Jekyll::Generator that brings your action network events, petitions etc into a neat jekyll site.


Add this line to your site's Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-action-network'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jekyll-action-network


In you _config.yml file in the root directory of your jekyll site, add gem "jekyll-action-network" under plugins:

  - jekyll-action-network

then add in the config for importing from Action Network. To get started, all you need is:

    # Add your api key to a .env file
    # And your collections from action network you want to import
      - events
      - petitions

Or, if your API key is called ACTION_NETWORK_API_KEY in the projects environment (including in a .env file):

    - events
    - petitions

Here is the full default configuration:

  # Your API Key
  # Combine all action network actions into one collection. Can be set to 'false' to turn off
    name: actions
  # Which collections should be imported. Can be a list of strings:
  # - petitions
  # - events # etc..
  # or hashes as below:
      # The name in action network
    - name: petitions
      # The collection name in Jekyll
      collection: petitions
      # The layout to use in the _layouts folder
      layout: an-petition 
      # Which field to use as the markup content
      content: description
      # Which feilds to map to the font matter of each page.
      # In the format:
      # action_network: front_matter
        title: title
        description: description
        petition_text: petition_text
        browser_url: browser_url
        featured_image_url: image
        target: target
        "action_network:sponsor": sponsor
    - name: events
      collection: events
      layout: an-event
      content: description
      # Specific to events, checking if you should import all
      # events, as by default action network does not include events in event
      # campaigns.
      include_event_campaigns: true
        title: title
        description: description
        browser_url: browser_url
        featured_image_url: image
        start_date: start_date
        end_date: end_date
        location: location
        "action_network:event_campaign_id": event_campaign_id
        status: status
        visibility: visibility
        capacity: capacity
        "action_network:sponsor": sponsor
    - name: event_campaigns
      collection: event_campaigns
      layout: an-event_campaign
      content: description
        title: title
        description: description
        browser_url: browser_url
        featured_image_url: image
        host_url: host_url
        total_events: total_events
        total_rsvps: total_rsvps
        "action_network:sponsor": sponsor
    - name: advocacy_campaigns
      collection: advocacy_campaigns
      layout: an-advocacy_campaign
      content: description
        title: title
        description: description
        type: categories
        browser_url: browser_url
        featured_image_url: image
        "action_network:sponsor": sponsor
        targets: targets
        total_outreaches: total_outreaches
    - name: forms
      collection: forms
      layout: an-form
      content: description
        title: title
        description: description
        call_to_action: call_to_action
        browser_url: browser_url
        featured_image_url: image
        "action_network:sponsor": sponsor
    - name: campaigns
      collection: campaigns
      layout: an-campaign
      content: description
        title: title
        description: description
        browser_url: browser_url
        featured_image_url: image
        actions: actions
        "action_network:sponsor": sponsor

Templating your collections

To make sure your collections are being created as pages, add these to your config like normal

        output: true

Then, if you are using the default configuration, create template files in the _layouts folder. e.g for events and petitions:

├── _layouts
|  ├── an-event.html
|  ├── an-petitions.html

See the example website in the example folder for this in action.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/jekyll-action-network. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Jekyll::ActionNetwork project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.